Guantanamo Bay

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Suicide a Last Tool of Defiance at Gitmo
 Suicide a Last Tool 
 of Defiance at Gitmo 
wikileaks reveal

Suicide a Last Tool of Defiance at Gitmo

US authorities view suicides as 'asymmetric' jihad

(Newser) - Suicide at Guantanamo Bay prison was more than just the result of desperation or depression. Prison administrators viewed it as “an act of asymmetric warfare waged against us," according to new WikiLeaks documents . In the through-the-looking-glass world of Guantanamo, with its indefinite detentions and little hope for release,...

9/11 Mastermind Gets Gitmo Military Trial

Obama turns back on pledge to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammad in civilian court

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammad will be tried by a military commission at Guantanamo Bay, rather than the civilian court President Obama has long advocated, sources tell CBS News . Eric Holder will announce this new plan soon. Previously, Holder had put forward a plan to try the confessed 9/11 mastermind in New...

Obama Restarts Guantanamo Trials

Administration ends 2-year military prosecution freeze

(Newser) - President Obama today reversed a two-year freeze on military prosecutions against Guantanamo Bay detainees, the AP reports. In an executive order, the president restarted the process of trying the high-risk detainees—the latest acknowledgment of the political difficulties of fulfilling his campaign promise to close the Cuban detention facility. Defense...

CIA: Bin Laden's Off to Gitmo if We Get Him

White House: But we're still closing Gitmo

(Newser) - The federal government not only doesn't know where Osama bin Laden is, it also doesn't seem to know where it would put him if he's ever captured. CIA director Leon Panetta told senators yesterday that the terror kingpin would be held in Afghanistan and moved "probably to Guantanamo" if...

Gitmo Detainee Gets Life for Embassy Bombings

Ahmed Ghailani is first detainee to be tried in civilian court

(Newser) - Ahmed Ghailani—the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried by a civilian court—was sentenced to life in prison today without parole, the AP reports. Ghailani, 36, had been acquitted of more than 200 counts of murder stemming from the attack on US embassies in Africa in 1998, but the...

The Reason Guantanamo Still Isn't Closed

When it comes to resettling prisoners, others want US to go first

(Newser) - Two years ago yesterday, President Obama pledged to close the prison camps at Guantánamo Bay within one year. So why are they still open? Much of the blame falls on Congress, the Miami Herald reports. Because Congress won’t allow any of the captives—even those considered low-risk—to...

Obama Resurrects Gitmo Military Trials

Move an admission that detention center is here to stay

(Newser) - President Obama has given Robert Gates the go-ahead to initiate new military commissions against Guantanamo detainees—something Obama originally banned on the first day of his presidency. Within weeks one or more detainees may face new charges—the Justice Department has already designated some prisoners for military tribunal, including suspected...

White House to Authorize Indefinite Detention

Draft order part of plan to close Gitmo, administration says

(Newser) - The Obama administration is preparing a draft executive order to formalize indefinite detention of Guantanamo detainees without trial—but officials stress that the order is a key part of its plan to close the facility. The order—which would apply to 48 of the 174 detainees still held at Gitmo—...

Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?
Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?

Why Bother Putting Terrorists on Trial?

...Since we're not going to release them

(Newser) - Why does the Obama administration insist on trying terrorists when it has no intention of freeing them? In October, the federal judge in the trial of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, an alleged conspirator in two US embassy bombings, complained that even if Ghailani were found innocent, the government could continue detaining...

25% of Freed Gitmo Detainees Returned to Terror

New report offers first look at what happened to former prisoners

(Newser) - About one-quarter of former Guantánamo Bay detainees have been linked to terrorist activities since being released, according to a government report. Of the 598 men transferred out of the prison, 81 are confirmed to have taken part in terrorism or insurgency; 69 more are suspected of taking part in...

Gitmo Detainee Acquitted on 284 Counts

Ahmed Ghailani guilty of single charge in embassy bombing case

(Newser) - The first Guantanamo detainee to face a civilian trial has been acquitted on 284 of the 285 charges against him, including one murder count for each of the 224 people killed in the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The anonymous New York jury found Ahmed Ghailani...

UK Paying Millions in Compensation to Gitmo Brits

Men alleged that UK intelligence agencies colluded in torture

(Newser) - The British government plans to pay compensation amounting to millions of dollars to a dozen former Guantanamo Bay inmates. The men, all British citizens or residents, had launched court proceedings against the government and claimed that British intelligence services had colluded in their torture in secret prisons abroad, the Guardian...

Gitmo's Former 'Child Soldier' Gets 8 Years

Plea bargain bars teen al-Qaeda fighter from 40-year sentence

(Newser) - The long-running case of a onetime teenage al-Qaeda fighter is over, with a US military judge sentencing Omar Khadr to eight more years in custody for war crimes. The sentence was handed down yesterday under a plea bargain in which the young Canadian, now 24, admitted to five war crimes...

Canadian at Gitmo Pleads Guilty to All Charges

Omar Khadr works out military plea deal

(Newser) - A Canadian prisoner at Guantanamo accused of killing an American soldier has pleaded guilty to all charges. Omar Khadr—who had been facing a possible life sentence—pleaded to five charges including murder in a plea agreement with military authorities. The terms of the plea deal have not yet been...

Former Guantanamo Captive Sues US Over 'Kafkaesque Nightmare'

Abdul Razak al Janko is first prisoner released by judge to sue

(Newser) - Abdul Razak al Janko, a former Guantánamo captive, is suing the US government for damages from the imprisonment he describes as a “Kafkaesque nightmare.” Janko, a 32-year-old Syrian man who now lives in Europe, is the first such captive freed by a federal judge to sue the...

Judge Deals Blow to US in Big Terror Trial

Witness Ghailani gave up during CIA interrogations is out

(Newser) - The first civilian trial of a Gitmo detainee has hit a serious snag, one that could crimp future cases. A federal judge ruled that testimony from a key witness is off limits—because the government learned about him during CIA interrogations at a secret prison overseas. The case, in which...

Graham: White House Bailed on Gitmo Talks

Admin Says It's Open to Further Talks

(Newser) - There was a time when the White House and Sen. Lindsey Graham seemed close to striking a bipartisan deal on closing Guantanamo Bay and other national security issues, but in May those talks “went completely dead,” Graham tells Politico . “They could never quite pull the trigger,”...

Gitmo Juror Rejected for Agreeing with Obama

Khadr trial halted after lawyer collapses

(Newser) - A military officer who says he believes the Guantanamo Bay detention center should be closed was disqualified from serving on the jury at detainee Omar Khadr's trial this week. The other 15 officers considered for the panel all either said that Gitmo should stay open or that they had no...

Osama's Cook Sentenced to 14 Years
Osama's Cook Sentenced
to 14 Years

Osama's Cook Sentenced to 14 Years

But he'll serve less time under secret plea agreement

(Newser) - The guy who cooked for Osama bin Laden and drove him around occasionally should serve 14 years in prison, a US military tribunal decreed today. But in a confusing twist, Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi will probably serve far less time because of a secret plea bargain he struck last month,...

Child Soldier or War Criminal?
Child Soldier or War Criminal?

Child Soldier or War Criminal?

Trial of Omar Khadr, in Gitmo since he was 15, raises questions about the war on terror

(Newser) - The upcoming trial of Canadian Omar Khadr, the only Western detainee still at Guantanamo, will offer a rare window into the war on terror. The Obama administration's first full war-crimes prosecution will face the question of whether Khadr was a child soldier whose father pushed him into al-Qaeda at age...

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