Tea Party

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Teabaggers Turn on Graham
Teabaggers Turn on Graham
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Teabaggers Turn on Graham

GOP senator pilloried for op-ed with John Kerry on dangers of climate change

(Newser) - Sen. Lindsey Graham drew the ire of teabaggers at a town hall yesterday for colluding with John Kerry on climate legislation. Angry protesters called the South Carolina Republican a “traitor” who made a “pact with the devil” by “going to bed” with the Massachusetts Dem in an...

Tea-Party Protesters Hit 'Pro-Obama' Jersey School

Demonstrators sing 'God Bless America' to protest song about prez

(Newser) - A band of tea-party protesters descended on a New Jersey elementary school yesterday, complaining that a class song hailing President Obama was "indoctrinating" kids. Some 70 protesters sang God Bless America and The Battle Hymn of the Republic outside the B. Bernice Young School in a suburb 15 miles...

House Republicans Face Tea Party Primaries

(Newser) - The so-called “tea party” movement has spawned a host of primary challengers for House Republicans, pressuring them to stay far to the right, CQ Politics reports. “I’ve got four primary challengers, and all of them hope to capitalize on the tea parties,” complains Bob Inglis of...

Ron Paul Fans Return, as Tea Partiers
 Ron Paul Fans Return, 
 as Tea Partiers 

Ron Paul Fans Return, as Tea Partiers

(Newser) - If you polled the protesters at Saturday’s tea party protest on who they voted for in the Republican primaries, Tom Schaller of FiveThirtyEight.com has a sneaking suspicion they’d reply, “Ron Paul.” The protesters focus on libertarian complaints and rhetoric, and bear that familiar Paulite intensity....

Harnessing Anti-Obama Energy Tough for GOP
Harnessing Anti-Obama Energy Tough for GOP

Harnessing Anti-Obama Energy Tough for GOP

Protesters, some with extreme messages, not necessarily leaning Republican

(Newser) - Thousands of angry conservatives turned out for protests in Washington and other cities yesterday, but their rage may prove difficult for Republicans to harness, Kenneth P. Vogel and Alex Isenstadt write on Politico. Many protesters not only opposed Democratic policies, but shouted extremist rhetoric and criticized high GOP spending over...

Protest Organizer Inflated Crowd Size: ABC News

FreedomWorks president attributed 1.5M turnout to network

(Newser) - The organizer of the "Tea Party" protest in Washington yesterday falsely attributed a high estimate of the turnout to ABC News, the network reports. Matt Kibbe, the head of FreedomWorks, said on stage that ABC estimated the turnout at 1 million to 1.5 million people. In a...

Stories 481 - 486 | << Prev