gay marriage

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Real Marriage Equality Means Legalizing Polygamy
Real Marriage Equality
Means Legalizing Polygamy

Real Marriage Equality Means Legalizing Polygamy

Jillian Keenan argues that polygamist marriage isn't such a bad idea

(Newser) - The right-wing has been saying for years that gay marriage is a slippery slope—what's next, legalized polygamy? "We can only hope," writes Jillian Keenan at Slate . "No. I am not kidding." She argues that polygamy gets a bad rap in this country because of...

Support Up for Gay Marriage, Down for Abortion

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan addresses the abortion issue

(Newser) - Support for gay marriage is up, but the same isn't true for abortion, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll . The survey of 1,000 people found 53% in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry, up two points since December (it notes the rise is...

France One Step Closer to Gay Marriage

Measure poised to be law by summer

(Newser) - Gay marriage could be legal in France as soon as this summer. France's Senate has passed a bill to allow same-sex marriage as well as adoptions by gay couples, the AP reports. The country has faced widespread protest against gay marriage, already allowed in several other European countries. Today'...

Uruguay Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Becomes just third country in Americas to do so, after Canada and Argentina

(Newser) - Uruguay yesterday became the third country in the Americas, after Canada and Argentina, to legalize gay marriage, passing with the backing of 71 out of 92 lawmakers present, reports the AP . The new law changes marriage contracts for all, straight and gay, to gender-neutral language, referring to "contracting parties"...

Hopkins Doc Ditches Grad Speech in Gay Marriage Storm

Bestiality comparison enraged students

(Newser) - Neurosurgeon and rising conservative star Ben Carson is following through with his offer to step down as commencement speaker at Johns Hopkins medical school, where he works. Students launched a petition after Carson's comments regarding gay marriage, bestiality, and pedophilia. "Given all the national media surrounding my statements...

2 More Red-State Democrats 'Evolve' on Gay Marriage

But don't expect many more flips, says Nate Silver

(Newser) - Add two more senators to the list of gay-marriage "evolvers" —North Dakota's Heidi Heitkamp and Indiana's Joe Donnelly said today that they support same-sex marriage, reports the Huffington Post . Both are Democrats from conservative states and both are safe from re-election campaigns until 2018. "The...

No. 51: Florida Sen. Nelson Backs Gay Marriage

Democrat's reversal means a majority in Senate now supports it

(Newser) - It's not a huge surprise , but Florida Democrat Bill Nelson has reversed position to declare his support for gay marriage, reports the Tampa Bay Times . "If we are endowed by our Creator with rights, then why shouldn't those be attainable by gays and lesbians?" he wrote in...

Jeremy Irons: Gay Marriage Could Lead to Legal Incest

Why couldn't a father then marry a son, he wonders

(Newser) - Jeremy Irons has some interesting ideas about gay marriage. If it's legalized, then "could a father not marry his son?" the Academy Award-winning actor asked in a Huffington Post interview. Sure, incest would presumably still be illegal, but in Irons' view, "it's not incest between men....

Another GOP Senator Endorses Gay Marriage

Mark Kirk becomes second to do so

(Newser) - Mark Kirk just became the second Republican senator to come out in support of gay marriage, BuzzFeed reports. "Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this earth is limited," he wrote on his website today. "Life comes down to who you love...

Ariz. Rep: My Son Is Gay, But I Oppose Gay Marriage

Meanwhile, Bob Casey comes out in favor

(Newser) - Matt Salmon is no Rob Portman. The Arizona congressman made some waves this weekend, when he told AZ Family that he doesn't support "the gay marriage," even though his son is openly gay. "I’m just not there as far as believing in my heart that...

Cardinal Dolan: Church Needs Better Gay Outreach

Defense of marriage shouldn't be 'reduced to attack on gay people'

(Newser) - As Pope Francis celebrated his first Easter today, Cardinal Timothy Dolan was singing his praises on ABC's This Week, calling the new pope "a real shot in the arm for us as Catholics"—and calling for a more inclusive approach toward gay Catholics. "The first thing...

Conservative Star Apologizes for Remarks on Gay Marriage

Ben Carson made reference to bestiality

(Newser) - Dr. Ben Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon fast becoming a favorite in conservative political circles, and with that higher profile comes extra scrutiny. Exhibit A: Carson yesterday offered to bow out as commencement speaker in May at Johns Hopkins after a brouhaha erupted over his comments on gay marriage. While...

Judge Won't Grant 'Pregnant Man' a Divorce

Because Thomas Beatie technically may have been a woman when married

(Newser) - Welcome to the world's most confusing divorce case. A judge in Arizona today declined to grant a divorce to Thomas Beatie, who attained minor celebrity status as the " pregnant man" a few years back and gave birth to three children. Beatie, who was born a woman but identifies...

Chick-fil-A Owner Treats Gay Marriage Rally to Meal

California franchisee wanted to show his tolerance

(Newser) - A group of California gay marriage supporters got a pleasant surprise on Monday, in the form of free meal tickets from a fast food chain many had probably regarded as the enemy. Local Chick-fil-A franchise owner Corey Braun says he handed out the coupons to promote a message of tolerance....

Rush Limbaugh on Gay Marriage: 'We Lost’

Host says conservatives let liberals redefine word 'marriage'

(Newser) - Add Rush Limbaugh to the growing list of conservatives who think gay marriage will eventually win the day in America, reports the Washington Post . "I don't care what the Supreme Court does. This is now inevitable," he said yesterday on his radio show, and he asserted that...

2nd GOP Senator Might Embrace Gay Marriage

Lisa Murkowski says her views 'evolving'

(Newser) - Plenty of Senate Democrats have announced their support of gay marriage in recent weeks, but so far only Rob Portman has done so on the Republican side. That might soon change: Alaska's Lisa Murkowski tells the Chugiak-Eagle River Star that her view is "evolving." Murkowski has voted...

Don&#39;t Call Me a Bigot for Opposing Gay Marriage
Don't Call Me a Bigot
for Opposing Gay Marriage

Don't Call Me a Bigot for Opposing Gay Marriage

John Kass asks for tolerance of his religious views

(Newser) - John Kass embraces civil unions but opposes gay marriage as a Christian. For those who disagree, he knows what you're thinking: He must be a bigot, right? "If I hold to my faith and resist applauding the changes, I'm easily cast as some drooling white cartoon bigot...

Court Sounds Skeptical About DOMA

Kennedy seems concerned that it violates states' rights

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has concluded its oral arguments on the Defense of Marriage Act (the second half of its gay marriage double bill ), and most observers think things are looking bad for the 1996 law; in a tweet , SCOTUSblog predicted that the court was "80% likely to strike...

Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome
Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome

Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome

Mary Elizabeth Williams: Critics who say it's a meaningless gesture are wrong

(Newser) - Those red equal signs popping up all over Facebook and Twitter in support of gay rights have their share of critics—"meaningless gesture that accomplishes nothing" is a common theme —but Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon says those critics are missing the point. True, the logo, which is...

On Today&#39;s Docket: DOMA
 On Today's Docket: DOMA 

On Today's Docket: DOMA

Supreme Court hears second gay rights case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court heard arguments on California's Prop 8 yesterday; today, the federal Defense of Marriage Act is on the docket. What to expect:
  • What is today's case about? DOMA defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, meaning that gay couples who legally wed

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