Sunday morning talk shows

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Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He&#39;s a &#39;Joke&#39;

 Giuliani on 
 Biden Gaffe: 
 He's a 'Joke' 

Giuliani on Biden Gaffe: He's a 'Joke'

Obama camp dismisses controversy as a 'distraction'

(Newser) - Joe Biden's "chains" gaffe rippled all the way to the Sunday talk show dial, Politico reports, with Rudy Giuliani backing off his earlier charge that the veep is "not that bright," but very much questioning whether he's got what it takes. "I don'...

Right Cheers, Left Jeers &#39;Extremist&#39; Ryan

 Right Cheers, 
 Left Jeers 
 'Extremist' Ryan 

Right Cheers, Left Jeers 'Extremist' Ryan

'Excellent choice' or 'right-wing idealogue,' depending on who you ask

(Newser) - DC's finest wasted no time reacting to Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his runningmate this morning, with Republicans applauding as Democrats immediately pounced on the Wisconsin Republican. Highlights from your Sunday dial, as per Politico :
  • John McCain : Ryan is an "excellent choice," who won'

Scalia: You Can&#39;t Call a Penalty a Pig
 You Can't Call 
 a Penalty a Pig 

Scalia: You Can't Call a Penalty a Pig

Or put lipstick on it.

(Newser) - Antonin Scalia is still fired up about the Supreme Court's refusal to overturn ObamaCare, appearing on Fox News Sunday to decry the majority opinion that the individual mandate is a tax. "You don't interpret a penalty to be a pig," he said, according to Politico . "...

Cue the Debate on Gun Control
 Cue the Debate on Gun Control 

Cue the Debate on Gun Control

Colorado massacre dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The Dark Knight massacre ripped through the Sunday talk shows today, echoing the resurgent national conversation about gun control in the wake of the tragedy. The players and their thoughts, as per Politico :
  • Colo. Gov. John Hickenlooper : “This guy is a terrorist. He wasn’t a terrorist in the

Bill Kristol to Romney: Just Release the Tax Returns

And more Bain, Bain, Bain

(Newser) - Bill Kristol today joined the chorus of conservative voices calling for Mitt Romney to "take the hit" and release his tax records. "He should release the tax returns tomorrow. It's crazy. You gotta release six, eight, 10 years of back tax returns. Take the hit for a...

Dems: Romney Just &#39;Business in Bermuda&#39;
 Dems: Romney 
 Just 'Business 
 in Bermuda'

Dems: Romney Just 'Business in Bermuda'

Gibbs et al slam candidate's foreign finances

(Newser) - Salivating Democrats jumped all over Mitt Romney's foreign finances today, painting the candidate as an out-of-touch rich guy stuffing his cash in offshore mattresses—and in the case of Robert Gibbs, suggesting that Romney may have crossed legal boundaries. "We don't know" if Romney has acted illegally,...

Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be &#39;Ripped Out&#39;
 Has to Be 
 'Ripped Out' 


Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be 'Ripped Out'

Dems dodge calling penalty a 'tax'

(Newser) - To call the ObamaCare penalty a tax or not was the question dominating the talk show airwaves today, with John Boehner leading the charge with the dreaded T-word. "The American people ... do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how...

Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up
 Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up 

Issa: We Got a Lie, a Cover-Up

Fast and Furious fallout continues

(Newser) - Darrell Issa was busily holding Eric Holder in contempt all over the Sunday talk show circuit today, blasting the Justice Department and White House alike in the Fast and Furious fiasco, telling Meet the Press that "We got a lie, we got a cover-up." The House Oversight Committee...

Romney Ducks on Immigration &mdash;5 Times
 Ducks on 
 —5 Times 


Romney Ducks on Immigration —5 Times

Plus, a ton of reaction to Obama's shift

(Newser) - As Republicans pounced on President Obama's immigration shift , Mitt Romney was surprisingly noncommittal when asked today no fewer than five times whether he'd repeal the policy. Instead, Romney, who needs to make tracks with lukewarm Latino voters, called for a "long-term solution." He further blasted Obama'...

Walker to Romney: Channel Reagan

 Walker to Romney: 
 Channel Reagan 

Walker to Romney: Channel Reagan

Mitt needs to get serious about reform to win in November

(Newser) - Scott Walker, who's had to win a couple of elections in short order, has a little advice for the man who wants to abscond with the Oval Office come November: Win one with the Gipper . “I just hope he takes a page out of President Reagan’s playbook...

