Tea Party

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Tea Partiers Richer, Better Educated Than Average

Backers largely older, white, male, southern

(Newser) - Just who are the Tea Partiers and what do they believe? According to a New York Times / CBS poll, the 18% of Americans who support the movement are wealthier, more educated, and a lot more pessimistic than average. Among the poll's other findings:
  • Despite the movement's origins as a

Cal Prez Charges Secret Palin Contract Was Stolen

Palin foes behind 'political theater,' he claims

(Newser) - The president of a California public college where Sarah Palin is to speak is charging that the secret contract revealing her demands for a suite, a Lear jet and no audience questions was stolen. The juicy contract was revealed earlier this week by university students who said it was fished...

Court Takes Case on 'Tea Party' Name

Floridians square off on who can use the title

(Newser) - Who exactly can call himself a member of the Tea Party? A Florida judge will rule on the matter in a trial later this year. Self-described tea partiers are suing Fred O'Neal, who registered the "Tea Party" as a political party in the state. They accuse him of having...

Sarah Palin Hosts Boston Tea Party

'We'll keep clinging to our Constitution ... and our guns'

(Newser) - Boston’s one of America’s more liberal ‘bergs, but on the eve of tax day, the Tea Party Express just couldn’t resist a stop in the city that held the original anti-tax rally more than 200 years ago. And with Sarah Palin as the headliner, the rally...

How the GOP Quietly Crashed the Tea Party

'Tea Party Express' is actually just a Republican PAC

(Newser) - The tea party phenomenon started out as a tax-day protest a year ago tomorrow, but that protest gave a Republican consultant at the Russo Marsh + Rogers firm an idea. He wrote a proposal, which Politico has now obtained, for a nationwide bus tour called the “Tea Party Express,...

Birther Queen Booted From Tea Party Rally

Candidates refuse to appear with 'crazy' Orly Taitz

(Newser) - The "mother" of the birther movement challenging President Obama's citizenship has been disinvited from a major California Tea Party event. An invitation to Orly Taitz to attend a Tax Day rally tomorrow was rescinded after complaints from Republican candidates planning to appear. The action signaled a significant Tea Party—...

NY Gov Hopeful's Emails Feature Racism, Porn, Bestiality

Tea party candidate Carl Paladino blames Democrats for 'smear'

(Newser) - One week after announcing his candidacy for governor of New York, Carl Paladino was on the hot seat today after an upstate political blog released racist, sexist, and pornographic emails the wealthy developer allegedly sent. The tea partier issued a statement today saying the messages were "just another liberal...

Scott Brown Passes on Tea Party Rally With Palin

Grassroots group's favorite son snubs it from Washington

(Newser) - Scott Brown is distancing himself from the Tea Party advocates that got him elected, having turned down an invitation to speak with Sarah Palin at the grassroots group's first big Boston rally. Brown is tacking to the center since being elected on a wave of populist fury, and has told...

Tea Party's Census Rebellion 'Is a Bust'

 Tea Party's Census 
 Rebellion 'Is a Bust' 
Dana Milbank

Tea Party's Census Rebellion 'Is a Bust'

Conservatives seem to have ignored the plea to boycott

(Newser) - The Tea Party may just be a "paper tiger," writes Dana Milbank. Leaders such as Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, and Ron Paul called for a boycott of the 2010 census—and it looks like nobody listened. Milbank asked number crunchers at the Washington Post to do some digging...

Threats Against Congress Triple Amid Health Fury

'There's more anger out there,' says GOP rep

(Newser) - Fury over the healthcare bill has contributed to a threefold increase in threats against members of Congress this year. Lawmakers reported a total of 42 threats from January to March 2010, up from 15 in the last three months of 2009. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was the latest victim. A...

Obama Smackdown: 'Sarah Palin's No Expert'

Who's getting punched in the face now?

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might think Barack Obama's asking for a "punch in the face," but she's the one who was smacked down by the president in an interview yesterday. "Last time I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear weapons," said Obama in a...

Palin, Bachmann Rev Up Tea Partiers

Movement is "growin' and steamin,'" says Palin

(Newser) - A political dream team—for the tea party set, anyway—of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann wowed the faithful today during a joint appearance in Minneapolis. "The tea party is growin' and steamin,'" declared Palin, who showed up to give Bachmann a boost in her campaign for re-election...

Black Tea Partiers Take Heat
 Black Tea Partiers Take Heat 

Black Tea Partiers Take Heat

Talk about a minority

(Newser) - Black conservatives are used to having to defend their values, but they now are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white "tea party" movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of America's first black president. "I've been told I hate myself,"...

Republicans Fear Census Undercounting

Tea partiers' push for noncompliance may backfire, GOP warns

(Newser) - The GOP is worried that an anti-government backlash could lead to underrepresentation of conservatives in the census and shrink the number of Republican lawmakers. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul have urged supporters not to provide anything to census workers except the number of people in their household. "The census...

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
2 new polls

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP

Movement currently accounts for 17% of voters

(Newser) - A pair of new polls poke holes in the conventional image of the tea party as a fringe group of loud Republicans. In a Sunday poll of 1,000 registered voters, 17% identified themselves as “part of the Tea Party movement,” the LA Times reports. Of those, 28%...

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms
5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

5 Hopeful Signs for Democrats in Midterms

No need for Pelosi, Reid to panic—at least not yet

(Newser) - Democrats didn’t get the bump in the polls they were hoping for after health care reform passed. Are they doomed in November? Maybe. But they have reasons for optimism, writes Jay Newton-Small for Time , including:
  • Michael Steele: He’s “the gift that keeps on giving,” and his

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together
 Tea Party, GOP 
 Must Work Together 

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together

Third party challenges historically benefit those they oppose: Quayle

(Newser) - Watching the emergence of the Tea Party movement is giving Dan Quayle flashbacks—about Ross Perot. Perot's Reform Party siphoned off 19% of the votes in the 1992 presidential election, effectively denying the elder George Bush a second term. "There's a well-worn path of third-party movements in American history,...

Palin to Fans: Stop Cars With Obama Bumper Stickers

Palin still opposed to 'hopey changey stuff'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin gave a Nevada Tea Party Express rally some curious marching orders on Saturday, telling them to stop and harass anyone with an Obama bumper sticker. After quoting a common conservative sticker (“Government: If you think our problems are bad, wait until you see our solutions”) she...

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim
Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Conservatives Can't Stop Playing the Victim

Bullies claim they're being martyred by the elite, writes Thomas Frank

(Newser) - Republicans and tea partiers whine that the threats, violence, and slurs directed at Democrats over health care reform are being used by their opponents to score political points and smear the right. And in doing so, they're just demonstrating modern conservatism's "cult of victimhood," in which even the...

Business Leaders Find Success as GOP Candidates

Rich ex-execs present Tea Party alternative

(Newser) - Business leaders crossing over to politics are finding success as GOP candidates, using their experience and personal fortunes to challenge established Republicans in Senate and gubernatorial races. In California, Meg Whitman has earmarked $39 million for her campaign for governor. In Michigan, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, former executives are making waves...

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