death threats

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Threats Against Lawmakers Hit New High in 2010

Emotions ran high during health reform debate

(Newser) - As the health reform debate reached a fever pitch last year, so too did the threats against lawmakers. The FBI investigated at least 26 threats last year, according to documents obtained by the Hill, a significant upswing from the previous year, and more than any other year on record. Nearly...

Wisconsin Woman Emailed Death Threats to GOP: Cops

Katherine Windels was not happy with idea of anti-union law

(Newser) - As Wisconsin Republicans pushed for a law curbing union rights, 26-year-old Katherine R. Windels decided to send a note to 15 GOP lawmakers voicing her displeasure. That part's fine. What's not, police say, is that the subject line of her March 9 email read: "Atten: Death Threat!!!! Bomb!!!"...

Mexican Mom Police Chief Seeks US Asylum

Single mom took dangerous job last year when no one else would

(Newser) - A 20-year-old single mom and criminology student who became police chief of her small Mexican border town has fled to the United States to seek asylum, reports AFP . Marisol Valles Garcia "received death threats from a criminal group that wanted to force her to work for them," her...

'Tiger Mother' Gets Death Threats

Amy Chua shocked by response to thoughts on parenting

(Newser) - Amy Chua is shocked by the furious response to excerpts from her book, Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother , recently printed in the Wall Street Journal. The author—who hails the hardline method of Chinese parenting in the excerpts—has received thousands of angry emails and even death threats, reports...

Ariz. Shooting Victim Yanked From Town Hall for Threats

Victim interrupted a taping of ABC News' This Week

(Newser) - A man who was injured in the Tucson shooting last weekend was pulled from a town hall meeting yesterday after allegedly threatening a participant, reports the Arizona Daily Star . James Eric Fuller interrupted the meeting, being taped by ABC's This Week, telling a Tea Party leader on stage, "You're...

Death Threats Against Palin Hit New High

Threat cycle spirals as rhetoric rises

(Newser) - Death threats against Sarah Palin have hit an unprecedented high in the wake of the shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, and have so unnerved the former Alaska governor and her staff that they're consulting with private security representatives to beef up protection, reports ABC News . Aides provided no other...

Calif. Man Busted for Threat to Kill Congressman

Jim McDermott threatened over opposition to tax cuts

(Newser) - A California man has been arrested for making threatening phone calls to Democratic Rep. Jim McDermott over his stance on extending tax cuts. "Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or George Washington—if any of them had ever met Jim McDermott, they would all blow his brains out. They’d shoot...

Assange: I Could End Up Like Gabrielle Giffords

Threats against WikiLeaks must be taken seriously, he urges

(Newser) - WikiLeaks issued a warning today: Treat the numerous threats against founder Julian Assange seriously, “or expect more Gabrielle Gifford (sic) killing sprees.” Assange headed back to court today in London in his continuing fight to avoid extradition to Sweden, but before that brief appearance, his organization issued a...

Blogger Gets 3 Years for Judge Threats

Online radio host Hal Turner posted judges photos, addresses

(Newser) - Far-right blogger and Internet radio host Hal Turner has been sentenced to 33 months for writing on his web stie that three federal judges who upheld Chicago's handgun ban "deserve to be killed." Turner—who posted photographs, phone numbers and work addresses for the judges—was convicted of...

Veteran Arrested for Threatening President

Michael Bowden would 'put Obama against the wall and shoot him'

(Newser) - A 78-year-old South Carolina veteran has been arrested after threatening to shoot the president. Michael Stephen Bowden, also a former New York City police officer and fire captain, told a nurse at a Veteran Affairs clinic he "would like to shoot the president then myself." He was arrested...

Ground Zero Imam, Wife Getting Death Threats: Police

Cops confirm Daisy Khan's statement yesterday

(Newser) - Hours after Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's wife told ABC's This Week she and her husband had received death threats, police confirmed that the couple behind the Park51 Islamic center (or " ground zero mosque ") have indeed been threatened. It "began several weeks ago," a police spokesperson...

US Grants Asylum to Mexican Journalist

Jorge Luis Aguirre got death threat in 2008

(Newser) - A Mexican journalist who was the target of death threats like those made by drug cartels says he has been granted asylum in the US in a case believed to be the first of its kind since the country's bloody drug war began. Death threats are at the heart of...

Delusional FBI Agent Plotted to Kill 'Cheating' Wife, Boss

He thought wife was Dallas FBI chief's lover

(Newser) - An FBI agent who believed his estranged wife was having an affair with the head of the FBI's Dallas field office stockpiled guns and plotted to kill them both, authorities say. Carlos Ortiz—who was fired, and then arrested this week—had 37 weapons in his home and had told...

Court: Man's Super Bowl Death Threats Were Legal

Overturns conviction of would-be shooter

(Newser) - A court has overturned the conviction of a man who threatened to shoot up the 2008 Super Bowl, ruling that the threat was too vague. Kurt William Havelock had sent notes to various media outlets saying he planned a “swift and bloody” shooting. “I will sacrifice your children...

Death Threats Send Wyclef Jean Into Hiding

Says he's been warned to leave Haiti over presidential bid

(Newser) - Wyclef Jean says he’s hiding out in a secret location in Haiti after getting death threats related to his presidential bid. Jean says someone has promised to kill him if he does not leave the country, but he has no intention of doing so, the Guardian reports. He offered...

Wedding Canceled After Groom Threatens to Kill Bride

(Newser) - A wedding planned for Saturday in Sweden was called off after the groom was arrested for assaulting and threatening to kill his bride-to-be. The engaged couple joined the wedding party at a pub for a few drinks Friday evening...and that's when the trouble began. A disagreement turned into an...

Mel Gibson Threatened to Kill Babymama

She needs 'bat on side of the head,' he rages

(Newser) - As bad as you can imagine lunatic Mel Gibson talking to his babymama, it's even worse. In the most recently released audio recording of the rage-addicted actor, he threatens over the phone to kill Oksana Grigorieva, saying she needs a "bat on the side of the head, " and...

Gibson's Threats Against Babymama May Be Terrorism

Threatening to burn down Grigorieva's house crosses a line: expert

(Newser) - If the audiotape of Mel Gibson screaming obscenities at his ex-girlfriend is authenticated, the actor could have more than an epically nasty custody battle to worry about: His threat to burn down Oksana Grigorieva's house "could be considered a criminal terrorist threat," a legal expert tells Fox News...

FBI Reveals Mountain of Ted Kennedy Death Threats

Thousands of letters promised his demise

(Newser) - After the death of his brothers, Ted Kennedy lived in constant fear that he’d be assassinated as well—and with good reason. The FBI has just released 2,352 pages from its files on Kennedy, and they’re dominated by death threats, both from anonymous enemies and groups like...

Father, Son Arrested for Stupak Threat

Health care opponents allegedly threatened to kill his family

(Newser) - A father and son have been arrested and charged with conspiring to assault, kidnap, or murder a US official, after allegedly making violent threats toward Bart Stupak. Police say Russell and David Hesch, aged 73 and 50, are behind a letter that arrived on May 25, which warned that the...

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