British Petroleum

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BP Doesn't Have a Tanker Big Enough

Oil giant will resort to burning some of the crude

(Newser) - Adding to the growing international backlash against BP's botched handling of the Gulf oil spill, US officials said yesterday that the oil giant is collecting for sale so much of the oil gushing out of the broken well that it doesn't have a big enough boat to hold it, the...

BP: It Will Soon Be Only a 'Trickle'

Company optimistic amid growing skepticism

(Newser) - On a day when skepticism about BP's oil-cleaning ways is at a high pitch, take this for what it's worth: The company tells AP that the gushing oil "should be down to a relative trickle by Monday or Tuesday." (Or maybe the key word is "relative."...

Florida Baseball Team Rejects 'BP'
Baseball Team
Rejects 'BP'

Florida Baseball Team Rejects 'BP'

Minor league club changes name to 'hitting rehearsal'

(Newser) - The newest weapon against British Petroleum: semantics. The Brevard County Manatees, a minor league team in Florida, says it will no longer take BP (as in, batting practice) before games. Instead, its players will have "hitting rehearsal," reports Florida Today . “We hope to send a message to...

Saints to Raffle Super Bowl Ring for Gulf

And Obama will return again to the region on Monday

(Newser) - The New Orleans Saints will raffle off a Super Bowl championship ring to raise money for the cleanup efforts on the Gulf Coast. Raffle tickets will go for $2, and the team will set up a website with details, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. QB Drew Brees made announcement on...

BP's Tony Hayward Will Go Before Congress

CEO will testify before House panel on June 17

(Newser) - President Obama isn't all that interested in a one-on-one conversation with BP's Tony Hayward, but Congress is. The CEO famous for his gaffes is scheduled to testify June 17 before one of the House committees investigating the oil spill, reports the Hill . Hayward will face Bart Stupak's Energy and Commerce...

BP Paper Trail Shows Many Warnings on Safety Shortcuts

Workers were pressured into not reporting safety problems

(Newser) - BP bosses can't claim they weren't warned that the company risked disaster if it didn't start obeying safety and environmental laws, according to internal memos an insider has leaked to ProPublica. A series of investigations, focusing on the company's Alaska operations, found that management, putting oil production far ahead of...

Obama Weighing 'Whose Ass to Kick'

 Obama Weighing 
 'Whose Ass to Kick' 
AND he'd fire BP CEO

Obama Weighing 'Whose Ass to Kick'

He'll make company pay 'if it's the last thing I do'

(Newser) - President Obama offered an impassioned defense of his administration’s handling of the oil spill today, promising to make sure BP paid for the disaster “if it’s the last thing I do.” In an interview on the Today Show , Obama said he would have already fired Tony...

Gulf Oil Spill Worse Than Katrina: Poll

Majority of Americans want BP to face criminal charges

(Newser) - The federal government's handing of the Gulf oil spill is even worse than its reaction to Hurricane Katrina, and BP should face criminal charges related to the disaster, a majority of Americans say in a new Washington Post/ABC News poll . The feds' reaction was "poor" or "not so...

BP: 2nd Oil Capture System Ready by Mid-June

Two systems together could contain 'almost' all the oil

(Newser) - BP has still another oil containment system up its sleeve, and expects it to be ready to deploy by mid-June, Reuters reports. Along with the containment cap that's now capturing as much as 10,500 barrels a day, it could allow BP to capture "almost" all the leaking oil,...

Allen: 'We're Making the Right Progress'
 Allen: 'We're 
 Making the 
 Right Progress' 

Allen: 'We're Making the Right Progress'

But oil spill pointman says cleanup will go at least through fall

(Newser) - Thad Allen has gone from unknown to a household name in a few short weeks, and he dominated the Sunday shows today, saying that while BP's containment cap was now catching 10,000 barrels a day, the progress was still a far cry from the 25,000 barrels a day...

BP 'Very Pleased' With Progress

Cap is still catching only about a third of gushing oil

(Newser) - The latest update from BP keeps things about the same: News isn't good, but it's not quite as horrible as it once was. The company said this afternoon that the new cap is still working and collected 250,000 gallons of oil in its first 24 hours. That's less than...

Florida Ads Scrap Promise of 'Clear' Coasts

State has to retool pitch to tourists

(Newser) - Up until this week, the state of Florida tried to lure tourists with ads that promised pristine beaches under a logo of "Our Coast is Clear." Then the tarballs came. The state has scrapped the logo and retooled the message to something along the lines of: We have...

BP: Cap Siphoning 10% of Oil
 BP: Cap Siphoning 10% of Oil 

BP: Cap Siphoning 10% of Oil

Oil giant collected 76K gallons in first 12 hours... of about 800K gallons

(Newser) - BP says it funneled 76,000 gallons of oil and gas to a tanker in the first 12 hours of the cap—a small measure of success against the estimated 500,000 to 800,000 gallons that are sullying the Gulf every day, reports the New York Times. That number...

Tar Balls Hit Fla. Beaches as Obama Returns to Gulf

Residents plan 'last swim' before more oil arrives

(Newser) - Beachgoers in Florida got their first taste of the Gulf oil spill today as tar balls—some as large as hubcaps—washed up on Panhandle beaches. BP crews at some locations swept up the refuse, instructing visitors not to touch the balls. Although Florida has yet to declare swimming in...

BP's CEO Isn't Fired Yet? Really?
Isn't Fired
Yet? Really?

BP's CEO Isn't Fired Yet? Really?

Tony Hayward has cheerily blundered through disaster

(Newser) - BP CEO Tony Hayward wrote an editorial in today's Wall Street Journal in which he advocated that the oil industry improve its technology and change its practices. Sure, sounds great, Tony. But Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post has just one question: Why do you still have a job? “...

BP: We've Captured Some Oil

 BP: We've Captured Some Oil 

BP: We've Captured Some Oil

But it's still not clear how effective the new containment lid will be

(Newser) - BP's new contraption has begun collecting oil from its gushing well, but we won't know until later today whether it's going to make a noticeable dent, the company says. "There is flow coming up the pipe," said chief operating officer Doug Suttles on NBC's Today show. "Just...

BP Gets Lid in Place, But Oil Still Spews

It will take a while to know whether it's working

(Newser) - After several hours, BP crews managed to get a lid in place over their gushing well, though how effective it will be remains unclear. The live feed shows that oil is still spewing from the site—the cut of the broken riser pipe wasn't as clean as planned, making for...

BP Makes 12 Spillcams Public

Live feeds show disaster in action

(Newser) - BP might be facing criticism for hiding the environmental damage caused by the Gulf spill, but it's now tougher to hide anything in the repair effort—the company has made all 12 live video feeds at the ruptured well available to the public. A perusal of the Spillcam website shows...

Currents Could Take Oil Up to N. Carolina

Models suggest the Atlantic Coast isn't safe

(Newser) - North Carolina, too? Computer models show the possibility of the oil from the Gulf spill moving up the Atlantic Coast beyond Florida to somewhere around Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, by early July, reports Newsweek . If the patterns hold, it would then head east into the open water of the Atlantic.

US to Bill BP $69M for Cleanup So Far

First bill going out today, says Robert Gibbs

(Newser) - The White House says it's sending BP a $69 million bill today for costs so far in its response to the oil spill. Press chief Robert Gibbs says the bill is the first to be sent to the oil company, and he's not sure whether they have a deadline to...

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