Warner Swats &#39;Wacky&#39; Mourdock
 Warner Swats 
 'Wacky' Mourdock 
Talk Show Roundup

Warner Swats 'Wacky' Mourdock

Thinks Senate candidate's views on bipartisanship are skewed

(Newser) - Mark Warner minced no words today in describing GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's definition of bipartisanship: "I think what Mr. Mourdock said is wacky," Warner told CNN , referring to Mourdock's earlier comments that "bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of...

Rudy Giuliani: Mitt&#39;s Great. I&#39;m Just Better
 Rudy Giuliani: 
 Mitt's Great. 
 I'm Just Better 

Rudy Giuliani: Mitt's Great. I'm Just Better

Hizzoner trips over own ego

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani meant to raise up GOP standardbearer Mitt Romney today, but his ego slipped into the monologue and he ended up damning his onetime rival with faint praise, reports Politico . First calling Romney "the perfect choice," Giuliani then defended his attacks on Romney during the 2008 campaign:...

Boehner on JPMorgan: No Law Against Stupidity

Speaker, Karl Rove also slam PAC plan to attack Jeremiah Wright

(Newser) - John Boehner today took to ABC's This Week to offer his characteristically blunt assessment of JPMorgan, and promptly asserted that Dodd-Frank wouldn't have averted the bank's $3 billion blunder : " There's no law against stupidity . No law against stupid trades. As long as there's no...

RNC Chair: Gays Deserve Dignity, Not Marriage
 RNC Chair: 
 Gays Deserve 
 Dignity, Not 


RNC Chair: Gays Deserve Dignity, Not Marriage

Reince Priebus says debate ought to be respectful, but marriage for one man, one woman

(Newser) - Gay marriage, a topic of some small amount of discussion this week, ruled the talk shows today, with RNC Chair Reince Priebus tackling the subject head-on : "People in this country, no matter straight or gay, deserve dignity and respect. However, that doesn't mean it carries on to marriage,...

McCain to Mitt: Pick a VP You Trust
 McCain to Mitt: 
 Pick a VP You Trust 

McCain to Mitt: Pick a VP You Trust

Gingrich says it's 'inconceivable' that he'll be the pick

(Newser) - And on the seventh day, inquiring Republicans again debated who Mitt Romney will pick to run for vice president: John McCain, a person who knows a little something about picking a veep, said qualifications reign supreme —and that Sarah Palin's won her the No. 2 spot on his...

Collins: Where Are Women in Secret Service?
 Where Are 
 Women in 
 Secret Service? 

Collins: Where Are Women in Secret Service?

Lawmakers suggest elite guards could use some diversity

(Newser) - The Secret Service prostitution scandal dominated the talk show air waves today, with a pair of female legislators openly questioning whether more women in the elite guards' ranks could've averted the scandal. "It defies belief that this is just an aberration," Sen. Susan Collins told This Week....

Geithner: Romney Claim on Women Is 'Ridiculous'

Plus, Darrell Issa wants to clean house at Secret Service

(Newser) - Tim Geithner today summed up Mitt Romney's contention that women had lost the majority of jobs in the recession: "Ridiculous," the Treasury secretary told This Week. "It’s a political moment. You’re going to see a a lot of politicians choose to campaign in fiction,...

DNC Chair: Romney, GOP 'Rooting for' Economy to Tank

Debbie Wasserman Schultz also blasts war on women

(Newser) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz blasted Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans today for actively "rooting for economic failure" and narrow-mindedly focusing "on one job, Barack Obama's, for really the last two years." The DNC chair spoke this morning on CNN , saying that while the economy has been...

Gingrich: It&#39;s &#39;Far and Away&#39; Mitt Romney
 Gingrich: It's 
 'Far and Away' 
 Mitt Romney 

Gingrich: It's 'Far and Away' Mitt Romney

Appears to embrace frontrunner, but he's still not getting out of the race

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich apparently might know when to at least symbolically fold 'em, because he sounded a lot like a guy ready to throw his support behind Mitt Romney today. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Gingrich appeared to embrace the frontrunner, dismissing his previous attacks as just "part of...

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was &#39;Stating the Obvious&#39;
Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

Biden: Obama Hot Mic Oops Was 'Stating the Obvious'

The VP tackles contraception debate, Romney, ObamaCare

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't caving to the Russians or engaging in back-door politics in last week's "hot mic" moment with Dimitry Medvedev , he was just "stating the obvious," the veep charged this morning on Face the Nation. “The idea that in this election year we'...

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