gay marriage

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Arkansas Judge Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

Attorney General Dustin McDaniel backs gay marriage, but will appeal ruling

(Newser) - A judge today struck down Arkansas' ban on same-sex marriage, saying the state has "no rational reason" for preventing gay couples from marrying. Pulaski County Circuit Judge Chris Piazza ruled that the 2004 voter-approved amendment to the state constitution violates the rights of same-sex couples. "This is an...

US' 1st Openly Gay Bishop: I'm Getting a Divorce

Gene Robinson, husband were together for more than 25 years

(Newser) - Gene Robinson became the nation's first openly gay bishop in 2003, formed a civil union with his longtime partner, Mark Andrew, five years later, and eventually married him after New Hampshire legalized gay marriage. Now, he writes today in the Daily Beast , that marriage is ending after the couple'...

Clergy Sue for Right to Perform Gay Weddings

Their argument focuses on religious freedom

(Newser) - North Carolina's gay marriage ban is being challenged—by a group of clergymen. The United Church of Christ, Lutheran, Baptist, and Unitarian Universalist ministers, plus two rabbis, filed a lawsuit yesterday claiming that the ban infringes upon their religious freedom, and that because of the separation of church and...

Cemetery Refuses to Bury Gay Veteran With Wife

Because Idaho state law forbids gay marriage

(Newser) - A Navy veteran in Idaho wants to be interred with her late wife, but a cemetery said no—although it does inter and bury opposite-sex spouses with veterans, Yahoo reports. Madelynn Taylor, 74, asked the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery if their ashes could be placed together, but the cemetery said...

Ohio to Recognize Gay Marriages From Other States

But state's own ban expected to stand

(Newser) - Gay rights advocates are poised to win at least a partial victory in Ohio. A federal judge in Cincinnati says he will issue an order by April 14 that the state must recognize gay marriages performed in other states, reports the AP . But Judge Timothy Black is not expected to...

3 Men Sought in Beating of Lesbian Newlywed in Mich.

Attackers could face hate crime charges

(Newser) - A 28-year-old Michigan woman was among those who married her partner during the one day that gay marriage was legal in the state, and she'd been featured on the news because of it. Then, Monday night, as she got off a bus in Ypsilanti Township and walked through a...

OKCupid Blocks Firefox in Gay Rights Stand

New Mozilla CEO was gay marriage opponent

(Newser) - New Mozilla CEO Brandon Eich's support of California's Proposition 8 against gay marriage has come back to haunt him. Dating site OKCupid is trying to steer Firefox users to other browsers, calling Eich "an opponent of equal rights for gay couples" for donating $1,000 to the...

Britain Has First Gay Weddings
 Britain Has First Gay Weddings 

Britain Has First Gay Weddings

New law takes effect

(Newser) - Gay couples in Britain waited decades for the right to get married. When the opportunity came, it took just a few minutes to make history. Londoners Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway were among the first to tie the knot when Britain's new marriage law came into effect today. The...

Court Halts Gay Marriages in Michigan

Appeals court wants more time to look over the case

(Newser) - A federal appeals court issued an order today preventing more same-sex couples from getting married in Michigan for at least several more days. The 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati said it issued the stay because it needed more time to consider the state's appeal of a...

Michigan Sees First Gay Weddings

Couples get hitched day after judge's ruling

(Newser) - Gay couples in Michigan wasted little time taking advantage of yesterday's court ruling that cleared the way for same-sex marriages in the state. The honors for Michigan's first went to Glenna DeJong, 53, and Marsha Caspar, 52, a Lansing couple who were wed just after 8am by the...

Judge Scraps Michigan's Ban on Gay Marriage

Lesbian partners win right to wed, adopt each others' kids

(Newser) - A big court ruling this afternoon sets up Michigan to become the 18th state to allow gay marriage. A federal court judge struck down the state's 2004 ban on same-sex marriage as unconstitutional, reports the Detroit Free Press . The judge sided with lesbian plaintiffs April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse,...

Judge to Lesbian Couple: No, You Can't Divorce

Judge says Alabama couple can't legally split

(Newser) - A lesbian couple is caught in a weird vortex of differing laws on gay marriage: They want to divorce but can't do so legally. Michelle Richmond and Kirsten Allysse Richmond got married in Iowa in 2012 but later moved to Alabama, which doesn't recognize same-sex marriage. Yesterday, a...

Columnist: Here's How to Avoid Getting Hired by Gays

Just be kind of a jerk at their weddings, David Benkof suggests

(Newser) - In Oregon recently, a business was found to have violated the civil rights of a gay couple by refusing to sell them a wedding cake . And last month, everyone was up in arms over an Arizona bill that would have made such a thing legal in that state. In light...

Kentucky AG Won't Appeal Ruling in Favor of Gay Marriage

So governor will hire outside counsel

(Newser) - An unusual turn of events today on gay marriage in Kentucky: The state's attorney general held an emotional, even tearful news conference in which he announced that he will not appeal a federal judge's ruling that the state must recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere, reports the Louisville Courier-Journal...

Judge Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban in Texas

But it will stay in place while an appeals court considers case

(Newser) - Yet another big win for gay marriage: A federal judge declared Texas' ban unconstitutional today, but left it in place until an appeals court can rule on the case. Judge Orlando Garcia issued the preliminary injunction after two gay couples challenged a state constitutional amendment and a longstanding law. He...

Holder: State AGs Needn't Defend Bans on Gay Marriage

Attorney general: It's up to them to 'make that determination'

(Newser) - As attorney general Eric Holder pushes for marriage equality, he's taking a controversial stance on the duties of his state counterparts: They don't need to defend laws they believe violate key constitutional values, he tells the New York Times . They shouldn't make their decisions based on politics,...

The Courts Have Spoken: Gay Marriage Is a Done Deal

Equality is 18-0 since the DOMA decision, David Cohen and Dahlia Lithwick observe

(Newser) - A federal court struck down Virginia's same-sex marriage ban yesterday, and with that blow, David Cohen and Dahlia Lithwick at Slate are ready to call the fight. "It's Over: Gay Marriage Can't Lose in the Courts," their headline declares. When the Supreme Court overturned the...

Judge Strikes Down Virginia's Gay Marriage Ban

Ban violates 14th Amendment, she rules

(Newser) - America has "arrived upon another moment in history when We the People becomes more inclusive, and our freedom more perfect," said a federal judge yesterday as she struck down Virginia's ban on gay marriage. The judge, who decided the ban violated the 14th Amendment's equal protection...

Cruz Bill Calls Out Feds for 'Forcing Gay Marriage'

He introduces legislation to bolster states' rights

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has introduced legislation in the Senate aimed at stopping the Obama administration "from forcing gay marriage on all 50 states," reports the Washington Post . Cruz and co-sponsor Mike Lee say the White House has gone too far in extending federal benefits to gay couples— like so...

Feds Plan New Protections for Same-Sex Marriages

Holder's Justice Department calls for equality

(Newser) - Thirty-four states don't recognize same-sex marriage—but when it comes to criminal justice, the attorney general is ready to afford all marriages the same protections. "In every courthouse, in every proceeding, and in every place where a member of the Department of Justice stands on behalf of the...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>