midterm elections

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'Rand Paul Stomp' Stars in First Ad

So 'scary' it's running after 10pm, say Dems

(Newser) - Smile, Rand Paul bruisers, you're on TV—again! The takedown and head-stompin' of a protester by Paul supporters is starring in its first political ad. But bizarrely, the Democratic Party finds it so "scary" for kids that it's only running after 10 pm, a spokesman tells the Washington Post...

Durbin, Schumer Jockeying for Reid's Majority Post

Senators quietly maneuvering to move in if leader goes down

(Newser) - Capitol Hill housemates Charles Schumer and Richard Durbin are likely to end up fighting over a lot more than the breakfast cereal if Harry Reid loses his re-election battle. The senators from New York and Illinois, Reid's top two deputies, are subtly building support for bids to become majority leader—...

Payback Will Be Brutal for Democrats, Obama
Payback Will Be Brutal
for Democrats, Obama
Karl Rove

Payback Will Be Brutal for Democrats, Obama

Rove: These elections are nationalized, and party leaders are in trouble

(Newser) - Karl Rove remains very confident as the midterms enter crunch time. Voters will deliver a "crushing rebuke" (his headline predicts a "Democratic apocalypse") to the left's candidates and to President Obama's policies, he writes in the Wall Street Journal . It's true that midterms are usually lousy for...

Poll: Obama Voters Deserting Democrats

Women, Catholics, independents now favoring GOP

(Newser) - Key groups of voters who helped President Obama win in 2008 and delivered Congress to the Democrats in 2006 are favoring the GOP this time around, a New York Times /CBS poll finds. Women, Catholics, less affluent voters, and independents are all leaning Republican, the poll finds. Women are set...

$2B House, Senate Races Smash Fundraising Record

Spending set to top $4M for each congressional seat

(Newser) - Fundraising records have been shattered as House and Senate candidates head toward the finish line, a Washington Post analysis of campaign finance data finds. House and Senate candidates have raised over $1.5 billion and total spending is on course to top $2 billion as hopefuls dig deep into their...

Don't Let GOP Make It 'Even Worse'
 Don't Let GOP 
 Make It 'Even Worse' 
Paul Krugman

Don't Let GOP Make It 'Even Worse'

Dems have done too little, but Republicans 'haven't learned' a thing

(Newser) - The Dems are poised for disaster in the upcoming election, and that’s not because President Obama has been too far to the left, or because he didn’t defend his policies well. If Republicans trounce the Dems, it will be because of the economy, Paul Krugman writes for the...

Violent Uprising 'on the Table': GOP Candidate

Stephen Broden says revolution is an option

(Newser) - Tea Party-backed Republican congressional hopeful Stephen Broden says he cannot rule out the violent overthrow of the the US government as a remedy if the midterm elections do not alter our country's leadership, reports the Dallas Morning News . Broden, a preacher running against incumbent Eddie Johnson, made the comments in...

Bill Clinton in 11th-Hour Blitz to Rescue Democrats

Ex-president 'bewildered' at lack of party message

(Newser) - The bulldog is back on the scene: Bill Clinton is tearing from coast to coast ahead of Election Day, and winning over Democratic crowds wherever he goes, writes Philip Rucker in the Washington Post . But the former president is dismayed at his party’s inability to craft a clear message...

Introducing 'Obama Underappreciation Syndrome'
charles krauthammer

Introducing 'Obama Underappreciation Syndrome'

Krauthammer marvels at president's 'liberal psychology'

(Newser) - President Obama has come up with a doozy of an explanation for why Democrats face disaster in the midterms, writes Charles Krauthammer. Under the president's theory, the economy has people so scared they can't think straight. It's a "whole new branch of cognitive science—liberal psychology," writes Krauthammer...

Public-Employees Union No. 1 Election Spender

1.6-million member AFSCME spends $87.5M on campaign

(Newser) - The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has become the biggest outside donor to the midterm elections, thanks to a last-minute push of funds to Democrats that brings its total election spending to $87.5 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The organization, which boasts 1.6 million...

GOPers Say Palin Is Tough to Deal With

... in a Politico article that's overblown and sexist, says critic

(Newser) - Politico today paints a lengthy, unflattering portrait of Sarah Palin's efforts to help fellow conservatives and Republicans on the campaign trail. "She offers little notice about her availability, refuses to do certain events, is obsessive about press coverage and sometimes backs out with as little lead time as she...

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
ej dionne

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message

EJ Dionne: GOP has short, sweet theme on economy, and it's working

(Newser) - The Republicans are coasting through this election season on a platform of just a few words: “Spending, taxes, jobs, economy, deficit, debt,” as one party leader has it. As we near Nov. 2, the Democrats still don’t have anything like that coherent message, writes EJ Dionne in...

Attack Ad Rips Wrong Lawmaker

Denver TV station drops 'blatantly wrong' spot

(Newser) - A Denver TV station has dropped a GOP congressional candidate’s ad, saying it got its facts “blatantly wrong." Cory Gardner’s ad attacks Democratic Congresswoman Betsy Markey for voting for the 2010 budget, when in fact she didn’t—Ed Markey of Massachusetts did. The Gardner campaign...

Obama's Dumb Strategy Is Hurting Democrats

He's running an awful midterm campaign, Karl Rove writes

(Newser) - President Obama is “overseeing one of the worst White House midterm strategies in American history,” writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal . Even though the economy is foremost on voters’ minds, Obama continues to focus on immigration reform, the “Ground Zero mosque,” and “an...

Tea Party Steeped in Global Warming Doubt

More than half of activists don't foresee a warming problem—ever

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement is highly skeptical of the threat posed by—and, in some cases, the existence of—global warming, finds a New York Times /CBS poll. Just 14% of Tea Partiers believe warming is currently taking effect, as opposed to 49% of the rest of Americans. More than...

Plutocrats Are Playing Tea Partiers for Fools
Plutocrats Are Playing
Tea Partiers for Fools
dana milbank

Plutocrats Are Playing Tea Partiers for Fools

Dana Milbank: This anti-elite movement is funded by elites

(Newser) - Tea Party activists are right to be angry, writes Dana Milbank—but that anger should be directed at their own supposed leaders. Ordinary citizens are being manipulated by deep-pocketed "plutocrats" and "professional politicians" like those at FreedomWorks, he writes at the Washington Post . And before you follow Glenn...

Virginia Beach's GOP Chairman Resigns Over Racist Joke

Defenders say email was forwarded in error

(Newser) - The head of the GOP in Virginia Beach has heeded calls from both sides to step down over a racist joke he emailed. The district GOP chairman says David Bartholomew forwarded the joke—involving a dog who is "black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue...

GOP Rout May Be Great News &mdash;for Obama
 GOP Rout 
 May Be 
 Great News 
 —for Obama 
eugene robinson

GOP Rout May Be Great News —for Obama

Expect Republican obstruction, which the president can capitalize on

(Newser) - If even the worst Democratic fears play out next month and they wind up losing both the House and Senate, Eugene Robinson sees a bright silver lining for the party. Conservatives and Tea Party activists will suddenly find themselves in government instead of in the peanut gallery, and our "...

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb
 Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb 

Lefties Plot GOP Google Bomb

Daily Kos seeks to send negative stories to top of rankings

(Newser) - Look out, GOP: You're about to get Google-bombed. Liberal activist and Daily Kos honcho Chris Bowers is targeting 98 Republican House candidates in a Google campaign ahead of November's elections. He's urging the blog's readers to find potentially damaging news stories about the candidates and help push them up Google's...

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Watchdogs question content backed by secret donors

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,...

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