Guantanamo Bay

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

US May Swap Gitmo Inmates for Taliban Peace Deal

Negotiations near breakthrough, US officials say

(Newser) - After many months of secretive negotiations, peace talks between the US and the Taliban are at a turning point, reports Reuters , which cites senior US officials speaking under condition of anonymity. The US is considering transferring Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo Bay to Afghan custody in return for concessions from the...

Obama Throws Away Civil Liberties With Defense Bill

President to sign bill allowing indefinite detention of Americans

(Newser) - President Obama is taking a lot of heat today for dropping his threat to veto a controversial defense bill that could allow the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on US soil. In a fiery editorial, the New York Times today called it "a complete political cave-in,...

Inside the World of Terror Convicts —Who Aren't at Guantanamo

Many terrorists serving time at US federal prisons

(Newser) - Scores of convicted terrorists are serving time in US prisons that are far from the public eye—and public outcry—of Guantanamo Bay, the New York Times reports. Aggressive prosecutors nailed most of them after 9/11, often with a preemptive strategy that relied on informants to troll for terrorists. Officials...

US Defends Conditions Inside Gitmo

Military releases rare photos of cell to prove conditions OK in 'Five Echo'

(Newser) - To defend conditions in a disciplinary block at Guantanamo Bay prison, US military officials have released photos of the rarely seen interior, reports the AP . "Five Echo," a section of the prison used for "noncompliant" detainees, had been accused of violating Geneva Conventions by lawyers for some...

Condi Rice Strikes Back in New Memoir

She recalls clashes with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush

(Newser) - It's time for Dick Cheney to take a little return fire from Condi Rice. Less than 2 months after his memoir described her as turning tearful during a political discussion , Condoleezza Rice has written her own book, No Higher Honor, which comes out next month, the New York Times...

USS Cole Terrorist Faces Capital Charges Again

Original charges were dropped because suspect was tortured

(Newser) - One of the "high-value" detainees imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay has been charged with planning the 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole in Yemen that killed 17 US sailors, reports the LA Times . Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, a Saudi of Yemeni descent, faces the death penalty if convicted...

Australia Freezes Ex-Gitmo Inmate's Assets

Prosecutors say royalties from book on Guantanamo violate law

(Newser) - An Australian man who was captured fighting with Taliban forces in Afghanistan and spent five years in Guantanamo Bay prison , where he says he was tortured, has had a family trust frozen by the Australian Supreme Court, reports ABC News in Australia. The trust contains money David Hicks earned from...

US Files New Charges Against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Four Alleged Co-Conspirators
 New Charges Filed Against KSM 

New Charges Filed Against KSM

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, four others charged again

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and four alleged co-conspirators face new conspiracy and murder charges filed today by US military prosecutors. All five defendants were originally charged during George W. Bush’s presidency, but those charges were dropped when President Obama attempted to move the trials...

Afghan Dies in Apparent Suicide at Guantanamo

Al-qaeda suspect found dead in cell

(Newser) - An Afghan detainee at the Guantanamo Bay prison has died in an an apparent suicide, the sixth at the detention center since 2002. The prisoner, known only by the name Inayatullah, was not conscious or breathing when guards checked on him Wednesday morning, and they immediately tried to resuscitate him,...

Donald Rumsfeld: WikiLeaks Documents Vindicate Bush Administration
Bin Laden's Fatal Mistake:
He Didn't Read WikiLeaks
donald rumsfeld

Bin Laden's Fatal Mistake: He Didn't Read WikiLeaks

Leaked documents mentioned Abbottabad: Donald Rumsfeld

(Newser) - Maybe Osama bin Laden should have had his hideaway hooked up with Internet access: He might have saved his own neck by reading WikiLeaks files. The unusual assertion comes from none other than Donald Rumsfeld, who notes in a Washington Post op-ed that leaked classified files from Gitmo "contain...

John McCain: Torture Didn't Lead Us to Bin Laden
 Torture Didn't 
 Lead Us to 
 bin Laden 
john mccain

Torture Didn't Lead Us to bin Laden

The practice is Un-American and must stop: John McCain

(Newser) - Some have used the death of Osama bin Laden as evidence to support the use of torture—but claims that such techniques led us to the al-Qaeda leader are simply not true, writes John McCain in the Washington Post . The senator points to former attorney general Michael Mukasey’s assertion...

