New York Times

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

NYT Courts Investment From Mexican Billionaire

Telecom magnate may get preferred stock in arrangement for battered newspaper

(Newser) - The New York Times is in talks with Mexican telecom billionaire and current shareholder Carlos Slim about making a significant investment in the beleaguered newspaper, reports the Wall Street Journal. One possibility under discussion is a preferred-stock arrangement, which would be similar to a loan. Slim's investment would earn him...

Obama Dines With Conservative Kings

Dinner with vocal conservative critics

(Newser) - Barack Obama broke bread with America's most influential conservative opinion shapers last night. The Washington Post reports he was guest of honor at a dinner party given by columnist George Will, along with Bill Kristol, David Brooks, and Charles Krauthammer. Rumors were buzzing that Rush Limbaugh would attend, but a...

At Times, Web Geeks Grab at Future, Keep Grip on Past

Team aims to keep it the organization 'of record' even as print product sees its obits

(Newser) - There’s a quiet revolution going on at the New York Times, hiding behind all the print-journalism doom and gloom, New York reports. Since 2007, a team of “developers-slash-journalists” has been collaborating with reporters and editors to create interactive web features—like the trippy Election Day Word Train, which...

Bono's Debut Column: An Ode to Sinatra

(Newser) - Bono waxes eloquent about Frank Sinatra and the life lessons he learned from the Chairman in his debut column today for the New York Times. Among other things, he contrasts an early boastful recording of "My Way" with one Sinatra made late in life that is filled with remorse....

Print Times Not Quite Dead, But Hope Lies in Its Ashes

Journalism faces a challenge, but hardly a disaster

(Newser) - We know it’s coming, that day when print newspapers cease to exist, but it won’t be this year, right? Maybe, maybe not, Michael Hirschorn writes in the Atlantic, and it wouldn’t necessarily be a disaster. The New York Times is in trouble—it could default on $400...

Lobbyist Sues NYT Over McCain Affair Allegations

Vicki Iseman seeks $27M for defamation

(Newser) - Washingon lobbyist Vicki Iseman filed a $27 million defamation lawsuit today against the New York Times for running an article that she says falsely implied an affair with John McCain, the Virginia Lawyers Weekly reports. The February article said McCain aides worried in 1999 that their relationship had become romantic....

NYT Ready to Sell BoSox Stake
 NYT Ready to Sell BoSox Stake 

NYT Ready to Sell BoSox Stake

As newspapers tank, company offloads non-core assets

(Newser) - With revenues plummeting and advertisers and readers fleeing, the cash-starved New York Times Co is looking to offload a once-sacrosanct asset—its 17.5% stake in the Boston Red Sox and Fenway Park, the Wall Street Journal reports. Revenues at the Times Co arm that includes the Grey Lady and...

Caroline-Besotted Times Yanks Palin Comparison
Caroline-Besotted Times
Yanks Palin Comparison

Caroline-Besotted Times Yanks Palin Comparison

Watered-down coverage of Senate hopeful's media shielding raises eyebrows

(Newser) - The New York Times watered down its own story about press-shy Caroline Kennedy's awkward Upstate New York visit last week, Gawker reports. The first version posted online noted the similarity to Sarah Palin, as her aides whisked her away from reporters questioning her experience. But the provocative Palin reference vanished...

Times to Mayor of Paris: Whoops!
Times to
Mayor of Paris: Whoops!

Times to Mayor of Paris: Whoops!

Fake letter blasting Kennedy draws quick apology, explanation

(Newser) - The New York Times has apologized to the mayor of Paris for publishing a letter purportedly from him that was actually a hoax. The paper didn't confirm the origins of the letter, which described Caroline Kennedy's bid for Hillary Clinton's Senate seat as "both surprising and appalling," and...

Times Bars Note on Caroline's Rumored Affair With Publisher

'We don't report that stuff,' sniffs Gray Lady

(Newser) - The New York Times will report almost anything newsworthy—except a rumored affair between its publisher and Caroline Kennedy, Gawker reports. When a reader commented on the paper’s City Room blog wondering if the Times would address the gossip surrounding the two, the comment was deleted with the explanation...

