
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Post Snags 4 Pulitzers, Times 3; Enquirer Shut Out

John Edwards coverage fails to boost supermarket tabloid

(Newser) - The Washington Post won four Pulitzer Prizes today, one more than the archrival New York Times—and four more than the National Enquirer, which entered its coverage of the John Edwards sex scandal . In a breakthrough for online journalism, Sheri Fink of ProPublica won for an investigation of euthanasia at...

Wolff to Waxman: 'Sue Us, Anytime'

Unrepentant founder insists Newser sources properly

(Newser) - Newser founder Michael Wolff and Sharon Waxman of The Wrap took their feud from cyberspace to the airwaves today, facing off on CNN's Reliable Sources over Newser's sourcing practices. She slammed Newser for "scant linkage" and said, "Just give us proper credit." "Bull," retorted Wolff....

O'Reilly Busts Blogger for Franken Ambush
 O'Reilly Busts Blogger  
 for Franken Ambush  
'you get more if you give a little'

O'Reilly Busts Blogger for Franken Ambush

'You were disrespectful,' Fox host tells Jason Mattera.

(Newser) - Listen up, Bill O’Reilly tells young conservative blogger/author/ambush interviewer Jason Mattera: We can’t help being disrespectful sometimes, but it’s no way to get a scoop, or even nail an opponent. O’Reilly was referring to Mattera’s videotaped altercation with Al Franken, in which Mattera claims the...

War Brewing at Fox Over Beck
 War Brewing at Fox Over Beck 
Howard Kurtz

War Brewing at Fox Over Beck

Some staffers complain, anonymously, that he's hurting network

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s meteoric rise has some at Fox News worried that he’s becoming the face of the network—and ruining any chance it has to be viewed as a legitimate news source. Anonymous sources at the network tell Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post that Beck is a...

Reporter-on-Reporter Violence: Coffee-Hurling

Matt Taibbi not one to take criticism lightly, fellow scribe reveals

(Newser) - Star reporter Matt Taibbi apparently has a thin skin. In a new Vanity Fair piece, James Verini sets out to tell the story of The Exile, the irreverent Russian magazine the Rolling Stone and True/Slant writer helped start. The Russian government shut the publication down in 2008—though founder Mark...

Record 70 Journalists Killed in 2009

Number jailed increases as well, with Iran and China leading pack

(Newser) - A record number of journalists were killed last year, and even more were arrested or imprisoned, according to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. In a report released today, the group names 70 journalists killed specifically for their reporting, a number exacerbated by the massacre of 29 journalists in...

Film of Neda's Death Wins Top Journalism Prize

Anonymous Iranians get Polk Award for iconic footage

(Newser) - The anonymous Iranians who filmed and distributed footage of a protester's death last year have been awarded one of journalism's top prizes. Neda Soltan's death has become "an iconic image of the Iranian resistance," said the curator of the George Polk Awards. It's the first time the American...

New York Times Reporter Caught Plagiarizing

Business writer copied from Wall Street Journal , other sources

(Newser) - A New York Times business reporter has been caught cribbing text directly from the Wall Street Journal and other sources, the Times sheepishly admitted in an editor’s note today. The Times says the Journal alerted them to uncanny similarities between a Journal article published Feb. 5, and a Times...

Pulitzers to Enquirer: No Prize for You

Edwards story won't net tabloid an award because it's a 'magazine'

(Newser) - The National Enquirer is not eligible for a Pulitzer Prize for its reporting on John Edwards' affair with Rielle Hunter and the resulting child—not because it's a supermarket tabloid but because of a technicality. The Enquirer, you see calls itself a "magazine," and magazines can't receive the...

Reporters Try to Live on Twitter, Facebook Alone

Journalists will hole up in French farmhouse, use only social media

(Newser) - Five journalists plan to lock themselves in a French farmhouse and try gathering news using only Facebook and Twitter. During their 5-day sojourn, the journalists will be cut off from all other links to the outside world—there will be no TVs, and other web surfing is strictly prohibited. Then...

