midterm elections

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Tough Choices Loom for Obama
 Tough Choices Loom for Obama  

Tough Choices Loom for Obama

Clinton precedent may not help with midterm dilemmas

(Newser) - President Obama is far from the first president to see his party humbled in midterm elections, but precedent may not be much help as he wrestles with tough choices in the wake of yesterday's drubbing. Obama—who plans a press conference today and has already spoken to House speaker-in-waiting John...

Minorities Win Big in GOP Wave

...Except in the Senate

(Newser) - Minority candidates rode the Republican wave to some historic victories last night. Republicans, who haven’t had a black lawmaker in Congress since 2003, fielded 14 black House candidates this year, the AP notes. Two of those candidates—Tim Scott in South Carolina and Allen West in Florida—will be...

Democrats Keep Senate; Harry Reid Beats Angle

Barbara Boxer, Rand Paul win; Christine O'Donnell, Linda McMahon lose

(Newser) - They may have lost the House, but Democrats will keep control of the Senate, barely. In big blue victories to help seal it, Harry Reid held off Sharron Angle in Nevada, while Joe Manchin won in West Virginia and Barbara Boxer in California. Earlier, Rand Paul (Kentucky), Marco Rubio (Florida),...

GOP Beats Incumbents in Virginia, Florida

 GOP Will 
 Take Over 
the house

GOP Will Take Over House

Perriello loses in Virginia, Grayson in Florida

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi's reign as House speaker will soon be over. Republicans will easily take control of the House of Representatives by night's end, say both CNN and NBC . The GOP entered the evening needing to gain 39 seats, and they'll likely end up with about 60, a development that will...

First Polls of the Night Close
 First Polls of the Night Close 
election day

First Polls of the Night Close

Kentucky and Indiana lead the way

(Newser) - Here we go. The first polls have closed in Kentucky and Indiana, and cable pundits and bloggers will be talking and typing pretty much nonstop into the wee hours. Head here if you need primers on key races to watch. For overviews, see the New York Times and Politico .

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Guess who's No. 1?

(Newser) - When it comes to the most covered candidates of the midterm elections, is it any surprise that Tea Partiers claim five of the top 10 slots? The Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism analyzed the election stories produced by 52 TV networks, websites, radio stations, and newspapers since Jan....

Where Liberals Can Go if the Tea Party Wins
Where Liberals Can Go
if the Tea Party Wins 

Where Liberals Can Go if the Tea Party Wins

Pros and cons for five cities depressed voters might want to consider

(Newser) - If today’s elections turn out to be the “bloodbath” liberals fear, you’ll certainly hear the typical “I’m moving to Canada” lament, predicts Richard Lawson. But if Dems get trounced by the likes of Sharron Angle , "it might mean that things really are pretty hopeless...

8 Senate Races to Watch
 8 Senate Races to Watch 
midterms 2010

8 Senate Races to Watch

These races will decide just how good the GOP's night is

(Newser) - It’s Election Day, folks, and we're here to give you the low-down. All eyes are certainly on the Senate, where Democrats have a chance to keep their majority, provided they can win a few close races. Here's what's happening, according to the Washington Post , complete with links to our...

9 House Races to Watch

 9 House Races 
 to Watch 
midterms 2010

9 House Races to Watch

Alan Grayson, Tom Perriello, Joseph Cao among those fighting for their job

(Newser) - Polling guru Nate Silver used his highly sophisticated model to predict that the GOP could pick up anywhere from 23 to 81 seats . They need to pick up 39 in order to grab a 218-vote House majority. We boiled it down to the 9 that you should keep an eye...

Morgan Freeman's 'Voice' Hijacked for GOP Ad

N. Carolina congressional candidate drops spot after blast by livid actor

(Newser) - Campaign officials for a North Carolina congressional candidate have finally conceded the voice on a radio and TV spot really isn't Morgan Freeman's, even though they insisted yesterday it was. The confession came after a furious Freeman slammed the campaign for hijacking his endorsement of Republican candidate BJ Lawson, who's...

