
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

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Jackson 5 Skit Sparks Outrage—It's in Blackface

Guest judge Harry Connick Jr. calls out Australian TV performers

(Newser) - A popular Australian TV variety program is under fire internationally for a skit that depicted Michael Jackson in whiteface and the rest of the Jackson 5 in blackface. Guest judge Harry Connick Jr., was shocked. “We’ve spent so much time trying to not make black people look like...

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt
 Obamas Have Dinner, 
 Racists Erupt 

Obamas Have Dinner, Racists Erupt

Response shows ugly nature of American mood: Silva

(Newser) - This weekend Chicago Tribune reporter Mark Silva wrote up a pool report about Barack and Michelle Obama's quiet anniversary dinner—and quickly found it flooded, on a Sunday, with hundreds of angry comments. Many focused on the first couple's use of a motorcade, which every president has used, but several...

Aging Brains Can't Fend Off Stereotypes

Research suggests older adults have stronger recall for stereotypical information

(Newser) - The way the brain ages may make older people more inclined to prejudice, with new research suggesting that the elderly may have greater difficulty suppressing stereotypes. In one study, young and old adults were read stories which, in the words of the researchers, “allowed for stereotypic inferences” about blacks,...

Downtrodden Detroit Can Rise Again, Green

Cheap labor, empty factories, can-do legacy scream green revolution

(Newser) - The Detroit of Daniel Okrent’s childhood is gone. The “elm-lined streets” of the “City of Homeowners”—“the place that America once knew as the Arsenal of Democracy”—have become “the urban equivalent of a boxer's mouth, more gaps than teeth.” A devastating...

Mondale: Obama Enemies Show Racist 'Edge'

'I don't like saying it,' but tone 'harsher than in other times': ex-VP

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter isn't the only grand old man of the Democratic Party to see racism in the opposition to Barack Obama's agenda. Walter Mondale, Carter's VP and the subject of a new documentary, said last night that "Having lived through those years, when civil rights was such a bitter...

Black Caucus Worries About Resurgent Racism

Anti-Obama anger troubles CBC ahead of triumphant annual conferences

(Newser) - The Congressional Black Caucus is enjoying unprecedented power, with more of their members in leadership roles than ever before, not to speak of one of their number in the White House, but many are disturbed by changes in the political atmosphere, Politico reports. As the 42-member group holds its annual...

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'
 GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism' 

GOP 'Riding a Wave of Racism'

Racially charged attacks on Obama show scourge of racism is still with us

(Newser) - Racism is alive and well in today's America and the Republican Party is feeding off it, Bob Herbert writes in the New York Times. Nobody should need Jimmy Carter—who wasn't above pandering to racists himself in his 1976 presidential campaign—to point out the racist undertones behind many of...

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists
 Some Obama Critics 
 Actually Are Racists 

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists

They reject his 'legitimacy as president'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter was right when he said racism fuels some of President Obama's critics, Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post. Carter may have overstated it—plenty of naysayers have legit policy concerns over issues such as health reform—but "the most vitriolic attacks" reject Obama's "legitimacy as...

Another Murder Defies Race Stereotypes

Annie Le case latest to stir ugly racial fears, which proved false

(Newser) - When news of Annie Le's murder first emerged, scaremongering commentators seized on the dangers of studying on an "urban" campus, blogs author and sportswriter Jeff Pearlman—by which they didn't mean "an endless stream of Starbucks storefronts." Lo and behold, her alleged murderer is a "...

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race
 Obama Backlash 
 Isn't About Race 

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race

The real, centuries-old conflict is between urban elites and small towners

(Newser) - It's a mistake to see the growing backlash against President Obama through the prism of race, David Brooks writes in the New York Times. The anti-Obama movement springs not from racism, but from the long American tradition of popular distrust of the urban elite, argues Brooks. He notes mostly white...

Obama Disagrees With Carter on Racism Charge

(Newser) - Sorry, Jimmy Carter: The White House doesn't think hostility toward President Obama is motivated by race, the Washington Post reports. “The president does not believe that the criticism comes based on the color of his skin,” said Robert Gibbs. Carter started a firestorm by asserting just that—the...

Wilson's Son to Carter: Dad's No Racist

Slams former prez's claim 'you lie!' was 'based on racism'

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie!” shout wasn’t “based on racism,” whatever Jimmy Carter might say, argues Wilson’s son. “There is not a racist bone in my dad's body,” says Alan Wilson, himself a candidate for attorney general in South Carolina, reports...

Maybe Obama's 'Half-White Side' Is Racist: Limbaugh

Also, president's media 'lust' is Castroesque

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh yesterday capped off a free-wheeling show on the scourge of racism in America by suggesting that Obama’s white half is racist because he hasn’t thrown a bone to his Kenyan relatives, Media Matters reports. “I'm just going on Newsweek, that we're all born racists, and...

Carter: Wilson's Heckling of Obama 'Based on Racism'

(Newser) - Former President Jimmy Carter says Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week was an act "based on racism." Carter says Wilson's comment was part of an "inherent feeling" of some that a black man should not be president. In responding to a question at...

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear
Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

(Newser) - The hallmark diversity of the United States is the biggest obstacle to a “federal social insurance system”—health care included, writes Michael Lind on Slate. The greatest strides toward a European-style safety net were made between World War I and the 1970s “when the foreign-born percentage of...

With Race in Play, Obama's White Support Softens

Poll numbers plummeted amid Sotomayor, Gates controversies

(Newser) - President Obama’s downward opinion-poll trajectory among whites seems to be linked to the “blackening” of his image, writes Joan Walsh in Salon. It accelerated during two racially charged moments this summer: Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, marked with debate over her “wise Latina” comment,...

Indian Politician Decries 'Racist' Skin Cream Ads

Lawmaker says whiteners send wrong message to Asians

(Newser) - An Indian lawmaker has lodged formal complaints against several advertisements for skin whitening cream, which she calls “completely racist and highly objectionable.” In one ad, for example, one man tells another that he’s unlucky “because of the color of your face” and hands him a tube...

A Post-Racial Society? Your Toddler Would Beg to Differ

Kids learn racial difference early, and parents aren't helping

(Newser) - Parents, if you think you’re raising color-blind children by avoiding open discussions on race, you’re wrong and could actually be doing the opposite, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman write in a lengthy Newsweek article exposing how babies really learn about racial difference. Many white parents shy away from...

Opposition to School Speech 'Silly': Gibbs

Obama press secretary also hints at possible racially-driven censorship

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs fired back today at critics of President Obama's planned address to school children, calling it "a little bit of the silly season," the Hill reports. Noting that that Ronald Reagan and the elder President Bush both made school addresses, he painted Obama's critics as censors,...

Back-to-School Speech Anger Rooted in Race

Right-wingers show 'irrational,' gut antipathy to Obama

(Newser) - If there’s one thing we should all be cool with, it’s the leader of the free world inspiring kids about education. But somehow the idea of President Obama giving a back-to-school speech has spawned an “outbreak of right-wing crazy,” writes Joan Walsh for Salon—“and...

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