gay marriage

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

Gay Marriage Foes Mobilize California Fight

Conservative groups aiming to have ban back in November

(Newser) - Organizations staunchly opposed to same-sex unions are already mobilizing to reinstate a ban on gay marriages that was struck down yesterday by California's Supreme Court, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. The coalition intends to hammer home the fact that  four judges have "overturned the will" of millions of voters...

Gays Jubilant Over Calif. Ruling

Supporters, foes now await Nov. vote on a constitutional amendment

(Newser) - California gays are ecstatic about the state's supreme court striking down a ban on same-sex marriage, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. “I'm feeling the joy all over,” one gay man, and father, said. In Fresno, a gay couple applied for a marriage license from a somewhat bewildered county...

Calif. Justices Strike Down Gay Marriage Ban

4-3 ruling makes state second, after Mass., to allow unions; challenge ahead

(Newser) - The California Supreme Court legalized gay marriage today, calling state laws discriminatory, the Los Angeles Times reports. The moderately conservative body found that same-sex couple must be allowed to marry, in a case stemming from the 2004 San Francisco unions that the same judges intervened to stop. An initiative on...

Boy Marries Boy: Then What?
 Boy Marries
 Boy: Then What? 

Boy Marries Boy: Then What?

Young married gays seek balance between tradition and nonconformity

(Newser) - Wedding bells have rung for more than 700 homosexual couples in Massachusetts since the state started marrying gays in 2004, prompting the New York Times to profile young gay men who said “I do.” But there are many things the spouses don’t do, such as follow traditional...

Arnold Comes Out Against Gay Marriage Ban

'California people are much further along on that issue,' he says

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger told a group of gay Republicans yesterday that he will oppose a move to ban same-sex marriage in California, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. “I will always be there to fight against that,” he said, sparking applause at the San Diego convention of Log Cabin Republicans....

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Fly?
Don't Ask,
Don't Tell,
Don't Fly?

Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Fly?

Pentagon-Congress flap spotlights tension over gay rights

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi acted to have a gay Congresswoman's domestic partner included on a military flight to Europe, and the question of government acknowledgment of same-sex partners continues to reverberate, the Politico reports. Tammy Baldwin’s partner took the March fact-finding trip, but Pelosi and Robert Gates are at odds over...

Open-Minded Obama Earns Backing of GOP Stalwart
Open-Minded Obama Earns Backing of GOP Stalwart

Open-Minded Obama Earns Backing of GOP Stalwart

Lawyer Kmiec disagrees on most issues, backs candidate anyway

(Newser) - The former legal counsel to Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush is siding with Barack Obama, calling the Democrat “a person of integrity, intelligence and good will.” Doug Kmiec disagrees with the candidate on gay marriage, abortion, states’ rights, and the place of religion in the public sphere,...

Socialist Party Wins in Spain
Socialist Party Wins in Spain

Socialist Party Wins in Spain

But ruling party will fall short of majority in parliament

(Newser) - Spain's Socialist Party overcame a sputtering economy and the murder of a former councilor to win today's national election, the BBC reports. "The Spanish people have spoken clearly and have decided to open a new period without tension, without confrontation," Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told a...

Calif. Court Considers Gay Marriage

Judges, who appear split, have 90 days to rule on ban

(Newser) - An overflow crowd and hundreds more outside a San Francisco courthouse listened yesterday as the California Supreme Court heard arguments on the state's gay marriage ban, the Los Angeles Times reports. The judges appeared split as lawyers argued for more than 3 1/2 hours. One judge asked if domestic partnership...

Gay Couples Steer Clear of Altar
Gay Couples Steer Clear of Altar

Gay Couples Steer Clear of Altar

Many same-sex partners find responsibilities outweigh benefits

(Newser) - As domestic partnerships, civil unions, and even same-sex marriage gain traction, reality has tempered the gay community's exuberant initial reaction, Salon reports. For numerous reasons, both practical and ideological, many couples would rather not get hitched. Those who haven't cite concerns from worry over inconsistent laws to resentment of what...

