Tea Party

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Tea Partiers Find Campaigning Tougher Than Protesting

Movement must choose between the faithful, the electable

(Newser) - As this year's GOP primaries turn many Tea Partiers from protesters into candidates, the campaign trail is giving the populist movement a sobering lesson in political realities. In many districts with vulnerable Democratic incumbents, the GOP primary field is overcrowded with inexperienced candidates who are struggling to raise money, and...

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery
 Hate-Crime Wave 
 Is Just Lefty Fakery 

Hate-Crime Wave Is Just Lefty Fakery

Past incidents overblown at best, duplicitous at worst

(Newser) - Reports of political hate crimes against Democrats since the passage of the health care reform bill are overblown at best, and downright lies at worst, Michelle Malkin writes, charging that Nancy Pelosi & Co. “can’t stand the heat” and so manufactured “a Tea Party epidemic of racism,...

Sarah Palin Stumps for McCain

Tea Party hero lends support to former running mate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke at a rally for John McCain today in Tucson, the first time the two have stumped together since the 2008 presidential campaign. McCain is in a tight primary fight with JD Hayworth, who is attempting to paint the senator as insufficiently conservative. Palin delivered some much-needed Tea...

Tea Partiers Decry Socialism But Want Gov't Jobs
 Tea Partiers Decry Socialism 
 But Want Gov't Jobs 

Tea Partiers Decry Socialism But Want Gov't Jobs

Turns out not all 'socialist' programs are bad

(Newser) - Upwards of 90% of tea partiers are convinced that the US is creeping away from capitalism towards socialism, but they aren’t as stridently opposed to that as you might think. Sure, roughly the same number think the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to a new Bloomberg...

Health-Reform Heckler Says He's Sorry, Scared

(Newser) - A scared and remorseful Chris Reichert of Victorian Village, Ohio, has come forward after berating Robert A. Letcher, 60, who suffers from Parkinson's, to apologize for his actions. "I snapped. I absolutely snapped and I can't explain it any other way, he said," adding that this was his...

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November
 Tea Party Could Doom 
 GOP in November 
quinnipiac poll

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November

If they run candidates, Democrats will win: Quinnipiac

(Newser) - Just 13% of Americans self-identify as members of the Tea Party movement, but a new Quinnipiac poll shows they may well hold the key to the 2010 midterm elections. Respondents say they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat by 44% to 39%. But if a Tea Party candidate...

Obama: Tea-Baggers Control GOP Agenda

 Control GOP 
also, Rahm hates bo

Obama: Tea-Baggers Control GOP Agenda

President blames Republican opposition to the stimulus

(Newser) - New York has an early look at Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter's book on the Obama White House, The Promise. Tidbits (some newsier than others):
  • Obama tells Alter that GOP opposition to the stimulus "helped create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party where it

Tea Partiers Just Plain Ignorant
 Tea Partiers Just Plain Ignorant 

Tea Partiers Just Plain Ignorant

Anti-tax activists have no idea how much they pay in taxes

(Newser) - For a movement that frets so much about the “burden of federal taxation,” Tea Party adherents have a remarkably dim understanding of what they actually fork over to Washington. In a recent survey of anti-tax activists in Washington Tuesday, tea partiers thought, on average, that 42% of GDP...

Palin Will Visit Arizona to Stump for McCain

2008 running mate brought in to counter Hayworth

(Newser) - With JD Hayworth breathing down his neck, John McCain is looking for help in the Arizona primary race from a familiar campaigner: Sarah Palin. The former Alaska governor and Tea Party favorite will travel to Arizona next weekend to stump for her onetime running mate. The joint appearances will be...

'Tea Party of Nevada' Is a Conspiracy, Says Tea Party

Group just a liberal plot to reelect Harry Reid

(Newser) - The Tea Party of Nevada’s most vocal opponents aren’t Democrats; they’re tea party activists. The Tea Party of Nevada has formed an official third party, and will be fielding its own candidate in the race to dislodge Harry Reid. But that’s drawn howls of protest from...

