Tea Party

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Today's Texas Primary a GOP Showdown

Drama stars Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ron Paul and the Tea Party

(Newser) - All eyes in the political world turn to Texas today, as the Lone Star State holds what should be a telling primary for the GOP. Center stage is the GOP gubernatorial race, a three-way slug-fest between current Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and tea partier—and momentary 9/11...

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives
 Don't Gloat 
 Too Long, 
william kristol

Don't Gloat Too Long, Conservatives

Nice work, but Democrats themselves and tea partiers deserve credit

(Newser) - William Kristol thinks Republicans and conservatives are entitled to celebrate over the current state of President Obama's agenda, "but only a little." After all, the bulk of the credit goes to Obama himself (his "big-government liberalism" united foes), Nancy Pelosi (for being "ideologically blinkered"), Harry...

Tea Partiers: Spoiled Boomers in Midlife Crisis

Movement has a lot of white men who came of age in 1960s

(Newser) - The tea party movement portrays itself as a gang of ordinary, diverse citizens, but in reality it's got a lot of rich, middle-aged white guys who came of age in the '60s. That's telling. This phenomenon is actually "a harbinger of midlife crisis, not political crisis," write Jim...

'Coffee Party' Brews Up Progressive Answer to Tea

Activists say civil discourse beats tea partying

(Newser) - Citizens who say tax protests and rage against government aren't their cup of tea have started a caffeinated movement of their own. The Coffee Party movement "gives a voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government," says founder Annabel Park, who became the movement's de facto...

Tea Party Boss: Obama's a Half-White Racist

Mark Williams: 'I'll defend my race record to no one'

(Newser) - Leading Tea Partier Martin Williams labeled President Obama a "half-white" racist in an email to other Tea Party Express leaders unearthed by TPM . Williams appears to be responding to accusations of racism himself in the email, which refers to a CNN interview in which Anderson Cooper made "false...

We're More Diverse Than MSNBC: Tea Party to Olbermann

Dallas Tea Party challenges host to come to an event after put-down

(Newser) - Criticize the tea party from afar, and you may find yourself rubbing shoulders with its members shortly thereafter: The Dallas Tea Party has challenged Keith Olbermann to take a firsthand look at what the movement is really about after the MSNBC host criticized its lack of diversity. “How many...

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement
Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

Soldiers, Cops Form Backbone of Growing Militia Movement

'Oath Keepers' prepare for Obama martial law

(Newser) - A growing militia movement convinced that President Obama will soon find an excuse to impose martial law on the US is finding scores of recruits from within the country’s law-enforcement and military community, Justine Sharrock writes in an investigative piece for Mother Jones . The “Oath Keepers” group has...

86% Say America Is Broken
 86% Say America Is Broken 
Poll Numbers

86% Say America Is Broken

But most still believe it can be fixed

(Newser) - A whopping 86% of Americans believe that their government is broken—an 8-point increase from 2006, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey. But among that group, 81% say it can be fixed, while 5% say it’s beyond repair. The increase came mostly from higher-income earners and people in...

Suicide Pilot Joe Stack Sounds Like Tea Partier to Me

.. says one blogger; that's 'reprehensible,' says another

(Newser) - Joseph Stack’s anger at big government in general and the Internal Revenue Service in particular sounds very much like another of the day’s big noise-makers to Jonathan Capehart. “After reading his 34-paragraph screed,” Capehart writes in a Washington Post blog of the Austin suicide pilot, “...

Tea Party Should Stand Alone, But Lose the Nuts

The movement is better off independent

(Newser) - Tea partiers should stay post-partisan, urges Karl Rove. Rather than align with either party the group should preserve its independence and "hold the feet of politicians in both parties to its fire," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . But, to maximize its influence on policy, the movement...

