
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

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HP: Our Computers Aren't Racist
 HP: Our Computers 
 Aren't Racist 
viral video

HP: Our Computers Aren't Racist

Face-tracking software has a definite bias

(Newser) - Hewlett-Packard apparently needs a more diverse approach to product-testing: a viral video shows that the company's latest webcam face-tracking software doesn't work so well on black faces. HP has responded that the software measures the "intensity of contrast between the eyes and the upper cheek and nose," and...

Britain Bans Anti-Redhead Newspaper Ad

It implies red hair is unattractive, agency says

(Newser) - In another case of redheads fighting back against the injustices of the world, Britain's advertising watchdog has banned a newspaper ad for being "anti-ginger" after three people complained. The ad, for a TV show called Dating in the Dark, reads: "How do you spot a ginger in the...

Second Scribe Sues NY Post for Racism

Fired reporter accused paper of Jim Crow-style segregation

(Newser) - A reporter fired from the New York Post is suing the paper for racism, claiming that he was subjected to routine humiliation and Jim Crow-style segregation. Austin Fenner—who lost his job the same day as editor Sandra Guzman, who is also suing—says he was fired for being an...

Racist Image of Michelle Obama Taken Down

Blog site removes it, not Google, then issues apology

(Newser) - It's finally gone. The image of Michelle Obama altered to look like a monkey is no longer showing up under a Google image search. The blog site that posted it, "Hot Girls," removed it and issued an apology in Chinese and English, reports the LA Times . The photo...

Google Issues Disclaimer Over Racist Michelle Image

But company won't pull doctored photo

(Newser) - Hackers have doctored a photo of Michelle Obama to look like an ape and rigged Google search results so it comes up first under an image search of her name. The move prompted Google to take out an ad on the results page, reading in part, “Sometimes our search...

Hate Crimes Up Just 2%, But Gay-Bashing Soars: FBI

Religiously motivated crimes also surge

(Newser) - The incidence of reported hate crimes in the US rose 2% in 2008, with huge surges in religion- and sexual orientation-based offenses. The FBI compiled the stats but cautions that an increase in reporting—not in crime itself—could be responsible. The AP looks at some numbers:
  • Of 7,783

Arab Singer's 'Monkey' Lyric Enrages Nubians

Black Egyptians demand song be banned

(Newser) - Egypt's 2 million-strong black community has been outraged by a Lebanese pop song that refers to them as monkeys. The song by Haifa Wehbe, one of the Arab's world's biggest stars, includes a child singing: "Where is my teddy bear and the Nubian monkey?" Nubian lawyers have filed an...

'Kramer' Parodies Racist Rant
 'Kramer' Parodies Racist Rant 

'Kramer' Parodies Racist Rant

Curb episode jokes about comedian's tirade

(Newser) - Michael Richards makes fun of the racist fit that derailed his standup career on the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. The show has a black character deceive Richards—playing himself—as part of a ruse by Larry David. Richards corners the character and begins to scream: "If only...

Case of Line-Cutting Sparks Racial Firestorm

Young black woman faces 15 years in dust-up at Wal-Mart

(Newser) - Trial is set to begin in a case of Wal-Mart line-cutting that has turned into a racially charged media circus. Heather Ellis was arrested almost three years ago after an incident that began when she switched checkout lines at a Missouri store—to join her cousin in a faster queue,...

Couples Retreat Ad Sparks Brit Race Brouhaha

Black actors left off UK poster—but is US version any better?

(Newser) - Audiences in Britain are crying foul over a Couples Retreat poster that omits two black actors who were featured on the US version. A film rep tells the Mail that the change was meant “to simplify the poster to actors who are most recognizable in international markets”—but...

Ex-Editor Sues 'Racist' NY Post
 Ex-Editor Sues 'Racist' NY Post 

Ex-Editor Sues 'Racist' NY Post

Employee says boss called her 'Cha Cha #1'

(Newser) - A former associate editor of the New York Post says she was fired for complaining about the paper’s racist and sexist atmosphere. Sandra Guzman, who identified herself as the “only female editor of color at the Post,” is suing parent News Corp. Her suit claims she was...

I Agree With Beck&mdash;Obama's Racist: Murdoch
 I Agree With 
 Racist: Murdoch 


I Agree With Beck—Obama's Racist: Murdoch

Asked about Beck brouhaha, News Corp. chairman is unrepentant

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch backed his host over his advertisers in a Sky News interview last weekend, saying Glenn Beck probably shouldn't have called President Obama a racist on the air some months back, but what he said was right. Asked about the Fox host's assertion that Obama made racist comments during...

Biased? Harvard Wants to Know

Web test tries to suss out implicit prejudice via picture exercise

(Newser) - Do you have a subconscious love of gays—or hatred of white people? There's an app for that. Actually, it's a website that's part of a study by Harvard, the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington. “Project Implicit” gathers personal information, then puts you through a 15-minute...

Hotel Owner Forces Latino Employees to Change Names

NM innkeeper forbids speaking Spanish

(Newser) - A hotel owner who demands that Latino workers change their names to Anglicized versions and not speak Spanish in his presence is causing a stir in New Mexico. Larry Whitten laid down the law: Martín (mahr-teen) and Marcos are now just Martin and Mark, and employees he considered insubordinate...

Coulter: 'All Prez Assassins Were Liberals'

Behar tells her to 'stop it'

(Newser) - Conservative screed scribe Ann Coulter insisted yesterday that every presidential assassin in history has been a liberal. "They're all liberals—assassin by assassin by assassin," she spilled on CNN's Joy Behar Show. An angry Behar retorted: "Wait a minute. Don't make that jump from murder, terrorist to...

Socialism, Not Racism, Fuels Obama Foes

(Newser) - It turns out race isn't what's fueling the conservative opposition to Barack Obama, at least according to focus groups conducted by a Democratic organization. It found that white, self-identified conservatives believe Obama is harboring a "secret agenda" intended to destroy America's founding principles and turn it into a socialist...

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'
Ripped Over
'Redneck Rap' 

GOP Pol Ripped Over 'Redneck Rap'

Anti-Obama video touts opossum, 'the other dark meat'

(Newser) - Kansas lawmaker Bill Otto brushed off accusations of racism after his "Redneck Rap" video was pulled from YouTube yesterday. The Republican sported a hat describing opossum as "the other dark meat" in the video, in which he slams President Obama's policies and then repeats the hat's slogan, adding,...

French Vogue 'Black Face' Sparks Row

October edition triggers debate on racism

(Newser) - A Dutch model painted black from face to toe in French Vogue has triggered angry charges of racism. The photos of model Lara Stone, taken by US photographer Steven Klein, are part of the magazine's October issue honoring models and photo shoots through history. What French Vogue and the photographer...

Columbus the Crusader's Legacy Endures

Americans forget religious fervor drove the 1492 expedition

(Newser) - This Columbus Day, James Carroll invites us to reconsider the man and his motivations. Pop culture has secularized Columbus, concentrating on his mission in search of gold, spices, and trade routes. That ignores his central motivation: expanding the dominion of Christianity. An “old Crusader” ambition motivated Columbus, Carroll writes...

Gangs, Race, and More Limbaugh NFL Slams

Talk show host has repeatedly bashed players and culture of football league

(Newser) - Al Sharpton has urged the NFL to block Rush Limbaugh's purchase of the St. Louis Rams, calling him “anti-NFL.” Sharpton was particularly disturbed, Politico reports, by a “recent statement that the NFL was beginning to look like a fight between the Crips and the Bloods without the...

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