Gay Couples Hit New Stage: Grandparents

Some out and proud, others fear damaging relations with the kids

(Newser) - A t-shirt slogan—"I love my trailblazing, woman-loving, out and proud grandma"—is proof: A growing demographic of gay couples who had kids in the 1970s are now grandparents. Gay-rights groups tell the Philadelphia Inquirer that such role models show kids how the world can change. "People...

New Mormon Prez Vows to Stay the Course

Church picks Monson, 80, who displays old-fashioned style

(Newser) - The new Mormon church president vowed to stay the course with "no abrupt changes" in policy after he was inaugurated this morning, the Deseret Morning News reports. Thomas S. Monson, 80, an old-fashioned storyteller who enjoys quoting Dickens, asked for God's "spirit in my heart and angels round...

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce
Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

Huckabee Bids for SC Bounce

GOP hopeful's comments in spotlight as polls show tie with McCain

(Newser) - With Mike Huckabee drawing attention in South Carolina for remarks about the Confederate flag and gay marriage, new polls have the former Arkansas governor drawing even with—or ahead of—John McCain ahead of tomorrow's Republican presidential primary. Huckabee stood up yesterday for the right of sons of the South...

Insurer Rejects Church Over Gay Support

Fear of retaliation leads to denial of application for property coverage

(Newser) - A Michigan church has been denied property insurance not because it sits on the wrong side of the tracks, but because its national governing body sanctions gay marriage and the ordination of homosexuals, reports the Wall Street Journal. Denials are normally reserved for high-risk applicants, and Brotherhood Mutual was concerned...

31 States Ring In New Laws for New Year

From minimum wage hikes to approval for kangaroo-hide shoes

(Newser) - Anyone planning to import shoes made of kangaroo hide into California can legally begin this year—but they'd better not try to sell any foreign-made US flags in Minnesota. Both states are among 31 that launched a host of new laws beginning New Year's Day, some of them rather unusual,...

NH Rings in Civil Unions With New Year

First primary state becomes 4th to recognize same-sex vows

(Newser) - At midnight, New Hampshire became the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions, and more than 40 couples came from across the state to ring in 2008 with vows under the State House arch, the Concord Monitor reports. Planned as a small ceremony for about 20 couples, the event drew...

'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage
'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage

'Dear Abby' Backs Gay Marriage

Rights group to honor columnist's accepting 'mainstream voice'

(Newser) - 'Dear Abby' takes a simple stance on gay marriage: "I believe if two people want to commit to each other, God bless 'em." Over the years Jeanne Phillips, aka Abigail Van Buren, has consistently urged support for gay family members in her nationally syndicated column. Now she's being...

Thompson Losing Evangelicals
Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Thompson Losing Evangelicals

Balk at endorsing candidate who won't talk about his religion, doesn't back gay marriage ban

(Newser) - Fred Thompson, once the longed-for alternative to a field of uninspiring GOP candidates, didn't get through his campaign's first official month before the religious right started jumping ship, Politico reports. Thompson's refusal to back a gay marriage ban, past lobbying for an abortion-rights group, and refusal to talk religion has...

Romney Contest Winner is a Dem in Drag

DLC prez enters tongue-in-cheek Mitt ad, sweeps web voting

(Newser) - Candidates might want to think twice about wooing netizens by inviting them to make YouTube-style campaign ads and vote on their favorites. When Mitt Romney's people did it, the popular favorite was made by the president of the DLC. Bruce Reed's ad, a cheeky send-up of Mitt's struggle with his...

Church Near Breaking Point over Gay Priests

World Anglicans frown on homosexuals among top US Episcopalians

(Newser) - US Episcopal bishops are about to sit down to talk with leaders of the greater Anglican communion on the simmering issue of homosexuality within the church, but the fact that a lesbian is under serious consideration as a candidate for bishop of Chicago may be a signal that the Americans...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>