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Craigslist Sale of Printer Leads to $12K in Legal Fees
Craigslist Sale of Printer Leads to $12K in Legal Fees
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Craigslist Sale of Printer Leads to $12K in Legal Fees

Seller ran into someone who loves to sue

(Newser) - Next time you innocently put something up for sale on Craigslist, remember the tale of Doug Costello. As the Indianapolis Star explains, Costello sold a $40 printer in 2009 to Indy resident Gersh Zavodnik. The 54-year-old Zavodnik claims it didn't work and soon initiated legal action. It's something...

Lawsuits: Trump Stiffs His Workers

'USA Today' reviews 3,500 lawsuits involving Trump

(Newser) - Donald Trump is a deadbeat boss who regards paying workers and contracting companies as optional, according to a USA Today review of some of the 3,500 or so lawsuits from the last 30 years involving Trump. Scores of lawsuits and hundreds of liens came from waiters, bartenders, plumbers, real...

Ed Sheeran Hit With $20M Copyright Suit

He's accused of copying 2012 song by 'X Factor' winner

(Newser) - A $20 million lawsuit accuses superstar singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran of "verbatim, note-for-note copying." The lawsuit from songwriters Martin Harrington and Thomas Leonard alleges Sheeran's "Photograph" is too similar to their 2009 song "Amazing," released by X Factor winner Matt Cardle in 2012. They're...

Ellen DeGeneres' Boob Joke Leads to Lawsuit

Titi Pierce is suing Warner Bros.

(Newser) - Warner Bros. might have to pay a high price for a joke Ellen DeGeneres made on her show back in February. During a segment about funny signs, DeGeneres aired a picture of a sign a viewer sent in for Georgia real estate agent Titi Pierce. Surely you can see where...

Blind Man Sues McDonald's Over Drive-Thru Policy

La. man says he was turned away, laughed at

(Newser) - McDonald's "no pedestrians at the drive-thru window" policy tramples on the rights of blind people who want late-night fast food, according to a Louisiana man's lawsuit. The federal lawsuit filed by Scott Magee argues that since many McDonald's outlets only have drive-thru windows open late at...

Judge Trump Called 'Hater' and 'Mexican' OKs Release of Documents

Judge Gonzalo Curiel releases Trump University 'playbooks'

(Newser) - "I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump," said Donald Trump at a Friday rally in San Diego. "A hater. He's a hater. ... [And he] happens to be, we believe, Mexican." Well, that judge—US District Judge Gonzalo Curiel—has just allowed...

PayPal Founder Admits Plan to Kill Gawker

It's about sticking up for the little guy: Peter Thiel

(Newser) - Peter Thiel admits he spent around $10 million to fund lawsuits against Gawker in the hope of ruining the media company—and it's "one of my greater philanthropic things that I've done." But "it's less about revenge and more about specific deterrence," the...

Lawsuit: Surgery Left Man With 80-Pound Scrotum

And then he lost his left testicle

(Newser) - An Oregon couple want Kaiser Permanente to pay them more than $1 million, claiming the hernia surgery the husband obtained from the health care provider ultimately cost him his left testicle, Courthouse News reports. But before that happened, according to a lawsuit filed this month in Portland, the man experienced...

Vacationing Lesbians Arrested for Kissing Get $80K Settlement

A Hawaiian police officer didn't appreciate their PDA

(Newser) - Two women who say they were arrested for kissing in a grocery store during a Hawaiian vacation last year will settle their lawsuit against the City of Honolulu for $80,000, the AP reports. Los Angeles residents Courtney Wilson and Taylor Guerrero were holding hands while shopping at a Foodland...

Phil Mickelson Made Nearly $1M on Insider Trading: SEC

Commission names pro golfer in federal lawsuit

(Newser) - The Securities and Exchange Commission is filing a complaint against professional golfer Phil Mickelson related to insider trading, the AP reports. The SEC says gambler William Walters received tips and business information about Dean Foods Co. from Thomas Davis, former head of Dean Foods, between 2008 and 2012. The SEC...

