Tea Party

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Is the Tea Party Feminist?
 Is the Tea Party Feminist? 

Is the Tea Party Feminist?

Sort of, argues Hanna Rosin on Slate

(Newser) - "While no movement that uses Michelle Malkin as a poster girl could fairly be described as feminist," writes Hanna Rosin on Slate, the Tea Party actually comes surprisingly close. More than half of the movement's members are women and there are many women in leadership roles. That, of...

US Tax Burden Lowest Since 1950

Recession, stimulus shrink tax rate to 60-year-low

(Newser) - You wouldn't know it from the clamor of anti-tax protests, but Americans turned over a lower share of their income to the taxman last year than at any time since the Truman administration, according to a USA Today analysis. State, local, and federal taxes took up 9.2% of income...

Tea Partiers Get Ugly With Ebert

'Patriotism' devolves into cancer jibes

(Newser) - Roger Ebert has become the target of acid-tongued Tea Partiers since the movie critic criticized a group of California high schoolers who wore American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo. Ebert tweeted that the kids "should have to share a lunchroom table with those who wear a hammer and...

Tea Party Shifts Focus to Kentucky

Palin backs Rand Paul over Trey Grayson

(Newser) - After taking down Bob Bennett in Utah, the Tea Party has a new target: Kentucky. Tea Party activists and other conservative critics yesterday shifted their sights to the state's mid-May primary for their next big challenge to a political establishment they have vowed to upend. The Kentucky race pits Secretary...

Tea Party Fervor Ousts Utah Senator Bob Bennett

Incumbent loses GOP nod amid anti-incumbent mood

(Newser) - The first incumbent goes down: Utah Senator Bob Bennett lost his bid for the Republican nomination today amid fierce anti-Washington sentiment, reports the Salt Lake Tribune . The 18-year incumbent lost his chance to run for a fourth term to a conservative candidate backed by the Tea Party, Mike Lee, and...

Kathleen Parker - The Tea Party's allegiance to no one

 Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own 

Tea Party Cannibalizes Its Own

Movement only hurts itself by trying to purge the impure

(Newser) - Don't expect to see Kathleen Parker speaking at any Tea Party events: The prominent conservative has come out against the movement in a Washington Post column warning that Tea Partiers have "allegiance to no one." Parker takes the Tea Party to task for seeking to purge Republican incumbents...

Incumbents Win North Carolina, Ohio Primaries

So much for anti-Establishment fever?

(Newser) - Wait, wasn't this supposed to be the year of anti-Washington anger run amok? You wouldn't know it to look at last night's primary results: Incumbents won across the board in North Carolina and Ohio, while Indiana Republicans picked Washington veteran Dan Coats. Turnout was especially light in Ohio and North...

Tea Party Battles to Scrub Racist Image

Bigots aren't welcome, say leaders

(Newser) - Tea Party groups are fighting to overcome widespread perceptions that their movement is racist. Polls show that some 30% of Americans see the movement as motivated by racism against the nation's first black president, a figure that rises to 61% among opponents and sinks to 7% among supporters. Leaders say...

Advice to Tea Party: Go Green
 Advice to Tea Party: 
 Go Green 
thomas friedman

Advice to Tea Party: Go Green

We could impose a 'patriot fee' on foreign oil

(Newser) - Thomas Friedman figures the Tea Party, like similar protest movements, is good for 10% to 20% of the vote. But if it wants to truly change America, he suggests a change in focus by going green. He's even got the manifesto written: “We, the Green Tea Party, believe that...

Ask a Tea Partier: Why Do You Hate Obama?
 Ask a Tea Partier: 
 Why Do You Hate Obama? 
'umm, see, well...'

Ask a Tea Partier: Why Do You Hate Obama?

Most can't exactly explain

(Newser) - Why does the tea party hate Barack Obama? For a vast number of reasons—most of which apparently aren't rooted deeply in reality. New Left Media asked protesters at the National Tax Day demonstration to explain their motivations, and perhaps predictably gathered some less-than-well-thought-out answers in this video, picked up...

