Tea Party

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Sarah Palin Throws Tea Party in Harry Reid's Hometown

Searchlight, Nevada, will kick off Tea Party Express bus tour

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will stick it to Harry Reid by headlining a Tea Party rally in his hometown of Searchlight, Nevada, on March 27. The assault on the struggling Senate majority leader will kick off a 42-city bus tour for the Tea Party Express; Palin will also headline at a stop...

GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary
GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary

GOP Moderate Kirk Wins Ill. Senate Primary

Blows away tea-party-backed candidates, will try for Obama's seat

(Newser) - Moderate Mark Kirk has won Illinois’ Republican Senate primary, blowing away two conservative opponents backed by tea-party contingents. The congressman has 56% of the vote with more than 82% of precincts reporting—giving him a 37% edge over Patrick Hughes. Analysts predicted that a clear Kirk victory would take much...

How Old Fogies Can Save America

 How Old 
 Can Save 
david brooks

How Old Fogies Can Save America

Brooks: They need to unite in the cause of selflessness

(Newser) - Forget Washington—America's salvation lies with its senior citizens, writes David Brooks. He wants them to form a sort of tea party of their own, not to accrue more financial benefits but to return some they already have. Federal spending tilts too heavily toward the old instead of the young,...

Illinois Primary Could Muffle Tea Party Buzz

Moderate favored over 2 conservatives in today's Senate vote

(Newser) - If polls prove accurate, moderate Mark Kirk will emerge victorious from today’s Republican Senate primary in Illinois, beating out two more conservative candidates with tea party backing. His victory would put a dent in the tea party panic gripping the GOP, says Talking Points Memo . Republicans in states including...

New Media Unite, Ignite Anti-Obama Message

Beltway insiders work together with tea party populists

(Newser) - The bloggers, radio hosts, tea-partiers and Beltway veterans of the new conservative movement are not only getting their message out through Twitter and Facebook—they're also getting their act together. Thanks to new media, conservatives are increasingly energized and coordinated, with Washington "insiders" and populist "outsiders" working together....

Tea Party Convention in Turmoil Over Costs, Palin

Internal disputes, profiteering concerns derail event

(Newser) - A much-ballyhooed Tea Party convention is coming apart, as the veteran protesters turn their rage on their own gathering. Sponsors and participants are pulling out, outraged over the enormous cost—tickets are a whopping $549, plus a $9.95 fee—and the $100,000 the convention is reportedly paying keynote...

Obama Needs to Ditch the 'Wall Street Liberal' Label

A fight with big banks would best help his reputation

(Newser) - "Wall Street Liberal" is pretty much the worst label you could stick on a politician: The left has no great love of Wall Street, while the "liberal" part ticks off the right. Bad news, then, for President Obama—who is actually neither liberal nor a Wall Street darling—...

Palin Getting Up to $100K for Tea Party Speech

'That's a lot of damned tea,' says one irked blogger

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may be the most important public figure to the burgeoning tea party movement, but she's apparently not about to cut them a deal—the former Alaska governor is expected to receive between $75,000 and $100,000 to speak at the movement's first convention next month, reports Politico...

Wall Street Bonuses Ripe for Tea Party Rage

Big finance could face populist pitchforks

(Newser) - Bailed-out Wall Street execs handing themselves hefty bonuses this month should prepare for outrage not only from Dems inside the Beltway but from tea partiers, who hold their first convention in Nashville next month. The rage that has been focused on big government and health care reform could easily swing...

The 10 Most Important Primaries
 The 10 Most Important Primaries
2010 preview

The 10 Most Important Primaries

Perry and KBH face off; Tea Party mounts challenge in Fla.

(Newser) - The 2010 primaries will see the GOP repairing its identity and soul-searching among Democrats. The 10 most important races, according to Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post :
  1. Texas governor, R: Rick Perry is running for an unprecedented third term, and voters seem to approve. But Kay Bailey Hutchison is a

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her
 Great News for 
 Palin: GOP Poll 
 Snubs Her 
nate silver

Great News for Palin: GOP Poll Snubs Her

Not one party leader sees her as the 2012 candidate

(Newser) - In a new survey of 109 Republican movers and shakers, not one named Sarah Palin as the likely presidential nominee in 2012. This is fabulous news for her, writes Nate Silver. After all, "2010/12 is "shaping up to be an anti-establishment cycle," he writes, and if the...

Sarah Palin to Headline Tea Party Convention

Could be first step toward new party, complete with candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will be the headline speaker in the nation's first-ever Tea Party convention next month in Tennessee, raising the specter of a spin-off political party already laying claim to a presidential candidate. A generic “Tea Party” is already more popular than either Democrats or Republicans, while Palin rivals...

Welcome to the Tea Party Decade
 Welcome to the 
 Tea Party Decade 

Welcome to the Tea Party Decade

Dissatisfied public will make movement a major player

(Newser) - America's beginning this decade in a bad mood, and the tea party movement is poised to conquer it the way hippies dominated the '60s and Christian conservatives the '80s, writes David Brooks. Public opinion is shifting not just to the right, but away from the interests of big business and...

John McCain's Primary Race Gets Ugly ...

... Even though teabagger/radio host Hayworth may not run

(Newser) - The primary battle between John McCain and JD Hayworth is getting nasty, even though the two aren’t even technically opponents yet. Hayworth, a former congressman, conservative talk show host and noted tea partier, hasn’t yet filed to run against McCain, and says he still may decide against it,...

GOP Hopes to Take Tea Party Cash to the Bank

PACs compete for 2010 donations from anti-tax activists

(Newser) - As Tea Party wrath brews, conservatives are hoping the anti-tax activists put their money where their mouth is in 2010—and a plethora of political action committees are springing up, angling for a piece of the pie. Dick Armey's Freedomworks Foundation launches its Take Back America PAC this week and...

Bachmann, Palin to Address Tea Party Convention

Nashville to host ultra-conservative gathering February

(Newser) - Conservative heavyweights Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin will speak at the first-ever Tea Party Convention in February. Bachmann will give a breakfast speech, while Palin is scheduled for the keynote address at the Nashville event. Tickets to the weekend convention are $549, and that doesn't include accommodations at the Gaylord...

Jim DeMint Becomes Hill's Top Tea Partier

South Carolina senator throws weight behind conservative insurgents

(Newser) - Jim DeMint has thrown his lot in with the hyper-conservative tea party movement, backing far-right candidates against party favorites in several key 2010 races. In the process, the South Carolina senator’s picked up a pile of enemies in the party leadership, but he’s also grown his influence. Even...

'Tea Party' to Fight Dozen GOP Candidates in 2010

Conservatives taking aim at moderates

(Newser) - This election cycle could herald all-out war between far-right conservatives and the Republican establishment. Empowered by their success in pushing the GOP candidate out of the race in New York’s 23rd District, tea party activists and their allies plan to launch primary challenges against more than a dozen GOP...

Conservatives Declare War on GOP
 Declare War on GOP 

Conservatives Declare War on GOP

New York race just the beginning, activists say

(Newser) - The conservative coup in New York’s special election shows just how little control the GOP has over the ascendant tea party movement—it's a mutiny, and it's just gaining steam, activists say. The folks who helped push Republican Dede Scozzafava out of the race in favor of conservative Doug...

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines
Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Bank Reform Shatters Usual Party Lines

Next big domestic issue will be 'fascinating' to watch

(Newser) - Once health care reform is “settled,” Nate Silver writes, the White House will be searching for a new domestic issue. Card check is too hard, immigration will have to wait for 2012’s “younger, more diverse electorate,” and gay rights is a slog. The winner, in...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>