gay marriage

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As DOMA Dies, Hopes Rise for Gay Divorce

State laws have left many stuck in marriages they can't end

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act has raised hopes for couples trapped in marriages that they cannot end because the state they live in doesn't accept they exist, the New York Times finds. "I didn’t realize this could potentially be...

The States Most Likely to Legalize Gay Marriage Next

Keep your eye on Illinois, New Jersey, and Hawaii

(Newser) - With gay marriage back in California , gay rights activists are now looking ahead to the next battleground states, reports NBC News . So which states can we expect to see take up the fight now? Your best bets, according to advocates: Illinois almost passed legislation this year, and might have a...

Gay Pride Has a Momentous Weekend

First green card issued to gay couple as pride parades held, anthem turns hit

(Newser) - Following last week's Supreme Court decisions , it was a big weekend for gay pride. Two days after the court struck down DOMA, a gay Fort Lauderdale couple was able to get a green card, the Miami Herald reports—making them the first same-sex married couple to do so. Music...

Justice Kennedy to Supporters of Prop 8: Um, No

Justice refuses without comment to halt gay weddings

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy has denied a request from supporters of Proposition 8 to halt gay weddings in California . Kennedy turned away the request today with no additional comment. Same-sex marriage opponents asked him to step in yesterday, a day after the federal appeals court in San Francisco allowed...

Prop. 8 Backers to SCOTUS: Stop Gay Weddings

Says Supreme Court's decision isn't binding for 25 days

(Newser) - As wedding bells are ringing for gay couples in California , the group that brought the state Prop. 8 to begin with has filed an emergency request asking the Supreme Court to stay the unions. It's not terribly likely to happen, reports the LA Times , as one law professor says...

Gay Weddings Resume in California

Prop 8 plaintiffs get the honor first

(Newser) - The first gay weddings in California since the Supreme Court dealt a death blow to Prop 8 are in the books. First up yesterday were two of the plaintiffs in the case, Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, who wed in San Francisco, reports the Chronicle . "It has taken us...

You Must See the New Yorker's DOMA Cover

Bert and Ernie tableau makes headlines

(Newser) - Odds are you have, at some point in your life, made a joke about Bert and Ernie's sexuality. Well, a just-revealed New Yorker cover takes those jokes to the next level, making them downright sweet. Titled "Bert and Ernie's Moment of Joy," the image is intended,...

Rand Paul: Just Kidding About Gay Marriage and Bestiality

Plus: Pat Robertson's take on court ruling

(Newser) - Rand Paul trotted out the old slippery slope argument on Glenn Beck's radio show yesterday, speculating that gay marriage could lead to bestiality. "If we have no laws on this, people take it to one extension further," he said. "Does it have to be humans?" Paul'...

In Battle of &#39;Two Stooges,&#39; Kennedy Beats Scalia
In Battle of 'Two Stooges,' Kennedy Beats Scalia

In Battle of 'Two Stooges,' Kennedy Beats Scalia

Andrew Koppelman: DOMA opinion is mess, but to so is the 'fun' dissent

(Newser) - Antonin Scalia's scathing dissent to Anthony Kennedy's DOMA decision has drawn lots of attention because of lines like the one dismissing it as "legalistic argle-bargle." The thing is, Scalia is correct—Kennedy's opinion is a mess, writes Andrew Koppelman at Salon . But so is Scalia'...

DOMA Killer Edith Windsor Celebrating With ... Dance Party

She will also be grand marshal of NYC's Gay Pride Parade Sunday

(Newser) - It was 83-year-old Edith Windsor's case that ended up killing the Defense of Marriage Act, and Windsor will celebrate Sunday by acting as grand marshal of the Gay Pride Parade in Manhattan. But another special celebration precedes that on Saturday night: a dance party with friends, reports People . The...

Gay Marriage Will Be Law of Land in 5 Years: Advocates

And the issue could well end up back in the Supreme Court

(Newser) - When gay marriage advocates finish celebrating yesterday's Supreme Court rulings , a sobering bit of reality is bound to sink in: The nation now has a confusing patchwork of state and federal laws that often conflict with each other, reports the New York Times . Consider a gay couple that marries...

After Rulings, Gay Marriage Access to Double

Within a year, it's available to 59M more people: Nate Silver

(Newser) - Nate Silver is illuminating the Supreme Court's gay marriage rulings with his usual statistical wizardry. Some 59 million Americans who lacked access to legal gay marriage last August will have it by the time this August comes around. Early last year, just 35 million Americans lived in regions where...

California AG Wants Gay Marriages to Resume Now

But appeals court might wait 25 days

(Newser) - So when will wedding bells resume tolling in California for gay couples? It typically takes 25 days for a Supreme Court ruling to take effect, explains the San Jose Mercury News . That would take us to July 21, but state attorney general Kamala Harris said today that it's not...

DOMA Dumped, Kristen Bell Proposes to Babydaddy

And Melissa Etheridge is getting married again

(Newser) - With DOMA overturned and gay marriage legal in California , all those celebrities who said they weren't tying the knot until gay couples could do the same have had their bluff called. So far, at least one such couple appears to be moving forward with a wedding: Following the Supreme...

Gay Marriage Fight Isn&#39;t Over
 Gay Marriage Fight Isn't Over 

Gay Marriage Fight Isn't Over

Pundits applaud decision, point out its limitations

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's gay marriage rulings have pretty much everyone talking and typing. Many liberals are overjoyed, but others urge caution, while conservatives look for silver linings. Here's what people are saying:
  • "This may be remembered as the day when the nation stopped regarding gay people as

Huckabee on DOMA Case: &#39;Jesus Wept&#39;
Huckabee on DOMA Case: 'Jesus Wept'

Huckabee on DOMA Case: 'Jesus Wept'

And other reactions from the right to today's Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - Liberals who were just yesterday decrying the Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act decision are today singing from the rafters over the defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act . Conservatives, meanwhile, are wailing and gnashing their teeth—and here's some of the most notable and/or over-the-top examples:
  • Mike Huckabee,

Hear Obama Congratulate Prop 8 Plaintiffs

His call comes during MSNBC interview

(Newser) - The four plaintiffs in the Prop 8 case got a call of congratulations from President Obama this morning, and the rest of us got to listen in because it happened on live TV. One of the couples in the case, Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, were being interviewed on MSNBC...

Prop 8 Is Dead: Gay Marriage Legal in California (but Not Nationwide)

Supreme Court avoids sweeping decision on pivotal case

(Newser) - After issuing a sweeping decision on the Defense of Marriage Act , the court effectively punted on its other major same-sex marriage case on the validity of Proposition 8. In another 5-4 decision, the court said that the defenders of Prop 8 didn't have the standing to step in and...

High Court Strikes Down DOMA
 High Court Strikes Down DOMA 

High Court Strikes Down DOMA

Broad ruling declares marriage benefits a matter of equal protection

(Newser) - The Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act today, in a broad ruling arguing that it violates the Constitution's equal protection clause. The decision was 5-4, with Anthony Kennedy joining the court's more liberal justices (Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan), and...

History Cometh: Supreme Court to Rule on Gay Marriage

A primer in advance of today's decisions

(Newser) - It's a day for the history books: Two landmark Supreme Court rulings on gay marriage are coming today, something we know with certainty because it's the last day of the term. The justices will convene at 10am ET and issue their rulings shortly thereafter, reports the New York ...

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