New York Times

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Hey Paul Krugman, Your Country Needs You

Why aren't you in the administration?

(Newser) - The latest video to shake up YouTube is a song plea that critical columnist Paul Krugman join the Obama administration and fix the economy. "Hey Paul Krugman, where the hell are you, man? Why aren't you in the administration?" sings songwriter Jonathan Mann. "When I listen to you...

Old Gray Lady Grabs Obama by the Ear

Krugman, Friedman, Dowd, Rich, editorial board all pile on prez

(Newser) - The Obama administration bore an avalanche of criticism this weekend from the usually friendly New York Times. Influential columnists Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Thomas Friedman, and Maureen Dowd—plus the paper’s editorial board—all piled on a president who “is increasingly overwhelmed, and not fully appreciative of the...

White House Foists Bonus Blame on Dodd
White House Foists Bonus Blame on Dodd

White House Foists Bonus Blame on Dodd

Guilty Obama officials seek to shift AIG fault, press plays along

(Newser) - The White House is trying to pass the AIG bonus blame to Sen. Chris Dodd, pointing to his hand in an executive-compensation clause inserted into the stimulus bill—and journalists are letting it happen, writes Glenn Greenwald in Salon. Actually, the bonuses were only possible because the Obama administration insisted...

Times Fills Kristol Slot: Ross Douthat of Atlantic

(Newser) - The New York Times has found its replacement for William Kristol’s column from the right—Ross Douthat of the Atlantic. Douthat, 29, will start mostly online next month but will eventually appear on Mondays opposite Paul Krugman, reports the Columbia Journalism Review, quoting a Times email. He’ll also...

Times Co. Sells HQ for $225M
 Times Co. Sells HQ for $225M 

Times Co. Sells HQ for $225M

Debt-laden paper enters sale-leaseback with investment firm

(Newser) - The New York Times Company has raised $225 million through a sale-leaseback of its Eighth Avenue skyscraper, it announced this morning. The deal gives investment firm WP Carey ownership of the Times' share of the Renzo Piano-designed headquarters, which the newspaper moved into in 2007. The company will then lease...

Credit Crisis Shocked Big Papers—but Why?

Only a few outlets warned of subprime collapse

(Newser) - If the financial crisis shocked news readers—and it did—it must have surprised news writers as well, David Folkenflik reasons on NPR. He surveyed major US publications and, sure enough, found few warnings of financial doom pre-meltdown. A New York Times columnist explained it this way: "As...

White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access
White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access

White House Reporters Trade Puff for Access

The 'beat sweetener' laudatory profile is early-term tradition

(Newser) - Readers of just about any national news outlet might’ve noticed a flood of good press about top White House aides lately. It’s not coincidence, and it’s not bias, Michael Calderone writes for Politico. Called a “beat sweetener,” such pieces aim to cultivate sources by praising...

Climate Alarmists Are Off Base: George Will

Only one fact debated; 'that challenge was mistaken': Will

(Newser) - George Will set off a flurry of criticism this month with a column that questioned global warming. In his Post column today, he's not backing down, taking particular aim at the New York Times—long “a megaphone for the alarmed.” A Times article by Andrew Revkin asserted that...

Oops! NYT Posts Obama Hottie's Number

But photo containing Favreau's digits quickly taken down

(Newser) - It wasn't next to "For a good time, call," but the New York Times inadvertently published the digits of hot young Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau last night in a slideshow devoted to the president's speech. The photo, a closeup of Obama's hand next to his speech, appears to...

Times, McCain Lobbyist Spar Over Settlement

Lobbyist claims to have extracted a retraction; paper disagrees

(Newser) - Vicki Iseman’s lawsuit against the New York Times ended not with money changing hands, or a retraction, but with what Iseman’s lawyer have dubbed a retraction of an "implication"—which allows both parties to declare victory, Politico reports. The paper issued a statement that it never...

