Gulf oil spill

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

BP's Safety Record Murky
 BP's Safety Record Murky 

BP's Safety Record Murky

Refinery blast, pipeline spill, safety violations

(Newser) - As the Gulf of Mexico turns into an oil-slicked environmental disaster, BP is quick to point the finger at Transocean, the owner and operator of the doomed Deepwater Horizon. But, as the New York Times reports, the oil giant itself has a history littered with spills, blowouts, safety violations, and...

BP Has to Remove Dome From Well

Buildup of ice crystals forces a reassessment

(Newser) - Bad news from the Gulf: BP is reporting problems with the giant containment dome that was lowered to the ocean floor to save the day. Workers had to pull it off a blown well—at least temporarily—because of a buildup of ice crystals inside the 100-ton contraption, reports AP...

Oil Rig Crew: We All Were Sure We'd Die

Workers recount fateful night Deepwater Horizon blew

(Newser) - It was a pristine day on the Gulf of Mexico, and the crew of the Deepwater Horizon had much to celebrate—they were nearing completion of a difficult oil well ahead of schedule, and a crew of BP execs had landed that morning to laud their safety record. Then at...

Methane Bubble Triggered Blast Aboard Oil Rig

Gas cloud covered Deepwater Horizon, then she blew

(Newser) - The deadly Deepwater Horizon blowout was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding, according to interviews with rig workers. "A small bubble becomes a really big bubble," says an expert...

Dome Reaches Floor of Gulf
 Dome Reaches Floor of Gulf 

Dome Reaches Floor of Gulf

BP crews start efforts to fit cap over broken well

(Newser) - Robots and technicians have successfully placed a containment dome on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, 5,000 feet below the surface. BP teams are now attempting to fit the dome, which they started maneuvering last night , over the Deepwater Horizon well that has been gushing 5,000 barrels...

Stewart's Rent-Boy Scandal Fix: Put a Dome on It!
 Scandal Fix: 
 Put a Dome on It! 
feats of engineering

Stewart's Rent-Boy Scandal Fix: Put a Dome on It!

Then finds a way to connect it to George Rekers' penis

(Newser) - So much is going on in the world right now that Jon Stewart didn’t know where to start last night on the Daily Show —so he covered it all, from “wanna-bomber” Faisal Shahzad to Greece’s financial crisis. But the best part of his round-the-news tour comes...

Who Regulates Big Oil? Big Oil

Investigation finds gaps in oversight, safety measures

(Newser) - Over the past decade, the federal agency tasked with monitoring offshore oil drillers has gradually ceded control to the industry itself, finds the Wall Street Journal . The Minerals Management Service doesn't actually write rules, but rather sets "broad goals" for drillers, an approach that is taking heat post-Gulf spill....

Containment Dome Nearly in Place
 Containment Dome 
 Nearly in Place 

Containment Dome Nearly in Place

Giant structure being lowered over blown-out well

(Newser) - The big dome is nearly there. With the guidance of undersea robots, crews in the Gulf of Mexico are gingerly lowering the 100-ton concrete-and-steel box over a blown-out well on the ocean floor this morning. If all goes well—and we won't know until Sunday when it's fully operational—it...

Gulf Slick Hits Wildlife Refuge

Oily birds found in Lousiania's Chandeleur Islands

(Newser) - Oil from the massive Gulf of Mexico slick has begun washing ashore in a wildlife preserve off the coast of Louisiana. Officials say there is "oiling all over" the uninhabited Chandeleur islands, the BBC reports. The island chain is home to large numbers of endangered birds. Pelicans and gannets...

Gulf Crews Prepare to Lower Containment Dome
 Gulf Crews  
 Prepare to Lower 
 Containment Dome 
oil reaches shore

Gulf Crews Prepare to Lower Containment Dome

Move to cap BP spill fraught with unknowns

(Newser) - Crews prepared today to lower a 100-ton box they hoped would cut off most of the crude spewing from a blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico, the urgency of their task underscored by oil that started washing up on delicate barrier islands. If the concrete-and-steel box works, it could...