US May Allow Family Visits for Gitmo Prisoners

Red Cross is pushing for greater access

(Newser) - Gitmo prisoners may soon get a long-sought privilege: family visits. The Washington Post reports that the Pentagon and the international Red Cross are in hush-hush negotiations to make it happen. Some of the 172 detainees at Guantanamo Bay are currently allowed to take part in monitored video chats with their...

Osama Intel Boosts Waterboarding Fans

'Enhanced' interrogation may have led to terror mastermind

(Newser) - Did waterboarding finally nail Osama bin Laden? Intelligence leading to the killing of the terror mastermind gleaned from prisoners, possibly during "enhanced" interrogation techniques, is reigniting debate about waterboarding. US officials learned the identity of bin Laden's key courrier from Guantanamo Bay inmates, and tracking that courrier led...

Bin Laden Intel May Have Come From Gitmo: Rumsfeld

Former defense secretary notes that detainees could have tipped US off

(Newser) - Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld thinks the controversial Guantanamo Bay military prison may deserve some credit for Osama bin Laden's death. The new intelligence that allowed the US to find bin Laden "very well could have been partly a result of the interviews that took place at Guantanamo,...

Gitmo Doctors Covered Up Torture: Study

Doctors didn't inquire, despite evidence of physical, mental abuse

(Newser) - The Defense Department doctors and psychologists who tended to Guantanamo Bay detainees were complicit in covering up their torture, according to a new study released yesterday. Medical records and legal files reveal that the doctors saw evidence of bone fractures, contusions, and lacerations; heard stories of rape; and saw signs...

WikiLeaks Reveal: New York City Businessman Saifullah Paracha Worked with Al-Qaeda Toward Post-9/11 Attacks
NYC Businessman Plotted Post-9/11 Attacks
wikileaks reveal

NYC Businessman Plotted Post-9/11 Attacks

Former travel agent colluded with 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda operatives pushed for a series of attacks following 9/11, but the plans were foiled following the capture of leading figures, WikiLeaks documents say. Among the plots discussed were attacking West Coast aircraft, blowing up a gas-filled apartment and gas stations, and cutting cables on the Brooklyn Bridge, the New ...

Way to Spot al-Qaeda Terrorist: Casio Watch
 Way to Spot al-Qaeda 
 Terrorist: Casio Watch 
wikileaks reveal

Way to Spot al-Qaeda Terrorist: Casio Watch

Casio F-91W digital watches were seen as 'the sign of al-Qaeda'

(Newser) - If you wear a cheap Casio watch around Afghanistan, watch out: The US military might just mistake you for a terrorist. According to the newly leaked Guantanamo documents, the ubiquitous timepiece was considered “the sign of al-Qaeda,” and used to help justify the detention of several prisoners, the...

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was ToldNot to Behead Daniel Pearl
9/11 Mastermind Was Told
Not to Behead Daniel Pearl
wikileaks reveal

9/11 Mastermind Was Told Not to Behead Daniel Pearl

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed did it anyway

(Newser) - Amid the latest WikiLeaks dump , a heartbreaking post-script to the story of Daniel Pearl. Seems 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was warned not to kill the Wall Street Journal reporter by a top al-Qaeda military commander who said "it would not be wise to murder Pearl" and that he...

US Considers ISI, Pakistan's Spy Agency, an al-Qaeda Supporter
US: Pakistan's Spy Agency
Is al-Qaeda Supporter
WikiLeaks Reveal

US: Pakistan's Spy Agency Is al-Qaeda Supporter

ISI's association with terror group used as an excuse to detain people

(Newser) - The US military has considered Pakistan’s spy agency an al-Qaeda support group since 2007—and has used association with it to justify imprisoning people in Guantanamo Bay, the latest crop of WikiLeaks documents reveals. The ISI is listed alongside the likes of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian intelligence, and dozens...

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo
 WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo 

WikiLeaks Blows Lid Off Gitmo

Secret interrogation memos reveal inmate details, prison life

(Newser) - A trove of some 700 new WikiLeaks documents on Guantanamo reveals detailed military assessments of hundreds of men who have been locked up there as well as information about interrogations, prison conditions, and inmate behavior. The assessments by military intelligence were carried out from 2002 to 2009 and offer a...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>