September 11

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Pastor Plans 'Burn a Koran Day'—September 11

Anti-Islam Florida church also vehemently anti-gay

(Newser) - A Florida pastor whose Bible is apparently missing the page that explains the Golden Rule has big plans for the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks—his church will play host to "International Burn a Koran Day." The Dove World Outreach Center, which is known for the...

Miami Heat Star Compares Losing Streaks to 9/11

Dwyane Wade backtracks, apologizes

(Newser) - Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat is scrambling to apologize after he said a losing streak by the newly LeBron James-enhanced team would "be like the World Trade is coming down again." The original source no longer includes quite that wording, New York notes, and Fanhouse is blaming...

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law
Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Humanitarian groups can't give 'material support' to terrorists

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today upheld a US law that bars "material support" to foreign terrorist organizations, rejecting a free speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups. The court ruled, 6-3, that the government may prohibit all forms of aid to designated terrorist groups, even training and advice for entirely peaceful...

9/11 Health Victims Will Get More Money

Judge likes new $712M settlement that cuts lawyer fees

(Newser) - The judge overseeing a lawsuit by thousands of ground zero workers exposed to World Trade Center dust has called a proposed new settlement that gives them more money "a very good deal." US District Judge Alvin Hellerstein signed an order giving preliminary approval to the settlement, clearing the...

Right Goes Nuts Over Ground Zero Mosque
 Right Goes Nuts Over 
 Ground Zero Mosque 

Right Goes Nuts Over Ground Zero Mosque

Even though the Imam is a moderate who works with FBI

(Newser) - Remember Tea Party honcho Mark Williams' “ monkey god ” outburst? Well he's not the only right-winger spewing flames over the proposed Muslim community center being built a few blocks from Ground Zero. The imam behind the center says it's designed to “bridge and heal a divide” and says...

9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths
9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths 

9/11 Linked to Male Fetus Deaths

'Communal bereavement' tied to miscarriages

(Newser) - Miscarriages of male fetuses increased significantly in the US after 9/11 likely due to stress, scientists believe. Researchers discovered that 12% more male fetuses were lost in the 20th week of pregnancy than in a "normal" September. Fewer boys were born in all states up to 4 months after...

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers
Snopes Founders: People
Are Suckers

Snopes Founders: People Are Suckers

Please, stop falling for that Nigerian scam

(Newser) - The founders of started out investigating the origins of urban legends like the serial killer with a hook for a hand; 14 years later, their site is a major source of information for people seeking the real story behind political rumors. “When you’re looking at truth...

Judge Nixes $657M Ground Zero Deal, Wants More Talks

Fears sum won't be enough, and lawyers get too much

(Newser) - A federal judge put the kibosh today on New York City’s deal to set aside as much as $657 million for 10,000 workers sickened by toxic debris at the World Trade Center site. Alvin Hellerstein thinks it’s not enough money, would leave out other first responders to...

Ahmadinejad Calls 9/11 Attacks a 'Big Fabrication'

He calls WTC destruction a 'complicated intelligence scenario'

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad maintains the Holocaust is fictional, and he apparently feels the same way about the official version of the 9/11 attacks. "The September 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan," the...

Try 9/11 Mastermind in Washington
 Try 9/11 Mastermind 
 in Washington 

Try 9/11 Mastermind in Washington

Put Khalik Sheik Mohammed on trial in civil court in nation's capital

(Newser) - New York doesn’t want the trial of accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed to take place in lower Manhattan, so bring the proceedings to the nation’s capital, writes Thomas Penfield Jackson. After all, “KSM’s crimes were committed against the entire nation,” so a trial in...

New 9/11 Photos Released
 New 9/11 Photos Released 

New 9/11 Photos Released

Aerial police photos provide dramatic new angles of the destruction

(Newser) - New York police have released thousands of aerial photographs taken on Sept. 11, 2001, providing a dramatic new view of the destruction of the World Trade Center. ABC News obtained the pictures with a Freedom of Information Act request filed last year. So far, the network's posted only 12 online,...

NY Politicians Enraged That Obama Opposes 9/11 Health Bill

$11B, over 30 years, at odds with budget freeze

(Newser) - Funding for a bill that would set aside $11 billion over the next 30 years to address health issues resulting from the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks in New York looks to be a casualty of President Obama’s proposed budget freeze—to the outrage of the state’s congressional...

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened
 Giuliani Forgets 
 When 9/11 Happened 

Giuliani Forgets When 9/11 Happened

'We had no domestic attacks under Bush,' Giuliani says. Except...

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has some advice about terrorism for President Obama: Follow George W. Bush's example, because “we had no domestic attacks under Bush.” Dubbing American's Mayor "Mr. 9/11," Talking Points Memo points out that Sept. 11, 2001 was well into Bush’s tenure. As was shoe...

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan
 CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan 

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan

Afghan bombing spotlights Amman's pivotal counterterrorism role

(Newser) - The death of a Jordanian intelligence operative alongside seven CIA agents in last week's bombing of a CIA facility in Afghanistan offered an unusually visible sign of Jordan's emerging role as a low-profile but crucial US counterterrorism ally. Since 9/11, the Middle Eastern nation's role in the fight against Islamic...

This Isn't '2001 All Over Again'
 This Isn't '2001 All Over Again' 

This Isn't '2001 All Over Again'

Ignore the alarmists and recall how safe the last 8 years have been

(Newser) - No matter how fear-mongers spin it, Friday’s terror attempt on Northwest Flight 253 “was not 2001 all over again,” Walter Shapiro writes. GOP Rep. Pete King and others can wax "apocalyptic" about what “would have been remembered forevermore as the Christmas Day massacre,” but...

Bin Laden Kids Under House Arrest in Tehran

17-year-old daughter has escaped to Saudi embassy

(Newser) - A 17-year-old daughter of Osama bin Laden has escaped from house arrest in Iran and is being assisted by the Saudi embassy there. Statements by a Saudi diplomat and bin Laden’s son, Omar, to Saudi paper Asharq Al-Awsat appear to clear up what has long been a murky situation...

Secret Service Agents Face Firing for Salahi Slip

Two agents on leave, face disciplinary action

(Newser) - The two Secret Service agents who let Michaele and Tareq Salahi crash last week’s state dinner have been placed on administrative leave and may be fired, agency chief Mark Sullivan told Congress today. Testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, the Secret Service director took full responsibility for the...

Wikileaks Publishing 9/11 Text Messages

'You mean everything to me,' reads one

(Newser) - Wikileaks will publish over half a million text pager messages sent on 9/11 over a 24-hour period beginning today. "Please don't leave the building," reads one of the texts . "One of the towers just collapsed! Please, please be careful!" Another remarks on the "unbelievable"...

9/11 Plotters Will Face Death: Holder

New York trial represents proper US tradition, AG says

(Newser) - Confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four co-defendants will face the death penalty, Eric Holder confirmed today, and the AG leapt to defend the decision to try them in a civilian court in New York. They will “answer for their alleged crimes in a courthouse just blocks...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

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