gay marriage

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Minneapolis Mayor to Gay Chicagoans: We'll Marry You

Meanwhile, the VA changes tune on benefits, and Texas GOP fights anti-discrimination law

(Newser) - Gay marriage still isn't legal in Illinois, and Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak is making a boldfaced attempt to take advantage of that. Rybak is headed to Chicago today to announce a new ad campaign urging gay Windy City residents to cross the border and get hitched. Rybak will hold...

Texas, Mississippi Won't Honor Troops' Gay Marriage Benefits

Meanwhile, a new same-sex marriage battle brewing in New Mexico

(Newser) - Texas and Mississippi are defying a Defense Department directive (and a Supreme Court ruling ) granting full benefits to troops in same-sex marriages, by denying those benefits to their respective national guards. In a statement yesterday, the commander of Texas' guard said that the federal rule violates Texas' "Family...

2 Steps Forward for Gay Marriage

A judge rules for gay couples in Ohio, and gay inmates can marry in Calif.

(Newser) - A federal judge in Ohio sided with a gay couple yesterday, ordering that David Michener be listed as the surviving spouse on the death certificate of William Herbert Ives—even though Ohio does not recognize gay marriage. The men, who have three children and had been together 18 years, wed...

Ginsburg to Officiate at Gay Wedding

She will become the first Supreme Court justice to do so

(Newser) - Ruth Bader Ginsburg is going to make some history tonight: She will become the first Supreme Court justice to preside over a same-sex wedding. Ginsburg will conduct the ceremony of her friend, Kennedy Center chief Michael Kaiser, and his partner, economist John Roberts, reports AP . (Yes, she's heard the...

Sorry, Sis: Liz Cheney Opposes Gay Marriage

Says she's against it amid Wyoming race

(Newser) - Liz Cheney had to clarify her conservative bona fides today in her campaign for the Senate in Wyoming. The candidate released a statement saying, “I am strongly pro-life and I am not pro-gay marriage,” reports the Daily Caller . That could get a little dicey at family get-togethers given...

IRS Gives Its Blessing to Married Gay Couples

Same-sex spouses get same treatment as hetero couples

(Newser) - It's another milestone for gay marriage, this one involving joint tax returns. The IRS says it will recognize all legally married gay couples, even if they no longer live in states that allow same-sex marriage, reports LGBTQ Nation . They can move wherever they want, and their federal tax status...

Pennsylvania: Gays Barred From Marriage, Just Like Kids

State opposes a county's allowance of same-sex marriages

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania county clerk has been issuing same-sex marriage licenses, saying state laws against the practice are unconstitutional—and now the state capital is fighting back. State attorneys say there's no "value or legitimacy" to the more than 150 licenses issued in Montgomery County since July 24, and...

3 New Mexico Counties Now Have Gay Marriage

Third county ordered to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples today

(Newser) - An Albuquerque judge has ordered the clerk of New Mexico's most populous county, Bernalillo County, to begin issuing marriage licenses for gay and lesbian couples, ruling today that New Mexico's constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The decision came in a case involving a lesbian...

Lily Tomlin May Finally Marry Partner of 42 Years

Might be 'dressed like chickens' if she ties knot with Jane Wagner

(Newser) - The Supreme Court rulings on DOMA and California's Prop 8 may have paved the way to a very happy occasion for Lily Tomlin: a wedding for her and Jane Wagner, her partner of 42 years. "We're thinking maybe we'll get married," Tomlin told E! this...

Gay Couple: Give Us Spousal Privilege in Murder Trial

Geneva Case doesn't want to testify against Bobbie Jo Clary

(Newser) - Geneva Case has been subpoenaed to testify against her partner, Bobbie Jo Clary, in a Kentucky murder trial starting at the end of this month. If Case and Clary were in a heterosexual marriage, Kentucky couldn't force Case to take the stand—but since they are a gay couple...

Memo: Gay Troops to Get 10 Days of Leave to Marry

As part of proposed Pentagon plan to extend benefits to same-sex couples

(Newser) - Now that the Supreme Court has overturned the Defense of Marriage Act , the Pentagon is reviewing a plan that would extend full marriage benefits to same-sex couples by the end of this month, according to a draft memo from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel outlining the proposal obtained yesterday by the...

Raven-Symone Comes Out Via Tweet

Actress applauds her right to gay marriage

(Newser) - Actress and former Cosby star Raven-Symone has made a point to keep her private life private, but the Huffington Post reports that she changed all that yesterday with this tweet : "I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you." A rep explains that she had just...

Minn., RI Ring in Gay Marriage

Dozens tie the knot just after midnight

(Newser) - At midnight, Minnesota and Rhode Island became the 12th and 13th states to legalize gay marriage and there were dozens of couples waiting at Minneapolis City Hall and courthouses across the state, the AP reports. Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak pronounced the first couple married before a cheering crowd of nearly...

Pope Has Changed the Tone—if Not the Teaching

John Corvino: Pope Francis brings 'love' back to 'love the sinner'

(Newser) - Pope Francis once again made headlines this week when he asked, "Who am I to judge a gay person?" That's not because the Roman Catholic Church is changing its official stance on homosexuality, writes philosophy professor John Corvino in the New York Times , but it is changing its...

Oxford Dictionary May Tweak Definition of Marriage

Press says usage 'is shifting'

(Newser) - Conservatives have been warning for years that gay couples were trying to "redefine" marriage—and now they may literally have. The Oxford English Dictionary has announced that it will be reviewing its definition of marriage, which currently refers to "a formal union of a man and a woman,...

GOP Chair: Not Big on That 'Tolerance' Word

Reince Priebus doesn't 'really care for' it

(Newser) - Sure, the Republican Party's self-assessment may have called for more tolerance , but its chairman isn't much interested in the word itself, he says. Asked on the Christian Broadcasting Network whether evangelicals should be concerned about the GOP's direction, Reince Priebus replied, "I don’t know if...

Queen Officially Makes Gay Marriage Legal for Brits

After bill cleared final hurdle in Parliament

(Newser) - Queen Elizabeth II today put her John Hancock on what the Telegraph describes as "one of the most radical pieces of social legislation of her reign": a bill making gay marriage legal throughout England and Wales. The signing was a formality, after the bill cleared its final hurdle in...

Pennsylvania AG Won&#39;t Defend Gay Marriage Ban
Pennsylvania AG Won't Defend Gay Marriage Ban
sources say

Pennsylvania AG Won't Defend Gay Marriage Ban

Sources say Kathleen Kane will make announcement today

(Newser) - Pennsylvania's own attorney general won't defend the state's gay marriage ban, which is being challenged in a federal lawsuit , according to multiple sources, including lawyers involved in the case, who talked to the Philadelphia Daily News and the Washington Post . Kathleen Kane, the state's first Democrat...

ACLU Sues for Gay Marriage in Pennsylvania

Sets sights on Virginia, North Carolina

(Newser) - The ACLU isn't wasting any time in expanding gay marriage following the Supreme Court's big rulings. First up: a lawsuit in Pennsylvania seeking to end the state's ban on same-sex vows, the New York Times reports. The suit has 23 plaintiffs including a truck driver, a stay-at-home-mom,...

Costa Rica May Have Just Legalized Gay Marriage ... Accidentally

Some are interpreting new bill as legalizing same-sex unions

(Newser) - Um ... whoops? Costa Rica's Legislative Assembly passed a bill Monday, and conservative lawmakers didn't realize until Tuesday that the bill could very well have just legalized same-sex civil unions, Tico Times reports, citing La Nación . Seems the lawmakers failed to recognize language that one leftist lawmaker inserted...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>