British Petroleum

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71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP
 71% Say Obama Hasn't 
 Been Tough Enough on BP 
Poll Shows Pessimism

71% Say Obama Hasn't Been Tough Enough on BP

And BP should pay up, even if it bankrupts them

(Newser) - The public is overwhelmingly pessimistic, and angry, about the Deepwater Horizon spill. According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll , 80% of Americans expect the spill to hurt the US economy and drive up the cost of gas. Half predict that some beaches will never be the same, and even more...

'Chaotic' Gulf Cleanup Efforts Slammed

Unclear chain of command, poor response plans have made a mess of cleanup

(Newser) - The mess in the Gulf of Mexico is much worse than it would have if there had been one good response plan in place instead of five shoddy ones, officials of all stripes tell the New York Times . The cleanup effort, experts say, has been bedeviled by a lack of...

BP Rig Registered With Tiny Pacific Nation to Skirt US Oversight

Classified a ship, Deepwater Horizon evaded stiffer US safety standards

(Newser) - Turns out it wasn’t America’s job to inspect or set safety standards for the ill-fated Deepwater Horizon rig. That responsibility fell to the Marshall Islands—a tiny, impoverished cluster of atolls in the Pacific Ocean. Why? Because oil rigs are classified as ships, the Los Angeles Times explains,...

Congress: BP Took 'Shortcuts' to Save Money

Investigators say firm compromised safety before explosion

(Newser) - Congressional investigators have sent a letter to Tony Hayward demanding he address some “serious questions about the decisions made by BP in the days and hours before the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon.” The letter, which comes from Henry Waxman and other House Energy Committee Democrats, alleges that...

How BP Can Rehab Its Image
 How BP Can 
 Rehab Its Image 

How BP Can Rehab Its Image

Start by firing somebody, finish by not being 'BP' anymore

(Newser) - In the space of a few short months, BP's name has gone from evoking cheery green gas stations to conjuring up images of an oozing black mess. After the company gets the Gulf cleaned up, writes USA Today, it's time to get their image cleaned up. A to-do list:
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Obama to Demand Billions From BP in 1st Oval Office Speech

Prez wants all oil industry workers compensated

(Newser) - In his first-ever Oval Office speech tomorrow night, President Obama will demand that BP hand over billions of dollars to an independent mediator who will handle the claims of people and businesses affected by the Gulf oil spill. The White House hasn't named a sum, but House Dems asked BP...

Obama: BP Will Fund Escrow to Pay Claims

'Substantial' sum will be run by 3rd party, expedite claims

(Newser) - President Obama will demand that BP create a special account with "substantial" reserves to pay Gulf oil claims and will take other steps aimed at aiding the region, David Axelrod said today. Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen told Face The Nation that an outside contractor will run the account...

Costner to BP: If You Pay Up, I Will Clean Up

Actor's set to deploy centrifugal separators, hasn't seen a check yet

(Newser) - Kevin Costner's ready to send his oil-vacuuming version of the cavalry to the Gulf, but he wants BP to show him the money first, reports the LA Times. BP has said it wants to buy 32 of Costner's centrifugal oil-and-water separators—which float on the ocean, sucking up oily water...

Petroleum Is Everywhere ... Including Your Shower
 Petroleum Is Everywhere 
 ...  Including Your Shower 

Petroleum Is Everywhere ... Including Your Shower

Chemicals touch on every aspect of modern life

(Newser) - Before you vow to exact revenge for the BP oil catastrophe by swearing off petroleum, take a look around: It's everywhere. Not just in the gas tank of your car, but all over the car, in your closet, in your kitchen, even in your shower. "A bottle of shampoo...

Environmentalists Give Obama Free Pass on Spill

Major groups reluctant to criticize; he's their only hope

(Newser) - President Obama is taking more and more criticism over the Gulf oil spill, but little of it is coming from the nation's major environmental groups, writes Josh Gerstein. The "movement has essentially given him a pass—all but refusing to unleash any vocal criticism against the president even as...