Coffee Party Founder Calls for Friendlier Process
Coffee Party Founder Calls for Friendlier Process

Coffee Party Founder Calls for Friendlier Process

Annabel Park down on Tea Party approach

(Newser) - At first glance, the Coffee Party might seem like just a reaction against the Tea Party movement, and it did start that way. Founder Annabel Park recalls ranting against the "disproportionately effective " effort, saying, “We should just start our own party, call it the Coffee Party or...

Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves
 the Tea Party 
 Hates, Loves 


Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves

John McCain, you are not Mr Popularity. Michael Steele, neither are you.

(Newser) - Republicans hoping to ride the Tea Party wave this year and beyond might end up soaked. Politico surveyed leaders of the movement nationally, and found that almost every single prominent Republican was on the Tea Party's bad list. The party whipping boy? 2008 GOP nominee John McCain, underscoring the disconnect...

Religious Right Worried About Tea Party Movement

They fear anti-tax crowd is too secular

(Newser) - Religious conservatives are glancing nervously at the tea party movement, afraid the cool new kids at the GOP lunch table don’t care about their issues. It seems the movement “has a politics that’s irreligious,” evangelical leader Richard Cizik tells Politico . “I can’t see how...

Tea Partiers Killing Tea Sales

Term causing confusion for innocent beverage purveyors

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement is leaving a bitter taste in the mouths of people who sell actual tea. “When I first heard about it, I thought, ‘Oh, maybe I can sell them some tea,’” one distributor tells the Chicago Tribune . “Then I realized that probably...

Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls
 Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls 

Tea Party Fizzles Out at Polls

Grassroots movement lacks money, skills to get votes

(Newser) - However good the tea party movement may be at organizing rallies, a recent slew of primary defeats for tea party candidates shows the movement still has plenty to learn about translating grass-roots energy into votes. In Texas, Illinois, and New York, tea party-affiliated candidates have been soundly trounced at the...

Scare Tactics Backfire: Socialists Gain Popularity

(Newser) - Tea Party and Republican strategists who've been quick to label everything from the economic stimulus to health care reform with the dreaded word "socialist" are inadvertently bringing new interest and attention to the cause they claim to fear and oppose. The Democratic Socialists of America partly credits increased attention...

Tea Partiers Are the New Hippies
 Tea Partiers Are 
 the New Hippies 


Tea Partiers Are the New Hippies

Anti-establishment activists using '60s tactics: David Brooks

(Newser) - The anti-establishment types in the Tea Party movement remind David Brooks of another group of protesters who wanted to bring power back to the people and stick it to The Man. The Tea Partiers have adopted many of the tactics the New Left used in the 1960s, from street theater...

Palin: I Joined Fox for Fairness, Balance

She also rips White House on Leno appearance

(Newser) - So now we know why Sarah Palin joined Fox: to boost "fairness and balance" in the media. That's what she told Jay Leno in his second night back at the helm of the Tonight Show. "The mainstream media is quite broken and I think there needs to be...

Make Way for the Cherry Coke and Whiskey Parties
Make Way for the Cherry Coke and Whiskey Parties

Make Way for the Cherry Coke and Whiskey Parties

Because there's more to life, and politics, than coffee and tea

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement's not going away and its Coffee Party counterpart has already made its media debut, but America's about a lot more than two measly beverages. Gawker 's Adrian Chen lists a few parties that don't exist, but probably should:
  • The Long Island Iced Tea Party. Members hate

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison
Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Republican will face Democrat Bill White, who wins easily

(Newser) - Incumbent Rick Perry claimed the Republican nomination for Texas governor in today’s primary, beating back a challenge from US Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison—who has conceded in the past hour, the Austin American Statesman reports—and the Tea Party-backed Debra Medina. He’ll face Bill White, the former Houston...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>