Tea Partier Wants Wash. Dem Hung
 Tea Partier 
 Wants Wash. 
 Dem Hung 

Tea Partier Wants Wash. Dem Hung

Lonesome Dove treatment for Sen. Patty Murray

(Newser) - One woman at a weekend Tea Party gathering in eastern Washington state invoked frontier justice in suggesting how fellow audience members ought to treat Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat seen as vulnerable in November’s elections. “How many of you have watched the movie Lonesome Dove?” asked the woman,...

Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door
Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door

Md. Dem Mikulski Set to Follow Bayh Out Senate Door

Blogger claims health issues mean retirement

(Newser) - Claiming “an impeccable source,” blogger Rich Vail reports tonight that Democrat Barbara Mikulski will follow Evan Bayh’s lead and not seek re-election to her Maryland Senate seat this fall. Vail, a Tea Party supporter behind blog The Vail Spot , says the 73-year-old Mikulski has been slow to...

GOP Courts Tea Partiers
 GOP Courts Tea Partiers  

GOP Courts Tea Partiers

But many in both parties remain wary of affiliating with the other

(Newser) - Valentine's Day may be over, but the Republican Party is still doing some serious wooing: With the 2010 midterm elections approaching, the GOP is working hard to court tea partiers, with RNC chair Michael Steele set to meet with 50 leaders tomorrow. And while some welcome its advances, many tea...

Anti-Government Ire Drives Tea-Partiers
 Anti-Government Ire 
 Drives Tea-Partiers 

Anti-Government Ire Drives Tea-Partiers

EJ Dionne delves into what makes tea-partiers tick

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement has attacked America's relatively middle-of-the-road president with surprising ferocity, writes EJ Dionne. Parts of the movement seem to be motivated by racism, but the main force seems to be "anti-statism," or a fundamental distrust of the federal government. This vein of anti-statism dates from...

Fed-Up Americans Not Wowed by Sarah Palin: Poll

71% believe Alaskan is unqualified to be president

(Newser) - An overwhelming number of Americans are seriously ticked off at their government but that anger isn't driving them into the arms of Sarah Palin, according to a Washington Post /ABC News poll. A full 71% of voters—including a majority of Republicans—feel that Palin is unqualified to be president....

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra
 Sarah Palin 
 Must Heed 
 Yogi Berra 

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra

She has to somehow lead the leader-shunning Tea Party

(Newser) - So far, so good for Sarah Palin and her popularity with Tea Partiers, writes Donald Kettl, but in “leading a group that doesn’t want a leader” the presumptive 2012 presidential candidate must avoid “separating herself from the rest of the country.” It's a near impossible balancing...

Tea Partiers Attack... Ron Paul?

Texas congressman draws three primary challengers

(Newser) - Ron Paul is facing a whopping three primary challengers this year, all from the so-called Tea Party movement many credit him with starting. Two say they were inspired to run by the anti-tax protests, and have helped organize local rallies, while a third has attended several of the protests. But...

Palin: US 'Ready for Another Revolution'
 Palin: US 
 'Ready for 


Palin: US 'Ready for Another Revolution'

Ex-veep candidate tells Tea Party Convention it's 'the future'

(Newser) - To chants of "run, Sarah, run," Sarah Palin told the Tea Party Convention last night that "America is ready for another revolution," and that the activists gathered to hear her speak would be the ones to carry it out. “This movement is the future of...

Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama
Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama
Tea Party Opener

Tancredo: Illiterate Voters Elected 'Socialist' Obama

But things would be even worse if McCain had been elected

(Newser) - Tom Tancredo kicked off the National Tea Party Convention last night with a full blast of vitriol, saying “Barack Hussein Obama” had been elected because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote. People who could not even spell the word vote, or say...

McCain Leans Right Ahead of Primary

Conservative foe expected to attack on spending, immigration

(Newser) - John McCain is shimmying to the right and focusing on local Arizona issues ahead of what could be a tough primary challenge from former congressman JD Hayworth. A recent poll has McCain’s favorable rating at just 40%, the lowest since 1994 when he was embroiled in the Keating Five...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>