For Sale: BP's Siphoned Oil
 For Sale: BP's Siphoned Oil  

For Sale: BP's Siphoned Oil

Crude will enter supply chain, BP to donate profits

(Newser) - Oil from the worst spill in US history could soon end up at gas stations as BP sells the crude taken from its ruptured Gulf well. The energy giant announced this week it will donate its share of the proceeds to fund efforts to protect and restore wildlife habitat along...

BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama
BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama

BP to Delay Dividend to Appease Obama

Money will be put in escrow until full cost of Gulf cleanup is clear

(Newser) - BP plans to defer its dividend in an effort to get the Obama administration off of its back, sources tell the Times of London. The money, which is expected to total about $2.5 billion, will be placed in an escrow account until the full cost of the Gulf disaster...

Yours for $1,000: A Bottle of BP Gulf Oil

Relief group hopes to raise money for jobless fisherman

(Newser) - A relief organization is bottling up the gooey BP oil fouling the Gulf of Mexico and selling it—for $1,000 a pop. The nonprofit, brainchild of a Louisiana oyster company, is selling 1,000 of the souvenir bottles and promises to give proceeds to out-of-work oyster workers...

Oil Flow Estimates Double (Again) to 25K Barrels a Day

Which makes the damage, already, 5 to 6 times the Exxon Valdez

(Newser) - Two teams of scientists working for the federal government have upped the estimates of oil flowing from the crippled Deepwater Horizon well again—this time to 25,000 to 40,000, or even 50,000, barrels a day. In case you're trying to keep track, the earlier team said 12,...

Now Obama Wants to Meet With Him

White House Summons BP execs to Wednesday sit-down

(Newser) - Looks like the president has changed his mind: The top federal official overseeing the Gulf oil spill has invited British Petroleum executives to meet with Barack Obama next week. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen issued the invitation in a letter today to BP's chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg. The letter requests that...

Sandbar Plan Is Bad Science
 Sandbar Plan Is Bad Science 
may do more harm than good

Sandbar Plan Is Bad Science

At best, berms will do nothing to protect La. coastline

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal's plan to protect the Louisiana coastline with sandbars is more the product of political hysteria than pragmatic decision-making, Sharon Begley writes for Newsweek . Few coastal scientists think the berms—which will cost $360 million initially and need to be constantly rebuilt—will protect the wetlands from BP's oil....

Oil Spill Drowning Tea Party
 Oil Spill Drowning Tea Party 

Oil Spill Drowning Tea Party

Suddenly active government doesn't look so bad

(Newser) - The oil spill has certainly been bad for Barack Obama, but it’s been almost as bad for his most vocal opponents. The Tea Party has been almost completely bumped from the cable news airwaves they once dominated, according to the media analysts at TVEyes. Worse, the catastrophe has provided...

BP Can't Explain Diving Stock
 BP Can't Explain Diving Stock  

BP Can't Explain Diving Stock

Company 'is not aware of any reason' for price drop

(Newser) - It’s probably not terribly surprising that BP’s stock hit a 13-year low this morning—unless, apparently, you’re BP. The company put out a statement last night saying that it was “not aware of any reason which justifies this share price movement.” Well, the Wall Street ...

BP Demands Changes to Prank Twitter Feed

They want it made clear that it's a fake

(Newser) - BP has asked Twitter to straighten out @BPGlobalPR , the hilariously snarky satirical feed specializing in messages like, “Doing our best to turn oil into oilinade. So far, the stuff tastes TERRIBLE.” BP has asked Twitter to force the feed to comply with the site’s impersonation policy, it...

BP Boycotts Hurt the Little Guy
 BP Boycotts 
 Hurt the Little Guy 

BP Boycotts Hurt the Little Guy

Protests primarily affect small business owners

(Newser) - BP could be the most hated company in America right now, and popular anger is taking the form of boycotts against its gas stations all over the country. But BP stations are individually owned, so protests really just hurt the small-business owners who had the bad luck to sign up...

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