Paul Ryan

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Hardest Hit by Ryan Medicare Plan: Florida

6 of 10 beneficiaries will owe more under plan: nonpartisan report

(Newser) - Paul Ryan's coupon-based Medicare plan would result in higher costs for six in 10 beneficiaries for the same service they're getting now—and Floridians would suffer the greatest financial toll, a yearlong, nonpartisan study finds. The Kaiser Family Foundation says that Medicare beneficiaries in Florida would pay, on...

What Not to Do While Your Rival's Talking

Listen closely, minimize note-taking, and avoid tics: experts

(Newser) - To prep for debates, candidates have to work on more than just talking: They must perfect their listening, too. With split screens constantly in use, President Obama and Mitt Romney may want to give some serious thought to the AP's list of do's—and especially don'ts:
  • Don'

'Phony Baloney' Ryan Photo-Op Irks Charity Chief

Campaign 'ramrodded their way' into closed soup kitchen

(Newser) - Paul Ryan and campaign staffers "ramrodded their way" into a soup kitchen for a photo-op long after the patrons had left and staff had cleaned up, complains the chief of an Ohio charity. "We’re a faith-based organization; we are apolitical because the majority of our funding is...

Romney, Ryan Smack Obama on China

Romney would label China currency manipulator 'on day one'

(Newser) - Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had harsh words today for President Obama's handling of the US relationship with China, after the US Treasury announced that it would delay a regular foreign exchange report—which includes the possibility of naming China a currency manipulator—until after the election, NBC...

Conspiracy Theory: Paul Ryan Cribbed From Nirvana

That 'bean' story sounded familiar

(Newser) - We're going to suggest taking this one with a shaker full of salt, but the Internet is buzzing with accusations that Paul Ryan stole the kinda-vaguely touching anecdote he told about his daughter during last night's debate from, of all people, Kurt Cobain. In response to a question...

VP Debate Winner: Viewers
 Who Won? Call It a Draw 

Who Won? Call It a Draw

Biden, Ryan both win praise

(Newser) - Pundits—and the public, according to a CNN poll —seem split on who won the vice-presidential debate , but most agree that the feisty meeting had more to offer viewers and voters than the first Obama-Romney debate.
  • Viewers "were treated to a free-wheeling and substantial debate over the size

Debate's Big Buzz: Biden's Smiles, Smirks

Vice president's laugh becomes an instant meme

(Newser) - Joe Biden must think Paul Ryan is hilarious, because he was constantly smiling, smirking, or laughing outright at his opponent during last night's vice-presidential debate. It didn't go unnoticed. Twitter lit up with posts about the smile strategy, Politico reports, and it even spawned two, count them two,...

Martha Raddatz&#39;s Tough Moderating Wins Praise
 Moderator Raddatz  
 Shows How It's Done   

Moderator Raddatz Shows How It's Done

ABC correspondent wins wide praise

(Newser) - As with the Obama-Romney debate, a lot of the post- Biden-Ryan debate talk is focusing on the moderator—but this time they're saying nice things. Martha Raddatz, senior foreign affairs correspondent for ABC, "pursued each man with the vigor of a woman more accustomed to needling foreign leaders...

It&#39;s Biden Vs. Ryan
 Ryan Vs Biden: It Gets Feisty 

Ryan Vs Biden: It Gets Feisty

Vice president is especially aggressive, unlike his boss

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Paul Ryan have wrapped up the sole vice-presidential debate of the campaign, a much more spirited affair than the first Obama-Romney showdown. Unlike that presidential debate, no clear winner is being anointed. Some highlights:
  • Testy early: Ryan goes after Obama's response to the Libya attack in

Net Goes Nuts Over Beefcake Paul Ryan Pics

VP candidate posed for weightlifting shots in December

(Newser) - Last year, while being profiled as a finalist for Time's Person of the Year issue, Paul Ryan posed for some "beefcake" pictures for the magazine in which he flexed his muscles while lifting weights, while wearing a backwards baseball cap and making doofy faces. Time coyly chose to...