Lobbyist Linked to McCain Ends Times Suit

Iseman settles with no payment or retraction; article implied affair

(Newser) - Vicki Iseman, the lobbyist whose relationship with John McCain was the subject of an explosive New York Times article during the 2008 campaign, has settled her lawsuit against the paper. Iseman will receive no payment, and the Times has not retracted the article, which seemed to imply that she and...

New Times Investor Silences Bad Press, Times Says

(Newser) - Carlos Slim has a history of intimidating the press, but not the New York Times, which strives manfully to dish the dirt on Mexico’s richest man today, even though he just lent the paper $250 million. Slim loves making such big investments in media companies, but he hates the...

Times Says Times Will Survive
 Times Says Times Will Survive 

Times Says Times Will Survive

(Newser) - Rumors of the New York Times’ demise are greatly exaggerated, reports... the New York Times. “Despite some published alarms to the contrary, the company has positioned itself to ride out another year of recession, maybe two,” Richard Péréz-Peña writes in a review of his employer’...

It's Time to Endow Newspapers
 It's Time to Endow Newspapers 

It's Time to Endow Newspapers

Times begs for its life

(Newser) - Newspapers are dying, and there’s only one way to save them, write Yale's David Swensen and Michael Schmidt in today’s New York Times: Make them nonprofit, endowed institutions, like colleges. The Internet has made the for-profit model systematically unsustainable, and constant attempts to refinance and cut costs are...

Handicapping the Race for Kristol's Times Slot
Handicapping the Race for Kristol's Times Slot

Handicapping the Race for Kristol's Times Slot

Ex-Bush speechwriter Frum heads pack that may include Noonan, Limbaugh

(Newser) - At the New York Times op-ed page, William Kristol is out; that leaves a spot open for another conservative to keep David Brooks company, writes Michael Calderone in Politico. Times editor Andy Rosenthal wouldn’t comment, but Calderone has guesses on a replacement:
  1. David Frum: The former Bush speechwriter and

Kristol Wraps NY Times Gig
Kristol Wraps
NY Times Gig

Kristol Wraps NY Times Gig

He's done, and says dawning Obama era may mean his fellow conservatives are, too

(Newser) - The “conservative era” in US politics is over, and so is William Kristol’s stay at the New York Times. “All good things must come to an end,” the conservative writes in today’s column, his last, calling Jan. 20 the official end of the right’s...

Does Carlos Slim Want to Buy the Times?

As dividends dwindle, Mexican billionaire may move in on paper

(Newser) - Last week Carlos Slim, the world's second-richest man, lent $250 million to the New York Times Company—but why does he want 18% of a tanking media outfit? Advertising Age speculates that the Mexican tycoon is playing a long game: The loan is peanuts to Slim, but it puts him...

Slim Loans NYT Co. $250M
Slim Loans NYT Co. $250M

Slim Loans NYT Co. $250M

Mexican billionaire will own 17% of company, but gets no special voting shares

(Newser) - The New York Times Company announced last night that it had cut a deal with Mexico's Carlos Slim, the world's second-richest man, for a $250 million loan. Slim will receive common shares over six years, at the end of which he will own 17% of the corporation. But he will...

Rent-a-Womb Devotee Now Preggo Herself

Kuczynski angered many with 'elitist' article on her surrogate mom

(Newser) - Alex Kuczynski, the super-rich author of Beauty Junkie, has gotten pregnant, the New York Post reports. The bun pops into the oven at an ironic time—Kucyznski recently drew a hail of jeers for a New York Times Magazine article entitled “Her Body, My Baby,” in which she...

Big Day a Windfall for Newspapers

Huge demand for special editions

(Newser) - Newspapers expect a multi-million-dollar windfall in extra sales to people who want a keepsake of Inauguration Day, and publishers are gearing up to make the most of it, Bloomberg reports. The Washington Post is  jacking up its price to $2, and the New York Times, USA Today and other publications...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>