gay marriage

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Lesbian Couple Marries— 50 Feet From Westboro

Couple holds ceremony across the street from church

(Newser) - First Aaron Jackson painted his house, across the street from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, in rainbow colors and called it "Equality House." Then, in case that hadn't irked the WBC enough, he and his Planting Peace nonprofit invited a lesbian couple to have a wedding...

GOP Senator No. 3 Endorses Gay Marriage

But Lisa Murkowski says religious freedom must 'remain inviolate'

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski today became the third Republican senator to endorse gay marriage, following the lead of Rob Portman and Mark Kirk . In a statement on her website , the Alaska senator recalls nominating a military family as "Angels in Adoption" for opening their doors to four siblings in need of...

Gay Couple: Bakery Wouldn't Make Us Wedding Cake

They file discrimination claim in Colorado

(Newser) - Do you have a right to not bake a cake for someone? Or the right to not be discriminated against by cake bakers? That's the issue at hand in a Colorado discrimination claim. David Mullins and Charlie Craig went into Masterpiece Cakeshop hoping to get a wedding cake to...

Chicago's Pride Parade Looks to Boot Politicians

Campaigners angered by failure to pass same-sex marriage bill

(Newser) - Campaigners enraged by Illinois lawmakers' failure to make the state the 13th to legalize gay marriage want the politicians banned from this year's Pride Parade in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reports. A same-sex marriage bill passed the state Senate in February, but the House's spring session adjourned without...

100 Arrested at Gay Marriage Protest in France

150K march in Paris

(Newser) - Gay marriage has been legal in France for a week now, but at least 150,000 Parisians are still pretty pissed about the new law, taking to the streets today in protest. Several hundred of the protesters clashed with police, throwing bottles and refusing to leave after the demonstration had...

Judge: Lesbian Couple Can't Live Together

'Morality clause' forces them apart

(Newser) - A lesbian couple in Texas is claiming discrimination after a judge told the pair they legally could not live together. Carolyn Compton and Page Price have been sharing a household with Compton's two daughters, ages 10 and 13. But the judge said Price would have to move out, because...

Notre Dame Suicide: Anti-Gay Marriage 'Sacrifice'?

Venner also slammed African immigration; death hailed as 'political act'

(Newser) - The suicide of a far-right writer/activist at Paris' Notre Dame yesterday is being hailed as a "political act" by other far-right leaders. Dominique Venner, who shot himself in front of an estimated 1,500 people inside the vaunted cathedral, had posted a final essay on his website decrying both...

Church Offers Free Chick-fil-A for Straight Couples

$25 gift card for a 'biblical marriage'

(Newser) - A church in Dayton, Ohio gave out free $25 Chik-fil-A gift cards to straight married couples attending its "Day to Honor Biblical Marriage" event. An ad for the event was picked up by Reddit and, as these things do, spread quickly around the Internet, reports the Huffington Post . Despite...

No. 14: Gay Marriage Now Legal in France

It joins 13 other countries in allowing same-sex weddings

(Newser) - French President Francois Hollande fulfilled a major campaign promise today by signing into law a measure legalizing gay marriage, reports Reuters . The first same-sex weddings can be held in 10 days, notes the BBC . Opponents in the heavily Catholic country aren't done protesting the move, however, and plan another...

No. 12: Gay Marriage Legal in Minnesota

Gov. Dayton signs law day after it cleared the state Senate

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill today that legalizes gay marriage, making the state the 12th to do so. Cheering spectators filled the south lawn of the state Capitol for the outdoor ceremony, with rainbow and American flags fluttering in a sweltering breeze. Dayton's signature came one day...

Minnesota Senate Approves Gay Marriage

Governor may sign into law as soon as tomorrow

(Newser) - The Minnesota state Senate has voted to legalize gay marriage, putting the state on the brink of becoming the 12th to allow same-sex couples to marry. Today's vote sends the bill to Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton, who has promised to sign it and could do so tomorrow. The state...

Delaware Will Be 11th State to Allow Gay Marriage

Senate sends measure to governor, who promises to sign

(Newser) - Delaware will become the 11th state to allow same-sex marriages. A divided state Senate gave final legislative approval today to a bill authorizing same-sex marriage after hearing about three hours of debate. The vote sends the bill to Democratic Gov. Jack Markell, who has promised to sign it. The bill...

Illinois GOP Chair Exits After Backing Gay Marriage

Pat Brady opposed party platform

(Newser) - The head of the Illinois Republican Party is stepping down after publicly backing gay marriage in January. Pat Brady's support for a measure currently under state consideration ran counter to the party's platform; he said his stance was personal and not made in his capacity as party chief,...

Rhode Island Bishop: Don't Even Attend Gay Weddings

Thomas Tobin isn't taking Rhode Island's new law well

(Newser) - Providence bishop Thomas Tobin caused a bit of a stir yesterday with a post on the diocese's website responding to Rhode Island's new marriage equality law . Tobin wrote that Catholics should "examine their consciences very carefully before deciding whether or not to endorse same-sex relationships or attend...

No. 10: Gay Marriage Is Law in Rhode Island

Governor Chafee signs bill in Providence

(Newser) - August 1 will be a busy day for county clerks around Rhode Island. That's the day the first gay marriages will be allowed, thanks to the bill signed into law today by Gov. Lincoln Chafee, reports the Providence Journal . Couples previously joined in civil unions can upgrade to the...

Rhode Island Senate Clears Path to Gay Marriage

Same-sex weddings likely to be legal there by August

(Newser) - By this summer, it should be legal for gay people to get married anywhere in New England. Rhode Island's senate today passed a bill to legalize same-sex marriage by a vote of 26-12, making it all but certain that the state will become the sixth and final New England...

France OKs Gay Marriage
 France OKs Gay Marriage 

France OKs Gay Marriage

Opponents expected to mount legal challenge, protests

(Newser) - A week after New Zealand musically ushered in gay marriage, France has become planet Earth's 14th nation to legalize same-sex unions. The measure passed today, 331-225, in the National Assembly following weeks of massive and crippling protests against it, reports the BBC , and President Francois Hollande is set to...

Nevada Senator Comes Out During Gay Marriage Vote

State senate votes 12-9 in favor of repealing ban

(Newser) - A big step forward for gay marriage in Nevada last night—and a dramatic one at that. No, the state Senate didn't bust out into joyful song after the 12-9 vote in favor of repealing the state's ban on same-sex marriage (that reaction belongs to New Zealand's...

NZ Parliament Busts Out in Song on Gay Marriage

Lawmakers, observers join in after vote to legalize

(Newser) - An unusual thing happened today in the New Zealand parliament after lawmakers legalized gay marriage : Pretty much everybody started singing, lawmakers and observers alike. Slate has the video and identifies the tune as "Pokarekare Ana," a Maori love song. Gawker , meanwhile, loves this clip of MP Maurice Williamson...

New Zealand the 13th Country to OK Gay Marriage

Parliament passes bill 77-44

(Newser) - New Zealand today became the first country in the Asia-Pacific region to legalize gay marriage, the AP reports. Globally, it is the thirteenth country to do so. Lawmakers in Parliament voted 77 to 44 in favor of the bill, and hundreds of onlookers immediately started singing a New Zealand anthem...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>