Gulf oil spill

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

EPA to BP: Switch to Less Toxic Dispersant—Now

Company given 72 hours to make the switch

(Newser) - In a move that suggests the dispersants being dumped on the Gulf oil spill may not be so Earth-friendly, the EPA last night gave BP 24 hours to select a less toxic chemical and 72 hours to make the switch. The company, which has used 600,000 gallons on the...

Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response
Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response

Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response

Meanwhile, heavy oil hitting Louisiana marshlands

(Newser) - With heavy oil at last washing ashore in Louisiana, scientists are slamming the Obama administration for responding to the Deepwater Horizon spill too slowly, and not investigating enough. “It seems baffling that we don't know how much oil is being spilled,” one oceanographer said on Capitol Hill yesterday....

BP Looks for Help, Turns to ... Kevin Costner?

Actor's company has an oil-sucking machine

(Newser) - It's Kevin Costner to the rescue in the Gulf: BP has agreed to test a contraption funded by the actor to suck oil out of the water. "It's like a big vaccum cleaner," said Costner's business partner in Ocean Therapy Solutions. Costner got interested in the subject around...

Oil Spill Brings US, Cuba Together
Oil Spill Brings US, Cuba Together

Oil Spill Brings US, Cuba Together

Good thing, writes analyst: Havana is looking for wells, too

(Newser) - As the oil spill spreads toward Florida and Cuba, the State Department has begun briefing Havana on efforts to control it. "We also communicated US desire to maintain a clear line of communication with the Cuban government on developments,” one official tells ABC . The rare talks between diplomatic...

Fla. Tar Balls Not From Spill, but Oil Heading That Way

Loop Current will take it up the Florida coast in about a week

(Newser) - Good news: The tar balls found on the beaches of Florida are not a result of the Gulf oil spill, authorities have proven. Bad news: It's only a matter of days before the oil hits for real. The spill has reached the Loop Current, the Miami Herald reports, which will...

Fed Oversight Failed in Gulf Oil Catastrophe: Salazar

Feds should have more oversight on safety devices, he says

(Newser) - Ken Salazar admitted today that the government should have had better standards in place on the devices built to prevent disasters on offshore oil wells. The interior secretary said he believed "additional work should have been done on blowout preventers," reports USA Today . "There will be tremendous...

US Expands No-Fishing Area in Gulf

45,728 square miles now closed

(Newser) - The US today expanded the area around the Gulf oil spill where fishing is banned. The government's oceanic authority ordered 19% of federally controlled waters off-limits for fishing, up from 8% Friday and 10% yesterday. The area closed now covers 45,728 square miles, CNN reports. Meanwhile, three separate Senate...

BP Boss: Environment Will Be Fine
BP Boss: Environment
Will Be Fine

BP Boss: Environment Will Be Fine

Gulf spill cleanup 'textbook example' of emergency response

(Newser) - Tony Hayward is an optimist. The BP CEO believes his company's done a great job responding to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, he tells Sky News . After bragging about a new piece of technology that's allowed BP to harvest thousands of gallons of oil from the leak,...

Tar Balls Found Off Key West
 Tar Balls Found Off Key West 

Tar Balls Found Off Key West

But the Coast Guard isn't sure they're from the spill

(Newser) - Twenty tar balls have been found off Key West, though the Coast Guard stopped short of saying whether they came from the massive Gulf oil spill. The balls, which were 3-to-8 inches in diameter, were discovered yesterday by the Florida Park Service and have been sent to a lab for...

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss
Obama Shows Congress
Who's Boss 

Obama Shows Congress Who's Boss

President takes more hands-on approach to legislation

(Newser) - President Obama is growing more assertive on Capitol Hill. Since he took office, the president's supporters have criticized him for not exerting enough control over the details of legislation, instead letting Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi hammer out specifics—even on major administration goals, like the health care bill. On...