Both Parties Get Ready to Recount

Teams of lawyers, flacks ready to roll anywhere

(Newser) - With races from Alaska to Nevada to Florida looking to go down to the wire and beyond, Politico reports that both parties have been readying SWAT teams of lawyers, PR people, and political operatives for quick dispatch to any number of recounts. While recounts can drag on for months, experts...

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear 'Citizens United' for Nonprofits

Won't consider looser donation rules on PACs

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today declined without comment a case that sought to extend Citizens United's lax spending rules to nonprofits, the Christian Science Monitor reports. SpeechNow.org, a conservative advocacy group, had sued the Federal Election Commission in an attempt to loosen restrictions on political action committees, which it likens...

Tomorrow's Real Prize? State Legislatures
Tomorrow's Real Prize?
State Legislatures

Tomorrow's Real Prize? State Legislatures

Forget Congress: It's governorships and state chambers that count

(Newser) - As tomorrow’s election looms, most are focused on which party will control next year’s Congress—but the big prize is really state legislatures, writes Nick Baumann in Mother Jones . A party that gains a “trifecta—control of the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature”—...

'Non-Voters' Will Decide Midterms

Poorer, more liberal will likely surrender field to conservative voters

(Newser) - In what may be the final twist of irony in America's odder-than-odd midterm elections, it's the non-voters who will likely end up deciding tomorrow's races, suggests the Los Angeles Times . The "real majority" in US politics are those who stay home on election day, and they tend to be...

Voters: Just as Unhappy as They Were in 1994

New poll shows voter unrest, trouble for Democrats

(Newser) - Voters are just as dissatisfied with Washington now as they were before the 1994 elections when Republicans took control, according to a new Washington Post -ABC News poll. Highlights:
  • More than seven out of 10 voters believe the country is off course.
  • Fifty-two percent disapprove of how President Obama is

Facebook App Identifies Non-Voters, Nags Them
Facebook App Identifies Non-Voters, Nags Them

Facebook App Identifies Non-Voters, Nags Them

Democrats in California using it in get-out-the-vote push

(Newser) - Democrats in California who tend to skip Election Day may be getting a nagging reminder to vote from an unlikely source—their Facebook friends. The party is using a new app that scours a user's list of friends, identifies registered Democrats who don't actually vote a lot, and encourages the...

Democrats, Brace for GOP's Gloating

Kornacki: It's surely coming, and it will surely be overblown

(Newser) - Steve Kornacki provides a preview of what's in store for Democrats in the wake of Tuesday's election by looking back at 1994. That's when Newt said (of Bill and Hillary): "They really are left-wing elitists and they really thought the country didn't get it and therefore it was their...

Post-Partisan? Obama Has Let Us Down
 Post-Partisan? Obama 
 Has Let Us Down 

Post-Partisan? Obama Has Let Us Down

Op-ed: He's very happy to engage in 'attack politics'

(Newser) - Yesterday, we learned how Newt Gingrich is channeling Richard Nixon . Today, it's Barack Obama's turn. Two self-described "traditional liberal Democrats" take to the Washington Post to berate Obama for abandoning his promise of a "post-partisan America" and fully engaging in the "culture of attack politics." In...

We're in Big, Big Trouble
 We're in Big, Big Trouble 
paul krugman

We're in Big, Big Trouble

Krugman: GOP control will be economic 'catastrophe' for America

(Newser) - Paul Krugman doesn't use the word "Armageddon" when predicting what will happen under Republican control of Congress, but he comes pretty close. "This is going to be terrible," he writes in the New York Times . "In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010...

No-Drama Obama Is a Little Too Calm These Days
No-Drama Obama Is a Little Too Calm These Days

No-Drama Obama Is a Little Too Calm These Days

Brownstein: The '94 vote jolted Clinton, but Obama seems unfazed

(Newser) - Plenty of pundits have drawn parallels to what happened to Bill Clinton in 1994 and what's about to happen to Barack Obama and the Democrats on Tuesday. At the National Journal , Ronald Brownstein notes one key difference: Clinton "seemed tormented" on the eve of those elections, while Obama "...

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