
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

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Obama Volunteers See Racial Vitriol First-Hand

Candidate mainly insulated, but grass-roots types are definitely not

(Newser) - Volunteers in Barack Obama's campaign have had to steel themselves against racism on the trail, even as the White House hopeful has repeatedly played down the anti-black sentiment his candidacy has revealed. Though the campaign maintains its travels “only reinforced Sen. Obama’s view that this country is not...

Secret Service Bosses Shared Racist Jokes

Emails ridicule blacks, joke about Jackson assassination

(Newser) - Secret Service supervisors exchanged racist remarks in emails made public yesterday in a lawsuit filed by black agents, the New York Times reports. The messages were shared between at least 20 top agents between 2003 and 2005. One anecdote jokes about assassinating Jesse Jackson. And, according to the lawsuit, the...

Snarl Suits Obama; Will Wright Bark Back?

Former pastor wants Barack to lose, Guardian columnist writes

(Newser) - In throwing Jeremiah Wright “to the dogs,” Barack Obama today finally showed the anger he’s too long denied his public, Michael Tomasky sighs with relief in the Guardian—but only time can tell how hard Wright will work to sink the Democratic candidate. The even-tempered Obama—“...

10 Takes on What Obama Should Do
 10 Takes on What Obama
 Should Do 

10 Takes on What Obama Should Do

Pastor's return makes it impossible for candidate to embrace him

(Newser) - Six of 10 pundits Salon asked what Barack Obama should do about the Jeremiah Wright problem say the candidate must get rid of the reverend. Andrew Sullivan calls Wright’s latest remarks “bitter and racist” and “a provocation"; he must be "clearly and irrevocably disowned." Martin...

Wright's Reappearance Is Good News for Obama
Wright's Reappearance Is Good News for Obama

Wright's Reappearance Is Good News for Obama

Controversial pastor distancing himself from beleaguered candidate

(Newser) - Jeremiah Wright’s return to the limelight looks bad for Barack Obama at first blush, but in fact it may be helping the hopeful:
  • Wright is distancing himself from Obama (and mocking his role as a “spiritual advisor”) as he redirects attention to the black church, Christopher Beam

Wright Lashes Out at Media
 Wright Lashes Out at Media 

Wright Lashes Out at Media

Pastor controversy rears up again for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - The controversial pastor who triggered trouble for Barack Obama delivered a fiery, unapologetic speech to a sold-out NAACP crowd in Detroit yesterday, blasting "corporate media" for painting him as un-American. "I am not running for the Oval Office," said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  "I have...

Bardot On Trial, Once Again, Over Racism

'60s sex kitten, oft-convicted, says rant was in defense of animals, not anti-Islam

(Newser) - Brigitte Bardot is on trial for racism—again. The 1960s French sex symbol, now 73, is a stridently anti-immigrant and seemingly anti-Muslim politician, Time reports. Bardot is on trial for “inciting racial hatred,” a charge she’s been convicted of four times. The current case involves a letter...

After 20 Years, Feds Crack Hate Mail Case

Clarence Thomas among targets of racist threats

(Newser) - An Ohio man who authorities believe sent threatening communications to black and mixed-race recipients over the course of 20 years was indicted this week, the Plain Dealer reports. David Tuason, 46, threatened to blow up the US Supreme Court and kill Clarence Thomas in 2003 but eluded capture from the...

Immigration Chief Covered Up Racist Pics, Dems Say

Myers report highlights worries about diversity

(Newser) - The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement tried to hide pictures of her giving an award to an employee in a racially insensitive Halloween costume, House Democrats say. Julie Myers was photographed smiling and standing next to an employee in prison garb and wearing blackface, whom she awarded the night's...

Obama, Wright Echo Early, Late MLK
 Obama, Wright Echo  
 Early, Late MLK 

Obama, Wright Echo Early, Late MLK

Barack's pastor sounds like King near the end of his life

(Newser) - Barack Obama can easily be compared to the early Martin Luther King and his hopeful message of change prior to 1965, writes Michael Eric Dyson in the Los Angeles Times. But  it's Jeremiah Wright who most resembles King after that—when his message grew "angrier" and increasingly skeptical of...

