
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

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TV Anchor Suspended After 'Lynch Tiger' Quip

Comment sparks uproar, call for firing

(Newser) - A golf commentator's quip that the only way young challengers could defeat super pro Tiger Woods would be to "lynch him" has earned her a two-week suspension and sparked a furor. The Golf Channel's lead anchor Kelly Tilghman made the comments in response to an on-air analyst's jokey suggestion...

Female Candidates Have Tougher Time: Steinem
Female Candidates Have Tougher Time: Steinem

Female Candidates Have Tougher Time: Steinem

Clinton's challenges outweigh Obama's

(Newser) - The day after a heckler held up a sign reading "Iron My Shirt" at a Hillary Clinton rally, Gloria Steinem got out the big guns in today's New York Times. Asserting that “gender is probably the most restricting force in American life,” she argues that a woman...

Supreme Court to Hear Child Rapist's Death Penalty Appeal

Executions limited to murderers since 1964

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today agreed to hear the case of a Louisiana man sentenced to death in the brutal rape of his 8-year-old stepdaughter. His attorneys say Patrick Kennedy is "the only person in the United States who is on death row for a non-homicide offense." A 1977...

Let Retired Chief Illiniwek Rest in Peace
Let Retired
Chief Illiniwek Rest in Peace

Let Retired Chief Illiniwek Rest in Peace

Banned U of Illinois logo hasn't gone away entirely, but he should

(Newser) - The NCAA leaned on the University of Illinois to replace its "hostile and abusive" Native American mascot, Chief Illiniwek, back in February, and the Chief no longer dances on the Illini's fields and courts. But his story is far from over, writes Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune. Chief...

US Race Record Is 'Abysmal'
US Race Record Is 'Abysmal'

US Race Record Is 'Abysmal'

Katrina, profiling, education—minorities still lag, study says

(Newser) - From racial profiling to voting discrimination and Hurricane Katrina, US race relations are "abysmal," according to a new report. The Human Rights Network, an umbrella organization of some 250 nonprofits, found that minorities aren't given the same educational resources and are disproportionately represented in prisons. The findings counter...

Michelle Obama Tests Racial Boundaries

Candidate's wife, stumping in SC, zeros in on women

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been careful to present himself as a post-racial candidate, but not so Michelle Obama, at least in South Carolina, where she has been testing the boundaries of racial campaigning. In a speech last week she said black voters—who make up as many has half the state's...

Protesters Fail to Stop Debate
Protesters Fail to Stop Debate

Protesters Fail to Stop Debate

Students chant "Nazi Scum" at attendees of Oxford debate

(Newser) - An Oxford Union debate is underway despite 30 students who rushed inside and delayed proceedings with a sit-down protest, BBC reports. Five hundred more are picketing outside and blocked about half of attendees from entering. Students chanted "Keep Oxford fascist-free! Shame on you!” in opposition to right-wing leader...

A&E Houses 'Dog' After Slur Leaked Online

Civil rights leaders want show canned after star uses 'N' word

(Newser) - Star bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman is off-air after his "N" word-laced rant hit the Internet this week, ABC News reports. A&E has shelved his series, Dog The Bounty Hunter, and civil rights leaders are pushing to have it canned for good. One Los Angeles coalition called...

Freed Wilson Set on College
Freed Wilson Set on College

Freed Wilson Set on College

Determined to "succeed in life" after two years behind bars for teen sex conviction

(Newser) - "I've got a new life," Genarlow Wilson said yesterday as he left prison after two years behind bars for a teen sex conviction. "You will not be disappointed," he vowed to his supporters. "I plan on succeeding in life." Wilson was released after the...

Senate OKs Judge Opposed by Civil Rights Groups

He'll serve on federal court in the South

(Newser) - The Senate today confirmed a judge opposed by civil rights groups to a seat on a federal appeals court in the South. Judge Leslie Southwick will serve on the 5th Circuit, which comprises Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, the New York Times reports. A civil rights leader called the appointment  “...