Prisoner Granted Sex Reassignment Is Still Waiting

Michelle-Lael Norsworthy paved the way for other transgender inmates, but was released before surgery

(Newser) - Michelle-Lael Norsworthy, who is 51, murdered a man with a shotgun outside a bar in Orange County in 1987 and spent nearly 30 years in prison for it. But she wasn't Michelle-Lael Norsworthy at the time—she was born Jeffrey, and she says that being "overly male" and...

Alanis Morissette: My Ex-Manager Stole $5M

He claims it went into marijuana grow-ops: suit

(Newser) - Alanis Morissette has had to swallow a jagged little pill: The Canadian singer says she was robbed of almost $5 million. The alleged culprit? Her former business manager to the stars. In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, Morissette says she fired Jonathan Schwartz of GSO Business Management—whose clients have reportedly...

Jelly Belly Family Sued Over Man Crushed by WWII Tank

Victim's family says tank was not safe, driver was not trained

(Newser) - The Jelly Belly family is being sued over the death of a man crushed by a WWII tank at the chairman's home in August. The tragedy occurred at a family reunion at the California home of Herman Rowland Sr., chair of the candy company's board and an avid...

Cancer-Stricken Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Roundup

They allege company is hiding herbicide's dangers

(Newser) - Three cancer-stricken Nebraska farmers and an agronomist are suing Monsanto, alleging that the company misled consumers about the safety of Roundup, the most widely used herbicide around the globe. The World Health Organization labeled glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as a likely carcinogen last year. The four Nebraskans suing...

She Sent Her Boyfriend Ultrasound Photo, Vanished

Kelsie Schelling's family is suing the police department for a botched investigation

(Newser) - The mother of a Colorado woman who went missing the day after she texted a photo of her eight-week ultrasound to her boyfriend is suing not just his family but local police and city as well. Laura Saxton says her whole world changed on Feb. 4, 2013, when her pregnant...

'Huge' Win for House GOP in ObamaCare Lawsuit

Federal judge says administration spending on health care subsidies is unconstitutional

(Newser) - In what Politico labels a "huge win" for the House GOP, a federal judge ruled Thursday that the Obama administration is making unconstitutional federal expenditures to maintain the president's ObamaCare law, the AP reports. At issue: $175 billion in so-called "cost-sharing" reimbursements that the government doles out...

Cliven Bundy: Obama Wants to Sell My Ranch to 'Communist Chinese'

He filed a 'completely bonkers' lawsuit Tuesday

(Newser) - Cliven Bundy has filed what Gawker calls a "completely bonkers" lawsuit against President Obama, Harry Reid, Reid's son, and a federal judge. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal , the 70-year-old Bundy is seeking more than $50 million in damages and his prompt release from custody for various alleged...

Petsitter Now Wants Up to $1M for Negative Yelp Review

First lawsuit dropped, second lawsuit asks for a lot more

(Newser) - The petsitting company suing a Texas couple over their negative Yelp review now wants even more money from the couple. As Consumerist reports, Prestigious Pets' original lawsuit, which sought less than $7,000, was quickly dropped—only to be replaced with this new suit, which seeks between $200,000 and...

Army Captain Sues Obama for Fighting ISIS

Nathan Michael Smith says he needs to honor his own oath

(Newser) - It's not that Army Capt. Nathan Michael Smith doesn't want to take out the Islamic State. It's just that he doesn't think President Obama has the authority to wage war against ISIS without Congress' OK. That's the crux of the 28-year-old intelligence officer's lawsuit...

Brain-Dead Boy's Family: Keep Him on Life Support

'He's very much alive,' says mom

(Newser) - Two-year-old Israel Stinson was declared brain-dead in early April after an asthma attack sent him into cardiac arrest. According to California law, he was to be removed from life support soon after. There's just one problem: "He's very much alive," mom Jonee Fonseca tells FOX40 . Fonseca...

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