GEICO Fires Voice Actor After He Insults Tea Partiers

But it wasn't the guy who does the gecko

(Newser) - They didn't stop the health care bill, but tea partiers have gotten the voice of GEICO fired. No, not the gecko, the guy who says, "GEICO, real service, real savings." It seems he called up the group FreedomWorks and left a long, nasty message with lines like, "...

Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice
Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice
Michael Gerson

Primary Foe Makes McCain Look Like the Smart Choice

Even tea partiers shouldn't vote for toxic JD Hayworth

(Newser) - Tea Party activists don't like John McCain, but they'd better vote for him, because tea partier primary opponent JD Hayworth is “toxic,” writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post . Hayworth's main claim to fame is his crusade against Mexican immigration—and not just the illegal kind. He pledged...

Fox Pundit to Stewart: 'You're Just Leno With the F-Bomb'

But first, Bernie Goldberg admits Jon 'was right'

(Newser) - Fox News pundit Bernie Goldberg said the unthinkable last night: “I was wrong, Jon Stewart is right.” Goldberg was responding, via the O’Reilly Factor , to Stewart’s claim last week that Fox News makes generalized slams against liberals then hypocritically derides anyone who makes generalized claims about...

Tea Party Guy Calls Out 'Gay' Lindsey Graham

Gay, moderate, same difference, right?

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is a noted moderate, and he's suspiciously single, so some genius speaking at a recent Tea Party rally came to the obvious conclusion: He must be gay! “I need to figure out why you're trying to sell out your own countrymen,” says the as-of-yet-unidentified speaker of...

Tea Party Split Between Sarah Palin, Ron Paul
Tea Party Split Between
Sarah Palin, Ron Paul
poll numbers

Tea Party Split Between Sarah Palin, Ron Paul

Libertarians like Paul, conservatives like Palin

(Newser) - Much as there are two Americas, there are two Tea Parties; one that's libertarian, and one that's socially conservative. Politico ran an exit poll on Thursday's massive tax day protest on the Washington Mall and found that about 43% said that the government needed to promote traditional values. Their favorite...

Right-of-Fox Network Powers Up
Right-of-Fox Network Powers Up 

Right-of-Fox Network Powers Up

'Tea Party TV' RightNetwork set for summer launch

(Newser) - A network for people who find Fox a little too far left will be hitting the airwaves this summer. RightNetwork—whose backers include ComCast and actor Kelsey Grammer—pledges to focus on entertainment with "pro-business, pro-military, and pro-America" sensibilities, Gawker reports. The network has been embedded with the Tea...

Fox Yanks Hannity From Tea Party Rally

Murdoch backs off movement support

(Newser) - After promoting the Tea Party for months, Fox News yesterday yanked Sean Hannity from a major tax day rally and fundraiser sponsored by the maverick movement. The action comes a week after big cheese Rupert Murdoch ordered that Fox should not be supporting the Tea Party. Hannity was called back...

Obama: Tea Party Amuses Me
 Obama: Tea Party Amuses Me 

Obama: Tea Party Amuses Me

He touts tax cuts, says protesters should thank him

(Newser) - The only effect yesterday's tax day protests appear to have had on the president is to make him chuckle. President Obama told a Democratic fundraiser in Miami that the Tea Party anti-tax rallies "amused' him in light of his administration's numerous tax cuts, ABC News reports. "You would...

Dear Tea Party: I Love Tax Day
 Dear Tea Party: 
 I Love Tax Day 

Dear Tea Party: I Love Tax Day

Haven't tea partiers ever heard of sharing?

(Newser) - Steve Almond used to hate taxes. But now he hates the Tea Party movement (or, more accurately, the Tea Party's “series of highly publicized tantrums”) even more…and he’s ready to confess something “almost heretical”: He actually loves Tax Day. Here’s why:
  • It made him

Um, Guys, Taxes Are Lower This Year

That could change in the future, however

(Newser) - Believe it or not, tea partiers, your taxes probably went down this year. Soon after Barack Obama took office, those tax-and-spend Democrats cut individuals’ federal taxes by roughly $173 billion, the AP reports, which should more than make up for any tax increases states were forced to push through to...

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