gay marriage

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>

Arnold to Veto Gay Marriage Bill
Arnold to
Veto Gay
Marriage Bill

Arnold to Veto Gay Marriage Bill

Schwarzenegger likely to cite popular mandate once again

(Newser) - Gov. Schwarzenegger is signaling he'll veto California's same-sex marriage bill, arguing the measure violates the "will of the people." Schwarzenegger employed the same logic when he vetoed a similar bill two years ago, but the tides of popular sentiment are changing: the Chronicle reports that gay-marriage opponents outnumber...

Gay Couple Marries Before Iowa Judge Stays Ruling

Window of opportunity was just 3½ hours

(Newser) - Two college students became Iowa's first—and, so far, only—legally married same-sex couple today before a judge stayed his own ruling that overturned a ban on gay marriage. About 20 couples completed the marriage-license application between 7:30 and 11am, when the county recorder stopped issuing them. “This...

Judge Strikes Down Iowa Gay Marriage Ban

Orders officials in his county to start issuing licenses

(Newser) -  A county  judge in Iowa has struck down the state's gay marriage ban as unconstitutional, and has ordered local officials to start issuing marriage licenses for gay couples. The county attorney says he will appeal to the Iowa Supreme Court. "I can't believe this is happening in Iowa,...

Cruising Senator Has Been Tough on Gay Rights

Blogs gleefully tote up Craig’s anti-gay, ‘family values’ record

(Newser) - Idaho's outed senator has long wielded his political power against gay rights, and gay advocates, having heard whispers for years, have been keeping track. Larry Craig, whose arrest for cruising in a Minneapolis airport bathroom was made public yesterday, opposes civil unions, gays in the military, and the extension of...

I Now Pronounce You Knight and Knight

15th-century Europe allowed civil unions

(Newser) - The 21st-century social and political trend of same-sex civil unions has roots that go back a bit beyond Stonewall—to the Middle Ages. A history professor who analyzed legal documents and gravesites says medieval law was flexible enough to allow for a variety of non-nuclear family structures, including gay unions,...

Dems Court Rainbow Vote
Dems Court
Rainbow Vote

Dems Court Rainbow Vote

At Forum debate, Hillary's pink; Obama's on the brink; Edwards, Richardson stink

(Newser) - All of the Democrats who appeared at last night’s gay rights forum touted their support of sponsor Human Rights Campaign—but it was Hillary Clinton who aced the tightrope test, according to Time’s Mark Halperin. Hillary managed to oppose gay marriage without playing defense, all the while supplying...

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags
Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

Dems Raise Rainbow Flags

In about-face, frontrunners rush to endorse gay rights for political advantage

(Newser) - It's only been 3 years since the Kerry campaign stumped for an anti-gay marriage amendment, but this cycle's Democrats are hopping on the rainbow bandwagon. The Politico's Ben Smith says the 2008 Dems are proud to be pro-gay, showcasing their full support of rights for same-sex couples—as long as...

Rudy Calls for Truce in Culture Wars

Leave social issues to the states, candidates argues

(Newser) - Giuliani may be running as a terrorist slayer, but what sets him apart is his plan to leave social issues up to the states, says LA Times columnist Ronald Brownstein. Localizing gay marriage, gun control and even abortion decisions would allow states to make policies that reflect the proclivities of...

YouTube Asks, Dems Respond
YouTube Asks, Dems Respond

YouTube Asks, Dems Respond

Voters call the shots as candidates answer their questions directly

(Newser) - Voters put questions directly to the Democratic presidential candidates last night, thanks to 3,000 citizens who submitted questions to YouTube. CNN selected and played 39 of the homemade videos, in which regular Americans—including a lesbian couple, a singer, and a snowman—created an unprecedented debate format. The candidates...

'Chuck and Larry' Parry 'Harry'
'Chuck and Larry' Parry 'Harry'

'Chuck and Larry' Parry 'Harry'

Gay-marriage farce rules box office as wizard fans transform into bookworms

(Newser) - Adam Sandler and Kevin James drew millions of movie fans to their fake wedding this weekend as fans of fantasy fiction curled up with a good book. Gay-marriage comedy I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry dominated the weekend box office, raking in $34.8 million to edge out Harry ...

Rudy Woos Religious Right
Rudy Woos Religious Right

Rudy Woos Religious Right

But doesn't mention gays, intelligent design or the "A" word

(Newser) - White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani managed to made a campaign stop at one of the evangelical capitals of America without once mentioning  abortion, same sex marriage or intelligent design, Salon reports. Giuliani, who appeared at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is struggling to win the votes of social conservatives without flip-flopping...

Young Americans Swing Left, Favor Dems

Support universal health care

(Newser) - Young Americans are skewing left, with fewer identifying themselves as Republicans and more siding with Democrats on hot-button issues, according to a New York Times/CBS/MTV poll. Those surveyed, aged 17 to 29, are more likely than the general public to favor universal health care, gay marriage and open-door immigration.

Elizabeth Edwards Backs Gay Marriage

But John's 'conflicted'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards became the first potential White House resident yesterday to support gay marriage at an event kicking off San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. Edwards declared she's "completely comfortable" with the idea, even though her husband isn't, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. John Edwards supports civil unions, but opposes...

Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage
Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage

Mass. Upholds Gay Marriage

Lawmakers reject call to give voters final say; issue won't face ballot box in '08

(Newser) - Gay couples in Massachussetts scored a major victory yesterday, after state legislators threw out a proposed constitutional amendment that would have put gay marriage to a popular vote. The proposed ban was defeated 151-45, only 5 votes short of the 50 necessary to place the issue on a statewide ballot...

Desmond Tutu to Anglicans: Get Over It

Church should attend to AIDS, corruption, Darfur—not gay priests

(Newser) - Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu called on Africa's Anglican church to let go of what he called its "extraordinary obsession" with gay priests and same-sex marriage.  The church should, instead, be paying attention to the crises caused by AIDS, Darfur and Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe's corruption. 

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote
Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Focus on the Family founder cites abortion support, "moral concerns"

(Newser) - Christian evangelist James Dobson came out swinging against Rudy Giuliani after the former mayor admitted last week that he supports abortion rights and same-sex domestic partnerships. Dobson says he won't vote for Rudy if he wins the GOP nomination, citing those issues and "moral concerns"  over his marital...

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Nigerian Lesbians Take Forbidden Love on the Run

(Newser) - Five Nigerian lesbians are running for their love after a weekend wedding put them in direct violation of the local Islamic law. Police have issued arrest warrants against Aunty Maiduguri and her four wives, charging them with violating the Sharia law that governs much of northern Nigeria.

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays
Giuliani Wants
It Both Ways
On Gays

Giuliani Wants It Both Ways On Gays

Pro–civil union pol denounces NH bill as too close to marriage

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is trying to tone down the gay-friendly stance he took as mayor of New York, criticizing New Hampshire's new civil unions bill because it "goes too far" toward gay marriage, which he opposes. As mayor, Giuliani signed a landmark domestic partnerships bill; on the campaign trail, he...

New Hampshire Says "We Do" To Gay Unions

State's gay bishop welcomes same-sex civil unions

(Newser) - New Hampshire is about to become the fourth state to offer civil unions for gays—and one of the first couples in line may be the state’s gay Episcopal bishop and a senior state bureaucrat. “My partner and I look forward to taking full advantage of the new...

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>