New York Times

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>

Don't Sell the Times ... Yet
 Don't Sell the Times... Yet 

Don't Sell the Times... Yet

(Newser) - The New York Times' ruling Ochs-Sulzberger family has a “habit of buying high and selling low,” writes John Gapper of the Financial Times. The clan sold the paper’s old Times Square building at a bargain price and bought back shares near their zenith. Now Arthur Sulzberger Jr....

Geffen Would Make NYT a Nonprofit
Geffen Would Make NYT
a Nonprofit

Geffen Would Make NYT a Nonprofit

Mogul still interested in buying a large stake in the Times

(Newser) - Hollywood’s David Geffen has amassed a multi-billion-dollar fortune through his business acumen, so why on earth is he looking to invest in the newspaper industry by buying a large stake in the New York Times? The reason, two sources tell Johnnie L. Roberts of Newsweek, is that Geffen doesn’...

Geffen Sought Stake in NY Times
Geffen Sought Stake in
NY Times

Geffen Sought Stake in NY Times

Media mogul rebuffed after bid for 20% of company

(Newser) - Media mogul and DreamWorks co-founder David Geffen recently offered to buy nearly 20% of the struggling New York Times Company, Fortune reports. Geffen offered market price, currently $194 million, for the shares owned by Harbinger Capital Management. But the hedge fund rejected his offer as too low. He hasn't been...

Debt May Force Sulzbergers to Sell NYT Stake

Family still spending like it's 1999; Mexico's Slim waits in wings

(Newser) - The Ochs-Sulzberger family may be forced to sell its controlling interest in the New York Times, according to the rival Post, which helpfully points out that family members are also spending far more than they're pulling down at the paragraph factory. Thanks to the recession and the newspaper’s floundering...

NY Times to Notify Feds It's Shutting Globe

(Newser) - The New York Times will file a required 60-day notice with federal authorities that it plans to shut the storied Boston Globe, newspaper officials said last night. Tense negotiations with unions failed to produce millions of dollars in savings Times representatives say are necessary to continue Globe operations. The Newspaper...

NYT Readers Brain Dead: WSJ Editor

USA Today also slammed—maybe

(Newser) - Media-to-media relations are starting to resemble reality shows, writes Ryan Tate in Gawker—maybe this will up readership. In a staff memo about circulation growth, the Wall Street Journal managing editor slammed the New York Times, writing “there are two measures of mortality, brain death and the day the...

Times Co. Won't Go Private, Sulzberger Says

'We unequivocally believe in our future' despite revenue falloff

(Newser) - The New York Times Company does not intend to take itself or its flagship newspaper private, the Wall Street Journal reports. Chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. also told a shareholder meeting today that Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire who recently bought a large stake in the company, had no interest in...

As Staffers Take Pay Cuts, NYT Execs Get Bonuses

CEO's pay went up $1.5M last year

(Newser) - New York Times Co. executives have taken big bonuses as their newsrooms endure layoffs and pay cuts, a proxy statement filed with the SEC reveals. At the eye of the storm is CEO Janet Robinson, whose compensation in 2008 was more than $1 million greater than her 2007 salary and...

New York Times Garners 5 Pulitzers

Spitzer scandal among winners in rare bright spot for newspaper

(Newser) - The New York Times received five Pulitzer Prizes today, including one for breaking the call-girl scandal that destroyed Gov. Eliot Spitzer's career. The Las Vegas Sun won for public service for exposing a high death rate among construction workers on the Las Vegas Strip. America's top journalism awards were announced...

Red Sox Owner Offers to Buy Boston Globe

Tycoon wants NYT Co.'s 17.75% share of team

(Newser) - The New York Times Company might be able kill two birds with one pitch. Red Sox principle owner John Henry recently told the company that he’d be willing to buy the Times’ 17.75% stake in the team, and that, if he did, the Times Co. could throw in...

'Jewel' Soon Was Tarnished for NY Times Co.: Globe

Globe staffers analyze parent company's treatment of once great paper

(Newser) - The Boston Globe is delving into the stunning fall of a once-great institution: itself. Keith O'Brien and Robert Weisman trace the decline back to 1993—when the New York Times Co. bought the "jewel of an asset" for a staggering $1.1 billion—to the unimaginable present, as the...

Dow Rises 246 on Rosy Bank News
 Dow Rises 246 
 on Rosy Bank News

Dow Rises 246 on Rosy Bank News

Rosy NYT report on Treasury 'stress tests' fuels risk appetite

(Newser) - Surging financial stocks spurred a broader rally today, the Wall Street Journal reports. A New York Times report that all 19 banks facing Treasury “stress tests” will pass boosted shares in a sector already buoyed by a strong Wells Fargo earnings forecast. The Dow rose 246.27 to close...

Google Pay-for-News Scheme Ignores Reality

(Newser) - Google CEO Eric Schmidt's proposed model for online newspapers calls for a cable TV-like approach to subscription content, with tiers like free, basic, and premium. His ideas not only come too late, but they're “deeply flawed,” Douglas A. McIntyre writes for 24/7 Wall Street. And "even if...

Death of Newspapers Won't Kill the News

(Newser) - Before newspapers held sway over politicians and maintained monopolies under federal anti-trust exemptions, they were a service people were willing to pay for, Michael Kinsley writes in the Washington Post. Even if “technology is on the verge of removing some traditionally vital organs of the body politic,” they...

NYT Threatens to Shut Boston Globe

Unions given ultimatum over cutbacks

(Newser) - The New York Times has told the Boston Globe it will shutter the newspaper if unions don't swiftly agree to $20 million in concessions, the Boston Herald reports. The parent company told union leaders Thursday that the Globe is on course to lose $85 million this year unless serious cutbacks...

Murdoch: Papers Need to Charge for Web Access

Journal subscription plan 'not a gold mine, but it's not bad'

(Newser) - The New York Times ought to be charging people to read its content, and so should every other newspaper that wants to survive, Rupert Murdoch said today. “People reading news for free on the Web, that’s got to change,” the News Corp chief said at a Washington...

Sulzberger: the Wrong Savior for the New York Times

(Newser) - Newspaper scion Arthur Sulzberger Jr., who "has spent a lifetime faithfully placing his feet in his father’s footsteps," Mark Bowden writes in Vanity Fair, may be exactly the wrong guy to pull the New York Times out of the financial death spiral it seems to be in....

Times Cuts Salaries, Jobs; Post Offers More Buyouts

(Newser) - The economic crisis and outdated business models are forcing steep cuts at three venerable news organizations. The New York Times today announced a 5% pay cut for all employees, who were offered 10 extra days off as compensation, "in a spirit of shared sacrifice and as a way to...

Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions
Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions

Obama Blanked Top Papers But Took Tough Questions

But president endured tougher questioning than last conference

(Newser) - President Obama bypassed reporters from the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and other major papers last night, instead taking questions from Spanish-language TV station Univision and military newspaper Stars and Stripes. Yet the president faced tougher questions than at his first press conference, often in the form...

Why Obama's Everywhere You Look, Listen, Read

President looks to get past media filter

(Newser) - When it came to getting past what he called “the media filter,” President Bush’s favorite strategy was to go around it. President Obama’s style is more to go over, under, around, and through, courting both the new and mainstream media in an effort to communicate directly...

Stories 501 - 520 | << Prev   Next >>