Paul Ryan

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Former Ryan Intern Arrested in Nude Photo Scheme

Adam Savader alleged to have cyberstalked, extorted women

(Newser) - Adam Savader: "American patriot," "Reagan Republican," alleged sleazebag? The 21-year-old, who worked as an intern on the Romney/Ryan campaign and was a campaign staffer for Newt Gingrich, was yesterday charged with cyberstalking and blackmailing women into sending him nude photos of themselves, Politico reports. Savader allegedly...

No Shutdown: House Passes Stopgap Spending Bill

Government has money through September

(Newser) - The House today passed a stopgap spending bill to keep the government functioning through the end of September, sidestepping any threat of a government shutdown. The bipartisan vote in the Republican-controlled House follows approval earlier this week in the Democrat-controlled Senate and sends the measure to President Obama to be...

Obama Gets Ovation, Grilling From House GOP

His outreach continues, but two sides remain far apart

(Newser) - President Obama continued his Republican outreach today with his toughest critics, House Republicans, and not a whole lot seems to have changed as a result. But the president did get standing ovations when he arrived and when he left, reports an impressed Jonathan Karl at ABC News . And both sides...

Ryan's New Budget Axes ObamaCare, $5T in Spending

Would balance over 10 years

(Newser) - Paul Ryan is unveiling his latest budget proposal, and this time, he says, it'll balance in 10 years—half the time he claimed for his previous budget, NPR notes, because he's including new revenue from the fiscal cliff deal. As promised, the new plan calls for repealing ObamaCare,...

Jeb Bush: It&#39;s Immigration Reform, Stupid
 Jeb Bush: 
 It's Immigration 
 Reform, Stupid 


Jeb Bush: It's Immigration Reform, Stupid

Also, it's too early to consider 2016

(Newser) - Jeb Bush is still busily making the rounds and the case for immigration reform today, telling Face the Nation that "if we can get immigration right, imagine, there's possibilities of cats and dogs living with one another in other policy areas as well." Calling it a "...

Obama, Paul Ryan to Lunch
 Obama, Paul Ryan to Lunch 

Obama, Paul Ryan to Lunch

The president's charm offensive continues today

(Newser) - President Obama has invited Paul Ryan to come have lunch with him at the White House today, the latest step in his post-sequester charm offensive . "I appreciate the president's invitation, and I look forward to our conversation," said the House Budget Committee chair in a statement, per...

Hillary More Popular Than Obama

 More Popular 
 Than Obama 
Quinnipiac poll

Hillary More Popular Than Obama

... and everyone else in politics for that matter, says Quinnipiac

(Newser) - A new survey by Quinnipiac University is hopeful news for those pulling for Hillary Clinton in 2016. It shows her to be the nation's most popular politician, with a 61-34 favorable/unfavorable rating. That beats President Obama (51-46), Joe Biden (46-41), and John Kerry (43-33). The numbers fall short of...

Congress: We're Not Avoiding Cliff Cuts

Democrats considering putting them off again, but many skeptical deal will emerge

(Newser) - Washington is bracing itself for a sweeping, painful set of across-the-board spending cuts, because lawmakers doubt they'll be able to come up with a deal to avert them, the Washington Post reports. While proposals are in the works to avert what's known as sequester, party leaders don't...

Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal
 Paul Ryan: 
 GOP Has Got 
 to Expand Appeal 


Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal

Also, he's not going to talk about a 2016 run in 2013

(Newser) - Paul Ryan made his first talk-show appearance since the 2012 election, so obviously it's time to ask him about his ambitions for the 2016 election and watch him dodge the question: Calling such talk "premature," Ryan added , “I’ve got an important job to do. I...

House to Vote on 3-Month Debt Ceiling Bump

But they'll demand that Senate pass budget in exchange

(Newser) - House Republicans have decided to vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling for three months—provided the Senate agrees to pass a budget by the April 15 statutory deadline, John Boehner announced in his closing remarks for his caucus's three-day Williamsburg retreat. "Before there is any...

