midterm elections

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Nate Silver: GOP Could Take Senate
 Nate Silver: GOP 
 Could Take Senate 

Nate Silver: GOP Could Take Senate

Suddenly, it looks like a coin flip

(Newser) - Harry Reid might want to think carefully before revising the filibuster rules —because there's a decent chance he'll soon be on the other end of them. Nate Silver at the New York Times has crunched the race-by-race numbers, and based on them and his own best guesses...

Energy Dept. Asked Solyndra to Delay Layoff Announcement

...until day after 2010 midterm elections

(Newser) - More bad Solyndra press for the Obama administration: Emails released yesterday show that the Energy Department pushed the struggling solar company to delay announcing employee layoffs until after the 2010 midterm elections. On Oct. 25 of that year, Solyndra’s CEO sent the agency an email explaining that layoffs would...

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel
 GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel 

GOP Win a Mixed Bag for Israel

Election results could be good ... or not

(Newser) - The midterm elections brought both good news and bad for Israel, and both come from the GOP. While rising Republican stars like incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor are eager to show their support for Israel, many Tea Party candidates entering Congress aren't so likely to do the same, thanks...

Joe Miller Files State Lawsuit Contesting Election Results

Court ordered that suit be moved from federal to state

(Newser) - Joe Miller has moved his lawsuit from federal to state court, following a court order requiring him to do so. The lawsuit challenging Alaska election results is basically the same as the one he filed in Anchorage's US District Court Nov. 9, with a few additions, reports the Anchorage Daily ...

Elections Show Urban Coasts & Mid-America Divided
 Political Divide Gets Wider 

Political Divide Gets Wider

Midterm Republican sweep wasn't consistent across US

(Newser) - Unlike the midterm election victory in 1994 when Republican gains were consistent across the US, the 2010 GOP sweep shows a widening of the gulf between large urban areas on the coasts and the less populated areas in the middle of the country. Analysis in the Washington Post finds GOP...

Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner Win House Posts

She'll be minority leader, he'll be speaker

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi won the position of House minority leader today, but her uphill battle to retain a leadership role revealed a fierce split within the Democratic party, Politico reports. The vote (150-43) was far from unanimous, with the opposition holding Pelosi responsible for Democrats' crushing defeat in the midterms. "...

Sen. McConnell Asked Bush to Pull Iraq Troops

... while denouncing the Democrats for doing the same

(Newser) - The controversy keeps on flowing from the pages of George Bush's memoir . The top Republican in the Senate urged the president to "bring some troops home from Iraq" to help prevent the party from taking a beating in the 2006 mid-term elections, Bush writes in Decision Points. At the...

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' &mdash;They Shouldn't
GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't
William Saletan

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't

If it was really such a great strategy, the GOP would have used it

(Newser) - Following the midterm elections , the Republicans have made it clear what they think Democrats should do: “Change course,” as John Boehner said on election night and Mitch McConnell said two days later. And maybe they’re right, writes William Saletan in Slate : “When voters strip you of...

John Boehner, GOP Will Fail
 John Boehner, 
 GOP Will Fail 

John Boehner, GOP Will Fail

This was no endorsement of the Republican agenda

(Newser) - Republicans crowing from the rooftops about the mandate they got on Election Day can cork it and come back down to Earth to face the music, writes Markos Moulitsas Zuniga in the Christian Science Monitor —because John Boehner and Co. are doomed. Tuesday wasn't an embrace of a GOP...

Election's Real Winners: Country Clubs, Caterers, Etc.

Campaign pumped about $4B into economy

(Newser) - Republicans may be crowing about their victory last Tuesday, but the election's real winners weren't so much partisan as all-business: As the Washington Post reports, the bank-busting 2010 campaign pumped an estimated $4 billion into the whimpering US economy it revolved around (for a little context, Cash for Clunkers came...

Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It
 Pelosi Just 
 Don't Get It 


Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It

Lots of other sparring, slicing, and dicing on your Sunday show roundup

(Newser) - Apparently President Obama and Nancy Pelosi aren't listening to the message Democrats were given Tuesday, complains Eric Cantor. "When you hear the president say things like 'we did a poor job of explaining what we were trying to do,' that is indicative of his not getting it,"...

It's Time for Obama to Call GOP's Bluff

Rich: Make the Republicans get specific

(Newser) - President Obama took a "shellacking" because Democrats didn't have a coherent message for America. But, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times , the Republicans don't, either. To regain some ground, Obama must call the right's bluff, and force the GOP to get specific. The Republicans keep talking about...

Believe It or Not, America Fell Out of Love With Reagan

Kornacki: Conservative whitewashing obscures Gipper's real legacy

(Newser) - Republicans sometimes bristle at the comparisons between Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama because of their midterm troubles. A favorite conservative theme about Reagan is that the "love fest" between him and the American people continued during and after his presidency, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon , who singles out this...

Stewart: GOP Win a Tsunami—or Other Disaster

'Daily Show' pokes fun at election night hyperbole

(Newser) - If you listened to conservative pundits on Election Night, you might have heard just a bit of hyperbole. The Republicans didn’t just have a “wave” election… they had a “tidal wave” election! No, make that a tsunami! No, an earthquake! Not just any earthquake, but the 1811...

Fox News Crushes CNN, MSNBC on Election Night

It more than doubles nearest rival in prime time

(Newser) - Last night's big victory for the right extended to the cable airwaves: Nielsen ratings show Fox News obliterated CNN and MSNBC in prime time, reports the LA Times . Fox averaged 6.96 million viewers, while CNN got 2.42 million and MSNBC 1.94 million. Compared to the midterms in...

32% of Tea Party Candidates for Congress Won

Most couldn't defeat more traditional rivals

(Newser) - One in three Tea Party candidates who ran for Congress emerged a winner, reports NBC's First Read blog . It came up with 10 hopefuls for the Senate and 130 for the House who either described themselves as Tea Party candidates or got the backing of Tea Party groups. Of those,...

Obama: 'I'm Doing a Whole Lot of Reflecting, Too'

President says voters are frustrated because of economy

(Newser) - Some highlights of President Obama's postmortem press conference on yesterday's vote, from Politico and AP .
  • He blamed voter anger mainly on the economy and said, "As president, I take responsibility for that." Another mea culpa: "We were in such a hurry to get things done that we

Critics Poke at Boehner's Blubbing

Weepy election night speech invites a lot of snark

(Newser) - John Boehner is known for getting emotional, and last night was no exception: He choked up during his speech acknowledging that he will soon become speaker of the House (watch it in the gallery). Analysis of the waterworks swiftly followed:
  • The MSNBC election team mocked Boehner’s “weeping” in

Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains
Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains

Congratulations, Boehner. Now Move Mountains

Our next speaker has just two years to prove Republicans are the answer

(Newser) - John Boehner , you’re the next speaker of the House: Now what? The Republican leader faces no shortage of seemingly impossible challenges, notes Jennifer Steinhauer in the New York Times . The voters who helped his party to triumph yesterday know what they don’t want—more of the same—...

Which Palin Grizzlies Roared, Whimpered?

Her picks won many, but lost the biggies

(Newser) - Despite not actually appearing on any ballot yesterday, it’s still one of the big questions of the night: How did Sarah Palin do? In her own words, pretty well—she tweeted to “Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives” that they “‘refudiated’ extreme left”—but when it comes to...

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