White House Slams NYT Story as 'Gross Negligence'

Perino: Shoddy 'reporting' behind housing crisis story

(Newser) - The White House accused the New York Times of “gross negligence” today in response to a page one story that largely places the housing and financial messes at the feet of Bush policies, Politico reports. “The Times’ ‘reporting’ in this story amounted to finding selected quotes to...

High Court Won't Hear Hatfill Suit
High Court Won't Hear Hatfill Suit

High Court Won't Hear Hatfill Suit

NY Times off the hook for columns on 2001 anthrax attacks

(Newser) - The US Supreme Court will not hear an appeal of Steven Hatfill’s defamation suit against the New York Times, Bloomberg reports. Hatfill, who was once suspected of masterminding the 2001 anthrax attacks, has long maintained that the paper's coverage—specifically, columns by Nicholas Kristof—damaged his reputation. But lower...

Hideously Rich? Rent a Womb!
Hideously Rich? Rent a Womb!

Hideously Rich? Rent a Womb!

New York Times writer's chronicle of surrogate motherhood appalls Thomas Frank

(Newser) - In a credit-crunched world, the excesses of the rich no longer seem so cute. But apparently no one mentioned this to ex-New York Times columnist Alex Kuczynski who, after years of writing about billionaires, married one and joined the club. Thomas Frank revisits her recent chronicle of the trials of...

Cash-Poor NYT Seeks $225M Deal for Building

Tight credit market, falling profits hurt paper

(Newser) - Facing declining profits and tight credit, the New York Times is looking to raise $225 million by borrowing against the 58% share the company holds in its new Renzo Piano-designed skyscraper in Times Square, the paper reports. The Times hopes to either take out a mortgage on the 52-story building...

Murdoch Sees Opportunity in NYT's Troubles

Bio says he'd love to acquire it, make Sulzberger his 'puppet'

(Newser) - First the Journal and next the New York Times? The Economist takes a look at Rupert Murdoch's "ever-stronger" ambition to acquire the Times, as laid out in a new biography, The Man Who Owns the News, by Newser founder Michael Wolff. Murdoch views the Times as his "favorite...

Morrison Tops Times 10 Best Books List

NY Times names its top 10 for 2008

(Newser) - Nobel Prize-winner Toni Morrison's most recent novel and nonfiction books about two wars feature on the New York Times list of the 10 best books of the year. They include:
  • A Mercy: Morrison's tale of 17th-century slaves and masters is "part Faulknerian puzzle, part dream-song."
  • 2666: Chilean author

Zell 'Clueless' About Journalism and Democracy
Zell 'Clueless' About Journalism and Democracy

Zell 'Clueless' About Journalism and Democracy

What he's done to, and says about, Tribune Co. shows fundamental misunderstanding

(Newser) - Sam Zell may or may not turn the Tribune Company around, but his ownership has crippled “real newsgathering,” Peter Osnos writes in the Daily Beast. “If Tribune goes down, he will still be very rich,” Osnos continues, “but he will have presided over the evisceration...

Journal Poaches Times' Ad Dollars

Expansion of coverage under Murdoch has lured high-end retailers to WSJ

(Newser) - The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are in an advertising war, and it appears the Journal is winning, Bloomberg reports. Notable accounts, particularly in the luxury market, are fleeing to the Times’ rival. “They’re definitely stealing advertising dollars,” one analyst said of the Journal,...

NYT Slaps Reporter for Facebook Source

Reporter reprimanded for messaging minors

(Newser) - Backlash against the New York Times reporter who contacted minors on Facebook to locate sources has led Times public editor Clark Hoyt to declare, “I would not have sent the messages.” Jodi Kantor, author of last month’s unflattering front-page profile of Cindy McCain, reached out to classmates...

How to Wine as You Dine on Turkey
 How to Wine as 
 You Dine on Turkey 

How to Wine as You Dine on Turkey

A panel of the Times' best and brightest drinks a bunch so you don't have to

(Newser) - With all the potential stress implicit in the Thanksgiving family feast, wine is one arena that shouldn't leave the host sweating bullets, writes Eric Asimov in the New York Times. The rules "couldn't be simpler": Like the food, Thanksgiving wine selection is all about "versatility and plentitude,"...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>