BP Siphoning 1/5 of Oil; Spill May Have Hit Major Current

Loop current would carry oil to Florida Keys and up coast

(Newser) - BP is now siphoning more than one-fifth of the oil that has been spewing into the Gulf for almost a month, the company said this morning, as worries escalated that the ooze may have reached a major ocean current that could carry it through the Florida Keys and up the...

Let's Nuke the Oil Spill&mdash;Literally

 Let's Nuke the Oil 

Let's Nuke the Oil Spill—Literally

Because BP's self-serving repair attempts are laughable

(Newser) - Nearly a month into the BP oil spill disaster, it's time to get serious. It's time to blow the well shut with a nuclear weapon, argues nuclear policy scholar Christopher Brownfield—seriously. So far, BP's been trying to clumsily fix the well rather than destroy it, most recently using a...

Gulf States to BP: You Foot Our Tourism Ad Bill

The $20B Gulf Coast industry worried about summer

(Newser) - The environment and the fishing industry aren't the only ones losing big because of the Gulf oil spill: The $20 billion Gulf Coast tourism industry fears that the constant doom-and-gloom media coverage will decimate summer tourism in the region. That's why Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama are calling for BP to...

Lawyers Mass for Assault on BP
 Lawyers Mass for Assault on BP 

Lawyers Mass for Assault on BP

Firms involved in spill will be in court for decades

(Newser) - The Deepwater Horizon rig was ablaze for less than 24 hours when the first lawsuit on behalf of a dead worker's widow was filed—marking the start of a flood of legal action that will match the gush of oil spilling into the Gulf, say experts. Damages are far reaching...

BP Pipe Siphons Some Oil, Dislodges
 BP Pipe Siphons 
 Some Oil, Dislodges 

BP Pipe Siphons Some Oil, Dislodges

Engineers trying to get pipe to work again

(Newser) - BP says engineers trying to stop an oil leak deep beneath the Gulf of Mexico used a mile-long tube to funnel some oil to the surface, but that it became dislodged. In a news release, BP says it halted the process early today, but that some of the oil and...

BP: The Tube Is In

 BP: The Tube Is In 

BP: The Tube Is In

Oil giant hopes to siphon large part of gushing oil

(Newser) - BP has successfully inserted a pipe into the blown-out Deepwater Horizon well, a source confirmed to the Wall Street Journal , raising hopes that a majority of the leak could be siphoned up to a ship on the surface. A BP spokesman declined comment.

BP: Pipe Will Stem Oil Flow
 BP: Pipe Will Stem Oil Flow  

BP: Pipe Will Stem Oil Flow

But company's still jiggering its latest experiment

(Newser) - BP hit a snag yesterday in its effort to reduce the amount of oil blasting from the remains of a broken rig into the Gulf of Mexico. BP said it was confident that its mile-long pipe would capture much of the oil flow, but engineers failed to connect two pieces...

Huge Oil Plumes Found Deep Under Water

It's more evidence that the spill is bigger than estimates

(Newser) - Scientists working in the Gulf of Mexico tell the New York Times they're seeing a "shocking amount of oil" deep under the surface. They've located several huge plumes, the largest of which is 10 miles long and 3 miles wide, lending more weight to the speculation that the spill...

White House Wants BP to Promise It'll Pay

Even if costs exceed $75 million cap

(Newser) - The White House's latest message to BP is a simple one: Talk is cheap, so you better pay up in the Gulf. Company officials have said a few times publicly that they were willing to cover all costs related to the cleanup, even if they exceed the $75 million liability...

Hey, BP: Supertankers Could Clean Up Spill

 Hey, BP: Supertankers 
 Could Clean Up Spill 
It worked for Saudis

Hey, BP: Supertankers Could Clean Up Spill

They suck up vast quantities of polluted water; oil is filtered out in port

(Newser) - A former Shell Oil president has some advice for BP: Use supertankers to suck up the oil fouling the Gulf of Mexico. He says the Saudis used it in a hush-hush cleanup project after a spill in the early '90s dumped hundreds of millions of gallons. The Saudis "figured...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>