Sunday morning talk shows

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Santorum: It&#39;s Not Even Halftime Yet
 It's Not Even 
 Halftime Yet 

Santorum: It's Not Even Halftime Yet

Candidate upbeat on May races

(Newser) - With twitchy Republicans looking to put an end to an onerous and hard-fought primary season, Rick Santorum is saying not so fast, reports Politico . “This race isn’t even at halftime yet, we haven’t even selected half of the delegates yet,” Santorum told Fox News Sunday this...

GOP: OK, It&#39;s Romney

 GOP: OK, 
 It's Romney 


GOP: OK, It's Romney

Also, Paul Ryan says he'd be open to vice president slot if asked

(Newser) - Republicans watched Rick Santorum's convincing victory in Louisiana last night, eyed his burgeoning numbers in Wisconsin, and ... took to the Sunday talk shows today to concede that Mitt Romney would win the nomination, and that they are OK with that. A look around your Sunday dial, as per Politico...

David Plouffe Lambastes GOP &#39;Clown Show&#39;
 David Plouffe 
 Lambastes GOP 
 'Clown Show' 


David Plouffe Lambastes GOP 'Clown Show'

Targets 'reckless' Gingrich comments on Trayvon Martin murder

(Newser) - David Plouffe is making the talk-show rounds this morning, and CNN reports that he's wasting zero time in bashing Newt Gingrich for accusing President Obama of politicizing the Trayvon Martin killing , and dismissing the GOP nomination race at large as a "clown show." Gingrich "is clearly...

Romney to Obama: Fire &#39;Gas- Hike Trio&#39;
 to Obama: 
 Fire 'Gas- 
 Hike Trio' 


Romney to Obama: Fire 'Gas- Hike Trio'

Mitt blames president for high gas prices

(Newser) - President Obama is not only responsible for high gas prices, he actually wants them, and he needs to can the three Cabinet secretaries who share the blame, Mitt Romney charged today. "When he ran for office he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up, he said that...

Gingrich: Afghanistan &#39;May Not Be Doable&#39;
 'May Not 
 Be Doable' 

Gingrich: Afghanistan 'May Not Be Doable'

Candidate says US presence there may be 'counterproductive'

(Newser) - Afghanistan weighed heavily on the Sunday talk shows, in the wake of today's shooting rampage that killed 16 civilians , with Newt Gingrich calling into question the efficacy of the 10-year mission there. "I think that we’re risking the lives of young men and women in a mission...

Harry Reid: Afghan Shooting &#39;Very Sad, Wrong&#39;
 Harry Reid: 
 Afghan Shooting 
 'Very Sad, Wrong' 

Harry Reid: Afghan Shooting 'Very Sad, Wrong'

Damage control begins after US soldier goes on shooting rampage in Afghanistan

(Newser) - Damage control has begun in today's Afghanistan shooting rampage by an American soldier , with Harry Reid condemning the incident as "absolutely wrong. Our hearts go out to these innocent people." The death toll is still uncertain, but most victims appear to have been civilians. Reid called the...

Everybody Slams Limbaugh
 Everybody Slams Limbaugh 

Everybody Slams Limbaugh

Also, will Eric Cantor or Rand Paul be vice president nominee?

(Newser) - Today's talk show theme: Pile on Rush Limbaugh. The conservative talk show host took a bipartisan drubbing worthy of a gold-stuffed piñata, reports Politico , as both sides lambasted his slut comment and subsequent apology . A sampling:
  • Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "I know he apologized, but forgive me if

Eric Cantor Endorses Romney

Just ahead of Super Tuesday, joins chorus of GOP seeking unity

(Newser) - Christmas came early today for Mitt Romney: With just days before the Super Tuesday primary bonanza, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has given the candidate his endorsement, reports Politico . Appearing on Meet the Press this morning, Cantor signaled that he wanted an end to the primary bloodletting: "W e...

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney
 Jan Brewer Endorses Romney 

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney

Mitt's the 'man that can carry the day' in Arizona

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer threw her weight behind Mitt Romney today, just two days ahead of the Arizona primary that Romney is expected to win. Brewer appeared on Meet the Press, notes the National Journal, calling Romney "the man that can carry the day," and praising the candidate'...

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State
 Mitt Must Win 
 Home State 

Gingrich: Mitt Must Win Home State

Says Romney loses all credibility if he can't win Michigan

(Newser) - Woe be to the GOP candidate who can't carry his own home state, says Newt Gingrich: "If Santorum loses Pennsylvania, Romney loses Michigan, or I lose Georgia, I think you have a very, very badly weakened candidacy, for any one of the three of us," Gingrich said...

