2012 Presidential Candidates

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Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012
Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Potential nominee: John McCain (yes, that John McCain)

(Newser) - Republicans, are you ready to repeat the McCain-Obama showdown? No? Well, the National Republican Senatorial Committee figured it ought to check, just to be sure. The NRSC, which you would think would be busy working on 2010 Senate campaigns, sent a questionnaire to its supporters asking which presidential candidate they’...

Obama Will Survive This Brutal Summer
 Obama Will Survive 
 This Brutal Summer 

Obama Will Survive This Brutal Summer

At some point, Republicans will have to pick a challenger

(Newser) - This summer has been perfectly miserable for President Obama, but Charles Blow sees brighter days ahead. Yes, the November elections will be painful, too, but once they pass the president will receive a "magnificent gift"—Republicans will actually have to stop talking and pick a candidate to challenge...

'Don't Underestimate Barack Obama'
'Don't Underestimate
Barack Obama'
Charles Krauthammer

'Don't Underestimate Barack Obama'

He's seeing the big picture (2012), unlike members of both parties

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer has a warning for his colleagues on the right who have all but declared this presidency to be politically dead: "Don't underestimate Barack Obama." He's already achieved a "historic" presidency through Obamacare alone, not to mention financial reform, and the stimulus. In short, he's finished...

Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely
Sarah Palin in 2012?
It's Looking More Likely
opposing views

Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely

Pundits are split on whether it's a smart move

(Newser) - Pundits watching Sarah Palin are smelling a 2012 presidential run. Here are two takes on her prospects:
  • Mark Halperin, Time : In a piece headlined "Why She's for Real," he lauds her fundraising and improved media savvy (especially the Mama Grizzlies video ). And much to her advantage, she'd

Look Out, GOP Candidates: Haley Barbour Looks Strong

Mississippi governor's fundraising is on fire

(Newser) - Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour dismisses talk of a 2012 presidential run, but he's quietly building a well-funded political operation staffed with some of the most talented conservative operatives, Politico reports. Barbour has taken in at least $580,500 from his three PACs, and he's expected to get as much as...

Palin Running 'Brilliant' Campaign for President

Her endorsements prove she's a real player

(Newser) - Pat Buchanan takes a look at Sarah Palin's winning endorsements and political calculations and doesn't mince words: "Though the media have painted Palin as a ditz, no politician in memory has conducted a more brilliant pre-presidential campaign," he writes at RealClearPolitics . He adds the qualifier "if that...

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely
 Gingrich: 2012 
 Bid Looking 
 More Likely 

Gingrich: 2012 Bid Looking More Likely

Newt thinks Barack Obama's sure to lose

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich says there's “more of a possibility now” that he'll run for president in 2012 than there was in 2008, but that he'll only do it if he can “raise the resources to be a serious, major candidate.” He tells Politico he'll make a decision in...

Would-Be 2012 Challengers Rush to Web

Republican candidates establish themselves online

(Newser) - Barack Obama ruled the web in 2008, and his prospective 2012 challengers don't want to let it happen again. They're all investing heavily in their online presence, Politico reports. From Newt Gingrich, who's built a sophisticated micro-targeting operation, to Sarah Palin, who's hired a couple of guys who made a...

Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate
Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate
poll numbers

Newt Could Be GOP's 2012 Sleeper Candidate

Former speaker does well in SRLC straw poll

(Newser) - A straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference shows Mike Huckabee's chances for the 2012 presidential nomination to be slim at best. Gingrich came in fourth to Huckabee's fifth among first-choice picks, but came in first in second-choice preferences—a result that illustrates his broad appeal among conservatives. The...

Mitt Won't Own Up, but Dems Just Passed RomneyCare

Health bill is similar to Mass. plan—but don't expect Romney to admit it

(Newser) - In yesterday's press briefing, Robert Gibbs couldn't resist tweaking the GOP by noting that the health reform bill opponents like to call ObamaCare looks a whole lot like RomneyCare. "I'm sure Gov. Romney hates it every time I say that," he joked. Mitt Romney wasn't laughing— the once...

Racial Slurs, Image of Noose Faxed to Clyburn

Democratic lawmakers attacked over health bill

(Newser) - House Majority Whip James Clyburn was sent racist messages after Sunday's health reform vote. Clyburn, a veteran of the civil rights movement, told Keith Olbermann, "If you look at some of the faxes that I got today, racial slurs, nooses on gallows, and I'm telling you, some very vicious...

Keep an Eye on Rick Perry —for President

If he wins big in Texas, he's in perfect position for 2012

(Newser) - Fred Barnes says there's not much sense getting worked up about GOP presidential nominees for 2012 until after the 2010 elections. At that point, even Meg Whitman and John Kasich could conceivably join the list of usual suspects. In his survey of the field, however, Barnes seems to have a...

Bayh: Third Party Could Win White House

Soon-to-be-ex-senator sees a 'Ross Perot moment' in 2012

(Newser) - Evan Bayh thinks the time is ripe for a third-party president. “There’s a high level of frustration with the two-party system out there,” Bayh told Charlie Rose, when asked about David Brooks’ theory that a third party candidate could at last be viable. “This is, in...

Is Bayh Stepping Down for Prez Run?
 Is Bayh Stepping 
 Down for Prez Run? 

Is Bayh Stepping Down for Prez Run?

Rumors fly as pundits ponder Bayh's next move

(Newser) - Evan Bayh's decision to call it quits with Congress is spurring speculation that he's got his eyes on the Oval Office. His resignation speech focused on his desire to get things done: "I'm an executive at heart," he told the crowd. The comment prompted one political scientist to...

Advice for Sarah Palin 2012
 Advice for Sarah Palin 2012 

Advice for Sarah Palin 2012

A former Bush aide gives Sarah Barracuda some strategy tips

(Newser) - Party wisemen may not take her seriously, but Sarah Palin’s got a genuine shot at being the 2012 Republican nominee. And ex-Bush aide Matt Latimer, writing for the Daily Beast , has some advice on how she can win:
  • Explain why she quit: Right now it looks like she fled

Poll: Majority Oppose Palin Run for Prez

71%, including 56% of Republicans, think she should sit out 2012

(Newser) - A majority of both Democrats and Republicans don't want to see Sarah Palin seeking the presidency in 2012, according to a CBS poll. Overall, 71% said they didn't want her to run, with 21% saying they did and 8% undecided. Among Republicans, 56% were against a Palin presidential bid. That...

Huckabee Tied With Obama in 2012 Poll

Fox host polls stronger than any other Republican hopeful

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee would give Barack Obama a run for his money if an election were held today; he’s just 1% behind the commander in chief in a new Public Policy Polling survey. Among the 1,253 surveyed, 46% said they’d back Obama, 45% Huckabee. Despite the heat he...

Palin Hints at Ticket With Beck in 2012

'He's so bold,' gushes Sarah

(Newser) - Duck and cover. Sarah Palin made only positive noises when asked about a possible run at the presidency with Glenn Beck as her running mate. "I can envision a couple of different combinations if ever I were to consider running for anything in the future. But Glenn Beck I...

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