gay marriage

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No. 17: Scotland Approves Gay Marriage

First ones are expected to take place in the fall

(Newser) - Scotland's churches want no part of the move, but the Scottish parliament today overwhelmingly approved gay marriage, reports the BBC . Scotland becomes the 17th country to sanction the marriages, with the first ones expected to take place in the fall, notes the Guardian . The Scottish Catholic Church and the...

Tycoon Axes $128M Reward for Marrying Gay Daughter

Chao grudgingly accepts her sexuality

(Newser) - Hong Kong billionaire Cecil Chao has had a sudden change of heart after offering a $128 million reward to any male suitor who could marry his lesbian daughter. The tycoon—who recently doubled his original offer of $64 million —appears to have been moved by an open letter from...

Oklahoma Rep Tries to Ban All Marriage

Mike Turner calls it 'realistic' way to block gay marriage

(Newser) - A Republican lawmaker in Oklahoma has hit upon what he considers a "realistic" way to ban gay marriage in the state while staying on the right side of the US Constitution: Banning all marriage. Rep. Mike Turner has filed a bill that would end state recognition of any marriage...

33 Couples Marry to 'Same Love' and 'Open Your Heart'

Queen Latifah presides over Macklemore & Ryan Lewis anthem

(Newser) - In the Grammys' highly anticipated show-stopper, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis played their marriage-equality anthem "Same Love"—as 33 gay and straight couples married in the audience. Queen Latifah presided over the weddings and Madonna made a surprise visit, singing "Open Your Heart" with backup from a swaying...

Virginia's AG: I Won't Defend Ban on Gay Marriage

Herring says law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - Virginia's brand new attorney general is wasting no time backing away from his controversial predecessor, telling NPR this morning that his office will no longer defend the state's ban on gay marriage. "As attorney general, I cannot and will not defend laws that violate Virginians' rights,"...

Houston&#39;s Gay Mayor Weds
 Houston's Gay Mayor Weds 

Houston's Gay Mayor Weds

Annise Parker marries partner of 23 years

(Newser) - Houston not only has an openly gay mayor . It now has an openly gay married mayor. Annise Parker wed partner Kathy Hubbard yesterday on their 23rd anniversary in Palm Springs, Calif., reports the Houston Chronicle . "This is a very happy day for us," said Parker, whose home state...

Judge Rejects Oklahoma's Ban on Gay Marriage

But no marriages will take place before appeal

(Newser) - Another win for gay marriage, this time in Oklahoma. A federal judge today declared that the state's 10-year-old ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, reports the Tulsa World . But don't expect any rushes to the altar: The judge stayed his ruling pending appeal, and thus no marriages can...

Feds Will Recognize Utah's Gay Marriages

Justice Department takes opposite stance of state as matter goes through courts

(Newser) - Because the status of in-limbo gay couples who got married in Utah wasn't confusing enough: The Justice Department said today that it will recognize their marriages, even though the state won't , reports NBC News . It's no small thing: This means that the more than 1,000 couples...

Utah Delivers Bad News to Gay Couples Who Wed

Those marriages won't be recognized as case goes through appeals process

(Newser) - In the 17 days between the time a federal judge gave the green light to gay marriage in Utah and the Supreme Court put the practice on hold, about 1,300 same-sex couples got hitched. Or did they? The state today announced that it won't recognize the marriages as...

Supreme Court Halts Gay Marriage in Utah

Grants emergency stay while state appeals

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today granted Utah's emergency request to halt gay marriage within its borders while it appeals a lower court ruling that cleared the way for the unions. Per today's ruling, which SCOTUSblog notes was apparently without dissenters, all same-sex marriages are on hold until a federal...

Liz Cheney Exits Senate Race

Citing 'serious health issues' in family

(Newser) - Things might now settle down around the Cheney family dinner table: Liz Cheney is dropping her controversial bid for a Senate seat in Wyoming. Cheney announced today she is dropping out of the race that sparked a very public feud with sister Mary and her wife over gay marriage, Politico...

Utah to Ask Supreme Court to Halt Gay Marriages

But state needs a few more days to get request for emergency stay in order

(Newser) - Utah said today it will ask the Supreme Court to halt gay weddings in the state as it appeals a lower court's ruling that allows them to take place, reports the Guardian . The state's attorney general confirmed that his office will seek an emergency stay from the high...

Duck Dynasty Guy Should Learn From Pope Francis

EJ Dionne argues that religious people should be less convinced they have the answers

(Newser) - Phil Robertson is convinced the word of God justifies his controversial comments about homosexuality. Rev. Frank Schaefer is convinced that performing gay weddings was an expression of Christian love. "If any given religion and its holy writings can be used to support diametrically opposed conclusions about how to live...

Judge: Ohio's Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

While same-sex marriages are allowed to continue in Utah

(Newser) - Ohio's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, a federal judge declared today, though he did so in a very narrow ruling that will not in itself strike down the ban. Judge Timothy Black ordered only that state officials recognize gay marriages when filling out death certificates. But Black's...

Federal Judge Rejects Utah's Ban on Gay Marriage

Calls it unconstitutional, but state can appeal

(Newser) - It's the second victory for gay marriage in as many days: A US judge has struck down Utah's same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional. Today's ruling says Utah's 2004 law violates gay and lesbian couples' rights to equal protection. It's unclear what the immediate effect would...

Students Shut Down School as Gay Vice Principal Fired

Catholic school says he violated contract with same-sex wedding

(Newser) - A Seattle-area Catholic high school canceled classes today, partially because there was snow in the forecast, but also "in light of the difficult day" it had just been through. The difficulty? Hundreds of students staged a rally yesterday at Eastside Catholic High School to protest the termination of vice...

New Mexico's Highest Court: Same-Sex Marriage Legal

8 of 33 counties had already been issuing marriage licenses to gay couples

(Newser) - New Mexico's highest court has legalized same-sex marriage, declaring it is unconstitutional to deny a marriage license to gay and lesbian couples. The state Supreme Court issued its ruling today, putting New Mexico in the club of 16 states and the District of Columbia that allow gay marriage. Eight...

Pastor Defrocked Over Son's Gay Wedding

Church gave Rev. Frank Schaefer an ultimatum, and he refused

(Newser) - The United Methodist Church dropped the hammer today on a Pennsylvania pastor who'd performed his son's same-sex wedding, defrocking him entirely. The church board decided Rev. Frank Schaefer's fate in a meeting that lasted just 15 minutes, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The church had convicted him last...

Australia Strikes Down Gay Marriage, After 5 Days

Top court annuls dozens of marriages

(Newser) - Australia's highest court has struck down the country's first law allowing same-sex marriages less than a week after the first weddings took place. The court sided with the federal government, which argued that Australian Capital Territory's law was invalid and having different marriage laws in different states...

Judge to Baker: You Must Serve Gay Weddings

Colorado cake-maker refused to contribute to same-sex ceremony

(Newser) - A baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony must serve gay couples despite his religious beliefs or face fines, a judge said today. The order from administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer said Masterpiece Cakeshop in suburban Denver discriminated against a couple "because of...

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