Gulf oil spill

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BP Threading Tube in Latest Bid to Plug Leak

It's the latest solution of the day

(Newser) - At first, BP tried to stop the oil rushing into the Gulf of Mexico by flipping a blowout preventer switch. A week ago, they attempted to capture the leak with a 100-ton box. The latest experiment? Trying to guide a skinny, mile-long tube into the gusher. BP technicians were gingerly...

Much of Spilled Oil Already Gone

Around 35% probably evaporated, model suggests

(Newser) - The Deepwater Horizon disaster has led to the release of million of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, but figuring out where it all is has proven kind of hard. Roughly 4.6 million gallons seem to have pooled into a shape-shifting blob off the coast of Louisiana,...

Obama Slams Oil Spill Blame Game as 'Ridiculous Spectacle'

President has tough talk about the Gulf spill

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into the companies involved in the Gulf oil spill today, deriding their finger-pointing before Congress as a "ridiculous spectacle." He also promised to end a cozy relationship that has existed between federal regulators and companies drilling offshore for oil and gas.

Congress Wants Answers on Low Oil Leak Estimates

Experts say it's much higher than 5,000 barrels per day

(Newser) - News that way more oil than previously reported seems to be gushing out of the burst well in the Gulf of Mexico has caught the attention of Congress. Edward Markey, who chairs a House subcommittee on energy, says he'll ask BP and federal agencies to explain their estimates, reports CNN...

Regulators Let BP Blow Off Wildlife Permits

Endangered species protections simply ignored

(Newser) - The Minerals Management Service appears to have blatantly ignored a law requiring new oil drilling operations to get permits from the agency that assesses risk to endangered species. The MMS gave the okay to the Deepwater Horizon rig and dozens of others without getting the permits, the New York Times ...

Spill Up to 5 Times Bigger Than Gov't Says: Scientists

And they reject BP claim that leak can't be measured

(Newser) - Two weeks ago, government experts estimated that 5,000 barrels of oil a day were leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. That figure—5 times BP's initial estimate—was calculated hastily by government agencies using the wrong method, scientists charge. Some experts, especially after a video of the leak was...

Shell Gets Go Ahead for Arctic Drilling

Court clears the way for exploratory drill

(Newser) - Shell got the go ahead to ' drill, baby, drill ' in the Arctic this summer, after a three-judge panel rejected a legal challenge standing in the way of their plans. The court determined that the federal Minerals Management Service ( Um, remember them? ) weighed the potential threat to...

Matthews: Make Cheney Testify About Oil Spill

He rips 'Incestuous' oil-White House liaison

(Newser) - Hardball's Chris Matthews insisted yesterday that former Vice President Dick Cheney be forced to testify on the Gulf oIl spill after "looking out for" Big Oil in the White House fresh from his job as CEO of Halliburton. Cheney held several "secret meetings" with oil companies, including BP...

Poll: 42% Think Obama's Doing Good Job on Oil Spill
 Poll: 42% Think 
 Obama's Doing 
 Good Job on Oil Spill 

Poll: 42% Think Obama's Doing Good Job on Oil Spill

Majority support more drilling, despite risks

(Newser) - The Gulf oil spill is not "Obama's Katrina," regardless of what Rush Limbaugh says. A new AP/GfK poll finds that the disaster hasn't hurt President Obama—but neither has it dimmed the public's desire for more offshore energy drilling. Some highlights:
  • Obama's handling: Some 42% of those surveyed

New BP Plan: Fix the Failed 'Blowout Preventer'

Which failed in an outrageous number of ways, Congress heard yesterday

(Newser) - So far, nothing BP has tried to do to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf has worked, but company and Obama administration officials tell the New York Times they're optimistic about their latest plan: fixing the underwater “blowout preventer” that was supposed to seal off the spill...

BP Releases Oil Gusher Video

First images show oil, gas spewing into sea

(Newser) - BP has yielded to pressure from the Coast Guard and the media and released a disheartening video of oil and natural gas spewing into the sea from its busted Deepwater Horizon well. The company says it is only releasing the video now because it wasn't asked to earlier, although ABC...

BP Lowers 'Top Hat' Over Oil Spill

They call it 'Top Hat'

(Newser) - BP is trying the “if at first you don't succeed” method of oil spill containment, lowering a second, smaller box over its still-gushing underwater leak. The first box the company tried failed on Saturday, when ice-like crystals formed, making it float, CNN explains. That device was a whopping four...

La. Pols: BP Can't Handle Slick, Let's Take Over

Calls for gov't intervention grow as oil approaches shore

(Newser) - As oil threatens more bays and wetlands in Louisiana, including the state's most fertile fisheries, Louisiana lawmakers have ramped up calls for BP to hand over cleanup efforts to the government. “We’re relying on a private company that seems to be overwhelmed,” a state rep. complained. “...

Oil Execs' Refrain: Don't Blame Me, Blame Him
Oil Execs' Refrain: Don't Blame Me, Blame Him

Oil Execs' Refrain: Don't Blame Me, Blame Him

BP, Transocean, Halliburton CEOs testify in DC

(Newser) - As expected , the leaders of the oil and oil service companies involved with the Gulf oil spill attempted to shift blame onto one another at a Senate hearing today. Executives from BP, Transocean, and Halliburton each blamed the other companies' work for the blowout, the Washington Post reports. BP's...

Spill May Screw the Gulf, but It Won't Kill BP

Oil giant's profits are prodigious enough to pay for cleanup

(Newser) - If you've been up late worrying about BP , rest easy. Whatever the ultimate toll to the Gulf states, and indeed the nation, the still-gushing oil spill isn't likely to kill BP. The British firm may be shelling out $17.5 million per day in clean-up costs, but it averaged $93...

Oil Firms Blame Each Other for Spill

3 to point fingers in Senate testimony today

(Newser) - Execs from three firms involved in the Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill will blame each other for the disaster when they face a Senate hearing today. In prepared testimony reviewed by the Wall Street Journal , the chairman of well owner BP points the finger at rig owner and operator...

'Hairlift' Donations Help Fight Oil Slick

Salons, groomers donate hair, fur for booms

(Newser) - The biggest "hairlift" in history is helping fight the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Donations of hair, fur, and wool are being gathered by salons, pet groomers, and farmers around the world to be stuffed into nylon tights, creating highly absorbent booms. Matter of Trust, the charity organizing the...

BP Spill Plan Bore No Resemblance to Reality

Critics blast company's preparedness

(Newser) - As BP struggles to fix its oil containment dome, many in Washington and the oil industry say the company's botched handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill shows it failed to prepare for a major disaster—and comparing its spill plan to the reality of the current situation seems...

BP Weighs Trying Smaller Dome
 BP Weighs Trying Smaller Dome 

BP Weighs Trying Smaller Dome

Company considers multiple strategies as oik continues to gush

(Newser) - BP is considering more options to stop the flow of oil spewing at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. COO Doug Suttles said today BP is thinking about putting a smaller containment dome over the massive leak after a four-story, 100-ton box became clogged with icelike crystals yesterday. BP...

Oil Cleanup Honcho: 'Entire Gulf on Alert'
 Oil Cleanup Honcho: 
 'Entire Gulf on Alert' 


Oil Cleanup Honcho: 'Entire Gulf on Alert'

Eric Holder debates suing Arizona

(Newser) - We may not have seen the worst of the Gulf oil spill, says the man spearheading the federal response, Coast Guard Commandant Thad Allen. “The maddening thing is it’s indeterminate. So what we have is a 5,000 barrel spill every day with the wind shifting around. And...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>