I See Sex, Not Racism
 I See Sex, Not Racism 

I See Sex, Not Racism

The cover may be fraught with subtexts, but it is what it is

(Newser) - Last week's Vogue cover had "a lot of people, smart and dumb, losing their minds," writes Wesley Morris in Slate. Sure, Annie Leibovitz's shot may pander to the "ugliest racist tropes: black male as ape," with LeBron James as King Kong and Gisele Bundchen as the...

NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit
NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit

NDSU Prez Sorry About Obama Skit

Vows probe after student wears black makeup in racy sketch

(Newser) - North Dakota State University apologized yesterday for a student skit that depicted Barack Obama in black face paint, the Forum reports. A white student in the sorority sketch wore makeup and an Afro wig to portray the hopeful; he received a lap dance while two students simulated sex and ripped...

Feds Probe SC Highway Cops for Bias
Feds Probe
SC Highway Cops for Bias

Feds Probe SC Highway Cops for Bias

Dash videos reveal racial slurs, cars ramming suspects

(Newser) - Dash-cam videos that show the South Carolina Highway Patrol ramming black suspects with patrol cars and using racial slurs have triggered a federal probe, the State reports. In one of the five incidents, a trooper sent a suspect flying with his cruiser and then told a fellow officer, "Yeah,...

Olbermann Rips Clinton Over Ferraro Flap

'Iconic' pundit blasts hopeful for not rebuking adviser

(Newser) - If Keith Olbermann is the Rush Limbaugh of the left—as Chris Cillizza observes in his Washington Post Fix blog—Hillary Clinton couldn’t have been happy when Olbermann blasted her Wednesday night over the recent Geraldine Ferraro flap. “You are now campaigning as if Barack Obama were the...

Racist Hate Mail Probed at NH Prep School

'Bang bang get out,' threaten letters sent to black students

(Newser) - Police, the FBI, and the US Postal Service are investigating hate mail sent to black students at an elite prep school, the New York Times reports. Sources say students at St. Paul's School in New Hampshire received letters containing their photos from the school's directory with the words "bang...

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism
Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

Anti-Obama Asians Accused of Racism

They vastly prefer Clinton, but bigotry charge sparks outrage

(Newser) - Barack Obama's low support among Asian-Americans is sparking cries of racism, Time reports. "On a gut level my reaction is that at least some Asian-Americans are uncomfortable voting for a black candidate," one analyst said. But some Asians resent the charge: A recent CNN show on the topic...

A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'
A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'

A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'

Seemingly innocuous description spreading as slur on African Americans

(Newser) - An otherwise insignificant manslaughter trial in Texas has bloggers and citizens of the US' northern neighbor flabbergasted after a prosecutor seemed to refer to blacks on the jury by the euphemism "Canadians." It's apparently not an isolated usage, the Guardian reports: Internet users have dug up many examples...

Race Takes Center Stage in SC
Race Takes Center Stage in SC 

Race Takes Center Stage in SC

Racist call to State newspaper shines light on primary's racial angle

(Newser) - As South Carolina hits the polls today, one word looms large: race. This is, after all, the first primary state with a notable black population, which pollsters say will help boost Barack Obama to a double-digit victory. It’s also home to a newspaper that got an angry phone call...

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave
Obama Pastor
Faulted for
Farrakhan Rave

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave

Incensed scribe cries racism; candidate deplores same

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s controversial pastor is back in the press—and the blogosphere—this time for praising Louis Farrakhan in an issue of the church's magazine, calling him "an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose."...

Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary

Clinton says MLK dispute doesn't show 'what is in our hearts'

(Newser) - Troubled by the "tenor of the campaign," Barack Obama cooled off the recent race row with Hillary Clinton and praised her for being "on the right side of civil rights issues," the Swamp reports. But he added that her recent comments on Martin Luther King, Jr....

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