Limbaugh Finds Oil Spill Upside: Less Crowded Beaches!

And fewer turtles taking up room on the sand, too

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh, environmental expert, circled back to the topic of the Gulf oil spill yesterday, but before he tackled the topic of beaches and turtles, he clarified his scientific credentials: "I happen to own beachfront property. I think I can better identify with people living on the Gulf Coast...

Palin: Don't Trust Foreign Oil Companies

Like that no-good BP, which used to employ Todd Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is fired up about the Gulf Coast oil spill, and she's taking away a powerful lesson: Don't trust foreigners, like those tea-sippers over at British Petroleum. “Gulf: Learn from Alaska's lesson w/foreign oil co's: don't naively trust—VERIFY,” she wrote on Twitter . That sounds great and...

Gulf Oil Spill Will Rock Insurers

Billions in environmental-related damages expected

(Newser) - Fishermen and environmentalists aren't the only ones casting a worried glance at that oil spill in the Gulf. Add insurance companies to the list. Estimates are flying around: $7 billion for final cleanup, $2.5 billion for Louisiana's fishing industry, $3 billion for Florida's tourism industry, and billions more to...

Feds: Rushed Shrimpers May Be Killing Turtles
May Be Killing Turtles: Feds
not oil spill

Shrimpers May Be Killing Turtles: Feds

Shortcuts ahead of oil slick could have caused 3 dozen deaths

(Newser) - About 3 dozen endangered sea turtles have washed up on Gulf Coast beaches in recent days—with no trace of oil—and the mysterious deaths have triggered a spat between federal authorities and shrimp fishermen. Marine officials suspect that fishermen, desperate to maximize their catch before the oil slick moves...

Oil Slick Blasted With Record Dose of Cleanup Chemical

Oil dispersant helps break up slick

(Newser) - The massive oil slick bobbing in the Gulf of Mexico still hasn't reached shore, thanks in part to the unprecedented doses of an oil-dispersing chemical that are being dropped on it. The spill is being blasted with as much as 60,000 gallons of the dispersant each day, by way...

BP Closes 1 of 3 Gulf Oil Leaks

But it won't cut the amount of oil gushing from the damaged well

(Newser) - One of the three leaks gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico from the ruptured undersea well was shut down last night, BP said this morning. The success in installing a valve, after several days of rough seas that hampered efforts, won't slow the oil flowing into the Gulf, but...

If BP Plans Fail, Oil Spill Could Worsen Eight-Fold

Executives estimate 40K barrels a day would gush into Gulf

(Newser) - We know about 5,000 barrels of oil are gushing into the Gulf of Mexico every day because of the BP disaster. (See a nifty animated graphic charting the spill and projecting its course here from the Times-Picayune.) So what happens if the company's schemes to stem the flow—...

BP Building 'Containment Dome' to Slow Spill

'Giant iron funnel' will pump oil to surface

(Newser) - The firm at the center of the Gulf Coast spill is building a giant dome to slow the spread of oil. BP is constructing a 4-story, 70-ton contraption to lower over one of the leaks. The BBC likens the device to a "giant iron funnel" that "resembles a...

Spill leaves energy bill in trouble - Jeanne Cummings and Manu Raju -

 Oil Spill Dooms 
 Climate Bill 

Oil Spill Dooms Climate Bill

Expanded drilling suddenly unpalatable for Dems

(Newser) - Energy reform advocates scrambled yesterday to rescue the bill that's been slogging its way through the Senate, but the Gulf oil spill appears to be the final, ironic nail in its coffin, Politico reports. Republicans will only vote for the bill if it includes an expansion of oil drilling, something...

Bush's 'Brownie': Obama Wanted Spill to Spread

Anti-oil prez waited for disaster, says ex-FEMA chief

(Newser) - President Obama's doing a heckuva job in using the Gulf oil spill to further his anti-Big Oil agenda, according to former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Brown—whose handling of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath won praise from few apart from President Bush—says that Obama waited for the oil spill to worsen...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>