Watch for Biden to Come Out Swinging

 Watch for Biden to 
 Come Out Swinging 
VP Debate Preview

Watch for Biden to Come Out Swinging

But controversy over moderator hangs over proceedings

(Newser) - There's a whiff of desperation in the air over tonight's vice presidential debate—and a hint of controversy, too. The desperation, of course, comes from the blue team, which is desperate to halt the momentum Mitt Romney gained in the first debate, and expects Joe Biden to be...

Obama to Dems: Step Away From the Ledge

Meanwhile, Democrats look to Biden to get down and dirty

(Newser) - Chicken Little syndrome is running rampant among Democrats following President Obama's lackluster debate performance and subsequent polling turmoil, but prominent supporters are telling people to snap out of the freakout. Sure, maybe the Big Bird ad wasn't the salve many Dems craved, but insiders say the president's...

As VP Debate Looms, Biden Buckles Down

Vice president preps feverishly after weak Obama performance

(Newser) - After President Obama faltered in his own debate, it falls to his gaffe-happy second-in-command to put things back on track—and Joe Biden isn't taking this one lightly, the New York Times reports. What he's doing to prepare:
  • Biden has holed himself up in a Delaware hotel to

Paul Ryan: Let's Make America 'a Tax Shelter'

... and consider Americans either 'makers' or 'takers'

(Newser) - Mother Jones has dug up two more politically charged videos—these of Paul Ryan describing a rather Ayn Randian economic vision for America. In one , he told American Business Magazine last year that the US should make its tax rates competitively low: "Let's make this country a...

'07 Video Shows Obama Praising Rev. Wright

But left is unimpressed by Tucker Carlson's 'bombshell'

(Newser) - It wouldn't be debate night without a media attempt to drum up some eleventh-hour controversy. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller yesterday released what it termed a "racially charged" video of a speech then-Sen. Barack Obama gave to an audience of black ministers. In it, Obama gives a "...

Ryan: 'I Don't Have Time' to Explain Tax Plan

Chris Wallace says, 'You haven't given me the math'

(Newser) - Asked today to defend Mitt Romney's tax plan , Paul Ryan said he didn't "have the time"—but did give an overview and referred the curious to various studies, the Washington Post reports. Chris Wallace was pressing Ryan on Fox News Sunday about how Romney could reduce...

Eyes on Debate: &#39;Barn Burner&#39; or No Big Deal?
 Eyes on Debate: 
 'Barn Burner' or 
 No Big Deal? 

Eyes on Debate: 'Barn Burner' or No Big Deal?

GOP plays up (and down) expectations for Obama vs. Romney

(Newser) - The usual suspects descended on the Sunday talk shows today with their eyes firmly fixated on Wednesday's presidential debate, when President Obama and Mitt Romney go mano a mano for the first time. Chris Christie, appearing on no fewer than three shows, minced no words in building up expectations...

Paul Ryan Doesn't Call Romney 'the Stench'

Joke column sets off a media mess

(Newser) - The most-talked-about political story today ended up being the story about a story. If you heard references to the "stench" today, here's the tale:
  • Politico columnist Roger Simon wrote a piece about Romney-Ryan with this line: (Ryan) "has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like,

Even Scott Walker Wants NFL's Union Refs Back

Wisconsin governor wants the real referees back on the field

(Newser) - Just how bad was that NFL call by replacement refs last night? It's got Wisconsin's union-busting governor clamoring for an end to the labor dispute and a return of the union refs, reports Yahoo Sports . "After catching a few hours of sleep, the #Packers game is still...

Paul Ryan Courts Cuban-Americans in Miami

'Policy of appeasement is not working'

(Newser) - Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan is courting Cuban-American voters with promises to be tougher on the Castro government than President Obama. Ryan campaigned this morning in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood, where he stopped at the popular Versailles Restaurant. "I learned ... just how brutal the Castro regime is,...

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