House GOP's New Idea: Short-Term Debt-Limit Boost

It would then shift focus to other deadlines

(Newser) - House Republicans are coming around to the idea of raising the debt ceiling—for a few months anyway. At a closed-door session at the caucus' annual Williamsburg, Va., retreat yesterday, Paul Ryan championed a plan to pass an extension of, say, one to three months, and shift the debate to...

Jon Stewart Rips House GOP Over Sandy Relief

Republican House majority is our other major disaster

(Newser) - Jon Stewart unloaded on the House Republican majority in an epic segment last night about the Sandy relief bill debacle . Even when the House eventually approved $9.7 billion in aid for storm victims, that was far from the $60 billion the Senate approved. It's voting on all those...

On Fiscal Cliff Vote, House GOP Leaders Split

Boehner, Paul Ryan voted aye, as Cantor, McCarthy rejected deal

(Newser) - The bill to avoid the fiscal cliff ended up clearing the House with more than enough Republican votes, but the vote split GOP leaders. Speaker John Boehner cast his "yes" as soon as voting began, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, and Chief Deputy Whip...

Santa Accosts 'Naughty' Paul Ryan

Kris Kringle wants tax cuts for middle class only

(Newser) - Santa Claus is, according to voters, a Democrat —so is it any surprise Paul Ryan is on his naughty list? "Santa," aka an activist from, ambushed Paul Ryan on the Capitol Hill steps recently to let him know that if he doesn't support an...

Ryan: &#39;Oh Gosh,&#39; Loss Was &#39;Pretty Sad&#39;
 Ryan: 'Oh Gosh,' 
 Loss Was 'Pretty Sad' 
post-election interviews

Ryan: 'Oh Gosh,' Loss Was 'Pretty Sad'

Former VP candidate gives first post-election interviews

(Newser) - Paul Ryan did a bit of a post-election media blitz yesterday—but no, he didn't reveal any plans to toss his hat into the 2016 ring , telling Madison's CBS affiliate WISC-TV it's too soon to discuss. "Oh gosh, we just finished a presidential election," Ryan...

The Inevitable: 2016 Speculation Begins

Clinton? Biden? Ryan? A look at the current possibilities

(Newser) - And so it begins: Speculation about Election 2016 is already running rampant, mere hours after President Obama was re-elected. Some of the frontrunners for a presidential run next time around, courtesy of ABC News and US News & World Report :
  • Hillary Clinton: Not surprisingly, she's at the forefront of

What We Learned Last Night
 What We Learned Last Night 
Election 2012

What We Learned Last Night

Obama's win reveals a lot about the electorate, the race

(Newser) - The dust has cleared, the votes have been counted, and Barack Obama stands victorious. What did we learn? What did this entire long election drama mean? Politico and CNN break down some takeaways from the big night:
  • Team Romney was bluffing. Romney's campaign said it had a chance in

Romney Concedes
 Romney Concedes 

Romney Concedes

He thanks Ryan, says he'll pray for Obama's success

(Newser) - Mitt Romney was gracious in defeat after a bitter and hard-fought campaign. After calling President Obama to congratulate him on his victory, Romney gave a short concession speech in Boston urging Americans to put aside "partisan bickering and political posturing," Politico reports. "I pray that the president...

As Romney Seeks Center, Ryan Sidelined

His new message: Wisconsin's a lot like Ohio

(Newser) - With Mitt Romney trying to win over swing voters, his conservative running mate has taken a diminished public role in the campaign. In speeches, Paul Ryan is sticking to the Romney message rather than touting his own record on matters like the budget and Medicare, the Los Angeles Times reports....

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens
 Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens 

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens

President makes his case, slams Romney, Ryan, in Rolling Stone

(Newser) - The latest issue of Rolling Stone hits the newsstands today, bearing the smiling face of Barack Obama. The interview within is exhaustive, though it mainly treads familiar ground—as the writer, historian Douglas Brinkley notes, "excessive caution is a survival trait" in today's gaffe-driven campaign culture. Some highlights...

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