NBC Complains to White House About ABC's Access

Source says NBC wants more Obama interviews; network denies it

(Newser) - NBC has filed a formal complaint with the White House, saying ABC is getting a disproportionate number of interviews with President Obama. The network cites recent sit-downs with George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson, and alleges that Stephanopoulos’ friendship with Rahm Emanuel is helping the network land the face time, according...

Times Prepares to Charge for Online Access

Newspaper lays groundwork for reinstituting paywall

(Newser) - Two-plus years after making its entire website free, the New York Times is about to roll out a plan that will charge readers for online access. The announcement may come within 2 weeks, but the pay wall won't be in force for several months, New York magazine reports. Rather than...

Hey, Media: Don't Call It 'Looting'
 Hey, Media:  
 Don't Call It 'Looting'
haiti earthquake

Hey, Media: Don't Call It 'Looting'

Desperate, hungry people are just trying to feed their families

(Newser) - Reports of "looting" in Haiti are surfacing, and Jerry Lanson isn't happy about it. He's not upset with the so-called looters, but with the reporters who are using the term. He cites one story in which the New York Times said "officials reported looting at a collapsed grocery...

Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN

 Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN 

Haiti Shows Why We Need CNN

Anderson Cooper's 'boots-in-the-rubble' coverage can't be beat

(Newser) - The appalling suffering in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, and Anderson Cooper's effectiveness at "boots-in-the-rubble" coverage of it, have reminded us of the importance of news stalwart CNN, writes James Rainey. CNN has taken an enormous beating for sticking with straight news over political commentary, as cable...

Obama to Write Cover Story on Haiti for Newsweek

President agrees to play essayist

(Newser) - President Obama will write a cover story about Haiti for the next edition of Newsweek, which will hit the newsstands Monday. How did the newsweekly snag him? Editor Jon Meacham simply called up David Axelrod, who put the question to his boss, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Ethics Panel Blasts NBC's 'Checkbook Journalism'

Journalist group objects to network flying the Goldmans home

(Newser) - The Society of Professional Journalists has condemned NBC News for practicing "checkbook journalism" by chartering a jet to bring home from Brazil a US man and his son involved in a bitter custody battle. David Goldman granted an interview to Meredith Vieira of NBC's Today show that aired yesterday....

Flight 253 Hero Pockets $18K for Photos

 Flight 253 Hero Pockets 
 $18K for Photos 

Flight 253 Hero Pockets $18K for Photos

Jasper Schuringa is making bank off two pix...sort of

(Newser) - Jasper Schuringa, who burned his hands while taking down Flight 253's would-be terrorist, may be the hero of the hour—but he’s not above profiting from said heroism, hitting up media outlets for serious cash for pix of the bomber and himself, writes Foster Kamer for Gawker . With the...

Politico's Lewinsky 'Scoop' Just a Big Rehash
Politico's Lewinsky 'Scoop' Just a Big Rehash
media criticism

Politico's Lewinsky 'Scoop' Just a Big Rehash

It's just old news about a 'new book nobody cares about'

(Newser) - Despite its big-headline treatment, Politico's story yesterday about a book revisiting the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal is just a mishmash of old news, writes Jamison Foser. Start with the "Monica's Back" headline: "You might assume Politico means Lewinsky has written a book, or launched a speaking tour or something."...

2007 Woods Cover-Up Exposed
  2007 Woods Cover-Up Exposed 

2007 Woods Cover-Up Exposed

Tiger Woods buried news of an affair with Mindy Lawton, sources say

(Newser) - A Men’s Fitness cover story on Tiger Woods in 2007 was actually a cover-up—a deal made to stop sister publication the National Enquirer from publishing a far more scandalous piece. Sources tell the Wall Street Journal Woods’ team made the deal after the Enquirer approached with pictures of...

A Bailout Would Be a Disaster for Journalism

Future of journalism depends on paid content

(Newser) - Journalism has a bright future, despite the challenges of the digital age—but that future won't come for free, says Rupert Murdoch. Media companies that give people the news they want will be able to charge for it, he predicts in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal , and...

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