DNA Pioneer Ignites Furor Over Race and Intelligence

Watson claims blacks lag in reasoning powers

(Newser) - One of the most decorated modern scientists has ignited an explosion after telling the Independent that white people are smarter than black people—a view also reflected in his new book. James Watson, who helped discover the structure of DNA, claimed Western policies towards Africa should not assume "that...

Noose on Columbia Prof's Door Viewed as Hate Crime

Black educator teaches class on racial justice

(Newser) - Columbia University erupted today after a noose was found hanging from the door of Madonna Constantine, a black professor who often writes about racism. The New York Police Department said it is investigating the incident as a hate crime. Columbia’s president called it “an attack on all of...

Aging Brain, Not Racism, Explains Elderly Gaffes

Older people unable to inhibit stereotypical thoughts

(Newser) - Grandma’s verbal faux pas might signal not that she’s more prejudiced than younger relatives, but rather that she’s unable to disguise or overcome stereotypes, a study shows. Anecdotal evidence suggests, and earlier studies confirmed, that older Americans are more racist, but new research shows age-related brain shrinkage...

Jena Braces for Thousands of Protesters

Locals resent activists, fear violence; tiny LA town will shut down

(Newser) - Tiny Jena, LA, is bracing for the tens of thousands of activists expected to descend on the town of 3,000 today to protest the handling of six black high school students charged with attempted murder for beating a white classmate in December. Led by the Rev. Al Sharpton, protesters...

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State
Jewish Hate Grows in
Jewish State

Jewish Hate Grows in Jewish State

Neo-Nazi arrests point to frustrations of Israeli non-Jews

(Newser) - Israel may seem an odd place for anti-Semitism, but as more immigrants claim Jewish heritage to gain citizenship through the loose "law of return," though they aren't technically Jewish, neo-Nazism is on the rise. Poverty, unemployment and social exclusion mark the lives of many non-Jews in Israel, reports...

Officer Resigns After Racist YouTube Rants

Columbus cop referred to blacks, Jews, Cubans, and illegal immigrants as "filthy"

(Newser) - The Ohio patrol officer who made racially charged comments in homemade videos posted on YouTube resigned yesterday, the Columbus Dispatch reports. Susan Purtee, who was reassigned to desk duty after the videos drew national attention, will resign effective Sept. 22 and seek retirements from an unnamed disability. “Clearly, she...

Swiss Party Aims to Boot Immigrants

Campaign ad draws Nazi comparisons; expected to help in election

(Newser) - Using the image of three white sheep kicking a black sheep out, Switzerland’s biggest political party has begun a campaign to institute mandatory deportation of criminal immigrants and their families. Though critics compare the proposal to Hitler and Stalin practices, the party is expected to prevail in October elections....

Apartheid Officials Escape Jail Time in Murder Plot

(Newser) - After pleading guilty, five former security officials in South Africa received suspended jail sentences today for their involvement in a bizarre, apartheid-era murder plot. Onetime law and order minister Adriaan Volk and four others admitted they had tried to kill Frank Chikane, a priest and anti-apartheid activist, in 1989 by...

The Ump's Not Blind (But He May Be Racist)

Baseball umpires treat same-race pitchers more kindly

(Newser) - Major League Baseball umpires call more strikes when they share a race with the pitcher, and they call more balls when they don’t. The disturbing trend mostly benefits white players, since 71% of pitchers and 87% of umps are Caucasian, Time reports. Documented race-based misjudgments only occur in 1%...

Editor's Murder Shows Failure of Tolerance

Hitchens hits cops for abetting criminality in religious guise

(Newser) - The notoriously irreligious Christopher Hitchens decries the Oakland police's tolerance of Your Black Muslim Bakery, one of whose employees has been arrested for the murder of Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey. In an op-ed for Slate Hitchens writes that the bakery is in fact a front for jihadism and that...

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