gay marriage

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Rioter Reflects on Stonewall 40 Years Later

(Newser) - As New York City gears up for the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, one of the original protesters admits he never thought "it would turn out to be much of anything," the AP reports. Raymond Castro, now living with his partner of 30 years, says the crowd...

Mormons Urge Church to Soften Gay-Marriage Stance

Group of dissenters launch campaign urging church to stop its political advocacy

(Newser) - A group of Mormons is campaigning to get the church to cease its aggressive activism against gay marriage, the Salt Lake Tribune reports, with the so-called Committee for Reconciliation calling for church leaders to soften their uncompromising stance on the issue. They say the church’s attitude has helped take...

LA Latinos Are Gay Marriage Wild Card: Poll

(Newser) - A new Los Angeles Times poll shows why gay marriage advocates and opponents are targeting LA Latinos after Proposition 8: Unlike African Americans, they are divided on the issue. While African American voters oppose gay marriage by 54% to 37%, Latinos are split, 45% in favor and 46% against....

Calif. Gay Marriage Fight Centers on Chinatown

Campaigners hope to repeat success in changing Asian attitudes

(Newser) - Campaigners seeking to bring legalized gay marriage back to California believe their success in Chinatown points the way forward, Reuters reports. The state's Asian communities swung in favor of gay marriage faster than any other group over the last decade as advocates worked to bring taboos into the open and...

How Prop 8 Could Help Everyone
 How Prop 8 Could 
 Help Everyone 

How Prop 8 Could Help Everyone

(Newser) - Proposition 8 could turn out to be a win-win for everyone, “if we can stop all the shouting,” writes Douglas Kmiec, a Catholic, pro-Obama Republican law professor. The California Supreme Court’s ruling “is as inconsistent as it is incomplete,” declaring that gay couples must be...

Same-Sex Marriage Wins Victory in DC

Election board rules referendum on gay marriage can't be held

(Newser) - Opponents of gay marriage in Washington DC have been handed a major setback by the District's board of elections, the Washington Post reports. The board blocked a proposal to hold a referendum on recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The ruling means that only a court will be able...

Gays Rankle at Obama's Unkept Promises
 Gays Rankle at Obama's 
 Unkept Promises 

Gays Rankle at Obama's Unkept Promises

(Newser) - Gay-rights supporters in and outside of Washington are getting fed up with President Obama’s perceived inaction on their core issues, Politico reports. Obama has been unwilling to back gay marriage, and has yet to fulfill his campaign promise of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition...

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage
 NH Legalizes Gay Marriage 

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage

Gov. Lynch expected to sign it today

(Newser) - New Hampshire became the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage when Gov. John Lynch signed legislation this afternoon shortly after it was approved by lawmakers, the AP reports. Legislators hammered out a new version clearly spelling out that churches and religious groups would not be forced to officiate at gay...

Hey, Meghan: What Cheney Thinks Is More Important

And it's not because he's an old white man

(Newser) - After Meghan McCain took exception to the idea that her stance on gay marriage is “meaningless” compared to Dick Cheney’s, Washington Monthly blogger Steve Benen outlines in no uncertain terms why—and it’s not “that I only respect old white guys, I don’t respect young...

Cheney Backs Gay Marriage
 Cheney Backs 
 Gay Marriage

Cheney Backs Gay Marriage

Ex-VP switches Obama's name for Osama's

(Newser) - Dick Cheney appeared to break rank with many in his party when he suggested he didn’t oppose gay marriage, the New York Post reports. “I think freedom means freedom for everyone,” he said at the National Press Club yesterday. “People ought to be free to enter...

Gay Marriage Debate Key to SF Mayor's Future

Focus on issue could mount with new ballot initiative

(Newser) - As San Francisco’s mayor looks to become California’s next governor, his gay-marriage activism may threaten his success—especially if voters are again asked to decide the issue for themselves, the AP reports. Though all the Democratic candidates support gay marriage, Gavin Newsom has a particularly strong association with...

Gay Marriage Activists Take the Fight to the Mormons

PR throwdown goes nationwide

(Newser) - With the fight over gay marriage moving east, activists in favor of legalization are aiming to discredit a primary opponent: the Mormon Church. Stunned by the effect of Mormon fundraising and canvassing in the passage of California's Proposition 8, two groups are running ads attacking Mormon involvement in the issue,...

Battle Over Prop 8 Moves to Federal Court

(Newser) - California’s gay marriage battle continued today as lawyers for the American Foundation for Equal Rights announced a lawsuit challenging Proposition 8 and called for the restitution of marriage rights while the suit is decided, the Los Angeles Times reports. The lawyers—Theodore Olson, then the solicitor general, and David...

Celebs Likely to Fight Harder for Gay Marriage in 2010

Lessons learned from last year's Prop 8 fight will need to be applied

(Newser) - For those who believe Hollywood came too late to California’s “No on Prop 8” party during last year’s election, yesterday’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the voter-approved ban on gay marriage brings a question: Will Tinseltown get it right this time around? “I think the...

Gay-Marriage Supporters Take to Streets After Ruling

Opponents of marriage ban sad but not surprised

(Newser) - Supporters of same-sex marriage were disappointed but not surprised by the California Supreme Court’s decision today to uphold Proposition 8, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, as a crowd that had gathered at the state courthouse moved through city streets, blocking traffic and prompting arrest. “This is a serious...

Calif. Court Upholds Gay-Marriage Ban

Existing marriages still valid

(Newser) - California’s Supreme Court today upheld a state ban on gay marriage, but ruled that same-sex marriages that took place before voters approved the measure will stay valid, the Los Angeles Times reports. A court rejection of Proposition 8, which passed 52% to 48% in November, was considered highly unlikely....

Calif. Gay-Marriage Ruling Comes Next Week

(Newser) - The California state Supreme Court will issue its opinion on gay marriage Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reports. The court will rule on three questions, including two challenges to the constitutionality of Proposition 8, which outlawed same-sex nuptials. One challenge comes from gay-rights lawyers who argue that Prop 8 was...

I Dated Miss Cali's Mom: Ex-Galpal

Tabloid reveals secret lesbian affair

(Newser) - Infamous gay marriage opponent Carrie Prejean is back in the tabloids. Miss California’s mother, Francine Coppola, had an affair with another woman, Star reports. “Yes, Francine and I dated,” her ex-girlfriend Valerie Vetrano says. But it ended when “Francine explained how she was a Christian and...

Gay Marriage Bill Stalls in NH

Negotiations expected as it goes back to committee

(Newser) - New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage bill is back in limbo, WMUR reports. In a surprise move, the state House rejected the measure because of an amendment proposed by the governor to protect clergy whose beliefs preclude them from marrying gays. The measure isn't dead, however. The House voted to try...

'Pro-Sex' McCain Talks Sex on Colbert

Also discusses gay marriage, but not Sarah Palin

(Newser) - Meghan McCain likes sex—a point she made several times last night on The Colbert Report, Gawker reports. Asked by host Stephen Colbert to explain her “pro-sex” stance, she started out by saying abstinence is unrealistic—and ended with “I would never want to practice anything I didn’...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>