Santorum: Mitt Romney Bought CPAC
 Mitt Romney 
 Bought CPAC 


Santorum: Mitt Romney Bought CPAC

'I don't try to rig straw polls,' says candidate

(Newser) - Fresh off his loss to Mitt Romney at CPAC , Rick Santorum hit the talk shows this morning, and he's downplaying the victory, reports Politico : "You have to talk to the Romney campaign and how many tickets they bought—we've heard all sorts of things," Santorum told...

Newt: I&#39;d Vote for Romney
 Newt: I'd Vote for Romney 

Newt: I'd Vote for Romney

But just because Obama is so terrible

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich may be embroiled in the biggest brawl the Republican party has seen, but he's reiterating that that doesn't mean he wouldn't get behind the "liar" he's beating up: "President Obama is so unacceptable that I will support the Republican nominee," Gingrich...

Trump: Don&#39;t Make Me Run
 Don't Make 
 Me Run 

Trump: Don't Make Me Run

Hopes he doesn't have to, but would 'after the show ends'

(Newser) - Donald Trump is making noises about a run for the Oval Office again, today telling Face the Nation that "the right independent could win," and that "if I don't see a person that is going to win—that's tantamount—I would certainly think about doing...

Chris Christie: Newt Gingrich an Embarrassment to Republican Party

 Christie: Newt 
 'Embarrassed' GOP 

Christie: Newt 'Embarrassed' GOP

Admits Romney had a bad night, will pick himself up in Florida

(Newser) - Chris Christie's horse lost last night's South Carolina race, and the New Jersey governor came out swinging at victor Newt Gingrich this morning, calling the former House speaker an "embarrassment" to the Republican party . “Gingrich has embarrassed the party over time," said Christie, who has...

If Romney Wins SC, It&#39;s Over: Graham
 If Romney 
 Wins SC, 
 It's Over: 
talk show roundup

If Romney Wins SC, It's Over: Graham

Consensus says GOP could have its candidate with a Mitt Win

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert (ahem, rather, his Super PAC) may have been ripping "serial killer" Mitt Romney today, but real politicians were also getting their licks in on the Sunday shows, reports Politico . Most eyes were on the Palmetto State's primary on Saturday, and cue the fat lady if Romney...

Huntsman to Romney: Who Are You?
 to Romney: 
 Who Are You? 

Huntsman to Romney: Who Are You?

Hammers his 'credibility gap'

(Newser) - The GOP candidates were busily piling on Mitt Romney during the Meet the Press debate , and Jon Huntsman took it a step further on State of the Union today, bashing Romney as having "morphed himself" too much for voters to know who he really is. "You run for...

Bachmann Predicts Iowa &#39;Miracle&#39;
 Iowa 'Miracle' 

Bachmann Predicts Iowa 'Miracle'

GOP candidates are busy, busy, busy today

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, lately languishing in last place in Iowa polling, is waiting on a "miracle" in Tuesday's caucuses, reports Politico . Appearing on This Week today, the Minnesota rep said "polls sometimes belie the truth on the ground. This is about what we're seeing in reality, and...

Mike Huckabee: 2012 Election Too 'Toxic'

 2012 Too 'Toxic' 

Huckabee: 2012 Too 'Toxic'

Thinks Romney will win Iowa, but doesn't count out Santorum

(Newser) - One might think that Mike Huckabee—along with any other red-blooded Republican who ever had presidential aspirations—would regret having sat this race out. Not so, says Huck, calling the 2012 political environment "so toxic and negative that it's not a water I'm ready to jump into...

Perry: I Was &#39;Taken Aback&#39; by $10K Bet
 Perry: I Was 
 'Taken Aback' 
 by $10K Bet 
talk show roundup

Perry: I Was 'Taken Aback' by $10K Bet

And more from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - Rick Perry today weighed in on last night's big debate moment— the $10,000 bet . "I was taken a little aback" by Mitt Romney's wager, Perry said on Fox News Sunday, Politico reports. "Driving out to the station this morning I'm pretty sure I didn’...

Michele Bachmann on Newt Gingrich: He's a 'Memory Challenged Professor'
 Bachmann: Newt a 
 'Memory-Challenged Prof'

Bachmann: Newt a 'Memory-Challenged Prof'

Candidates begin fight for Cain supporters

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann thinks people "are going to be really sorry" to see the end of Herman Cain, but wasted no time today in courting his Tea Party backers , saying they would "come home," and ripping into current GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich. "Professors don't like to...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>