Fox News

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Pre-Game Interview Could Help Obama and O'Reilly

O'Reilly gets huge audience, Obama gets to look good

(Newser) - Despite the often bitter rivalry between the White House and Fox News, Bill O’Reilly’s pre-Super Bowl interview today with President Obama could be a win for both. It will be Obama’s first sit-down with O’Reilly—Fox News’ highest-rated host—as president. But the two have met...

For Best Egypt Coverage in US, Stick to CNN

MSNBC, Fox resort to left-right political screamfests

(Newser) - For American TV viewers looking to keep tabs on Egypt, there's really no contest, writes Allesandra Stanley in the New York Times : Keep it on CNN. Rivals MSNBC and Fox are giving lots of air time to the subject, but their coverage tends to degenerate into predictable left-right battle lines....

Fox Is Turning Us Into Cynical Malcontents: NYT Editor

And we're more polarized than ever, says Bill Keller

(Newser) - America is not a pretty sight, thanks to Fox News, complains a New York Times editor. The right-wing infused programing is turning us into cynical malcontents who are more polarized than ever, explains Times executive editor Bill Keller. "The effect of Fox News on American public life has been...

Rabbis Urge Murdoch to Rein In Beck, Fox News

Coalition slams constant use of Holocaust, Nazi imagery

(Newser) - A coalition of 400 rabbis have had enough of Glenn Beck's use of Nazi and Holocaust imagery and attacks on George Soros . The group is urging Rupert Murdoch to sanction Beck and Fox News chief Roger Ailes. It has bought a full-page ad in one of Murdoch's own papers, the ...

Coming Soon to Fox News: Bill Clinton?

But Roger Ailes says he wouldn't work out as a regular talk show host

(Newser) - Roger Ailes would love to have Bill Clinton host a talk show on Fox News—in theory. In actuality, "he won’t be as good on a talk show as you’d think," said Ailes, according to just-released transcripts from his interview with Esquire . "Because, first of...

Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann
Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann

Hey, Righties, We're Gonna Miss Olbermann

A former 'Worst Person' says we don't need polite political debates

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann once included Bret Stephens on one of his “Worst Person in the World” lists, so you’d think the conservative columnist would be dancing on his talk show's grave. But he’s not, mostly because he doesn’t buy into the post-Arizona claptrap about civil discourse....

Stewart Smacks Fox Over Nazi Hypocrisy

Fox News shouldn't be outraged over Nazi comparisons, says Daily Show host

(Newser) - When Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen recently compared his political opponents to Nazis—Joseph Goebbels in particular—no media outlet was more outraged than Fox News. Most notably, host Megyn Kelly argued with her guest, Democratic strategist Richard Socarides, when he pointed out that none other than Fox News often makes...

Glenn Beck Target Dealing With Death Threats

Group asks Fox to rein in rants against liberal Frances Fox Piven

(Newser) - Glenn Beck fans know liberal academic Frances Fox Piven as a radical who would destroy capitalism on behalf of the welfare state. And some of those fans have taken to issuing death threats against the 78-year-old CUNY professor, reports the New York Times . This week, the liberal group Center for...

Joan Rivers: Fox News Banned Me for Palin Diss

Fox denies it, but Rivers says they're just doing 'damage control'

(Newser) - Did a Sarah Palin insult get Joan Rivers kicked off Fox News? Depends who you ask. It all started when Rivers told TMZ that Palin is “stupid and a threat,” and that those who blame her for the Tucson shootings are “right.” Rivers and her daughter,...

Fox News Prez Orders Staff: Tone It Down

But he says claims that political attacks triggered shootings is 'bull----'

(Newser) - Fox News President Roger Ailes has warned his staff to tone down right-wing rhetoric as America debates whether political vitriol played a role in the violent attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. "I told all of our guys, 'Shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually. You don’t...

Parker Spitzer to Lose Kathleen Parker?

Show's ratings haven't improved since debut

(Newser) - CNN may replace Kathleen Parker on its Parker Spitzer show, which has posted weak numbers against competitors, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . CNN lost a third of its evening viewers last year, and the 8pm show has struggled to grow its audience in the three months since its launch....

Fox Anchor Slams Sheriff for Blasting 'Vitriolic' Arizona

Stop putting a 'political spin' on shooting, Megan Kelly complains

(Newser) - Megan Kelly of Fox News jumped on an Arizona sheriff for lambasting the "vitriolic" political atmosphere that he believes risks inflaming violence in the state where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. Kelly pressed Sheriff Clarence Dupnik for any specific political messages that may have set off...

Tucker Carlson: Vick Should Have Been Executed

Pundit, president don't exactly see eye-to-eye

(Newser) - Safe to say Tucker Carlson doesn’t agree with President Obama’s controversial support of Michael Vick . While filling in for Sean Hannity last night, Carlson said that while he’s a Christian and "all for forgiveness," Michael Vick killed dogs—and Carlson believes “he should have...

Rep: Don't Let Your Gayness Interfere With Mission

Todd Akin explains why repealing DADT wasn't necessary

(Newser) - Rep. Todd Akin has no problem with gays in the military—just so long as their “gayness” doesn’t become an issue. In fact, the congressman was on Fox News last night explaining why the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell wasn’t really necessary, Mediaite reports....

Fox News Fires Back at 'Most Misinformed' Label

University behind the study is a 'Best Party School,' quips VP

(Newser) - Fox News doesn't seem too concerned about a University of Maryland study that found that the network's viewers are the "most misinformed." Michael Clemente, the senior VP of news editorial for Fox, responded by pointing out some of the school's own labels: “The latest Princeton Review ranked...

Fox News Viewers 'Most Misinformed,' Study Finds

Network's fans most likely to believe certain falsehoods

(Newser) - University of Maryland researchers have deemed Fox News viewers the "most misinformed," Mediaite reports. The researchers, who asked a number of questions about hot-button issues in the 2010 election, found Fox News viewers—regardless of political affiliation—were more likely than viewers of other networks to believe, for...

Who's the Snitch at Fox News?
Is There a Snitch at
Fox News?

Is There a Snitch at Fox News?

Does Media Matters have mole in enemy camp?

(Newser) - Fox News had better watch its back now that a snitch is apparently feeding memos to the media exposing it as more of a conservative propaganda machine than a news operation. Two memos leaked to Media Matters revealed orders from the top directing staff to put a right-wing spin on...

Sarah Palin Warms to 'Lamestream' Media

Politico piece may have prompted work with NYT , ABC

(Newser) - Though the “lamestream media" has long been her punching bag, it appears Sarah Palin is ready to embrace it—selectively. Palin, who has largely relied on Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter to air her thoughts and grievances, is now turning to outlets her supporters have been critical of in...

Fox Boss Demanded Skepticism on Global Warming

Media Matter cries foul about leaked email

(Newser) - Liberal watchdog Media Matters has an email that it says shows how the honchos at Fox News order news to be slanted: It comes from Fox exec Bill Sammon, who sent it to news staffers on the subject of global warming: "...we should refrain from asserting that the planet...

What the Right (and Left) Get Wrong in the Obesity War

Choice is great—but we're making the wrong ones, writes Cathy Young

(Newser) - As Michelle Obama and Congress champion efforts to fight childhood obesity, the right, led by Sarah Palin and Fox News, is angrily firing back. While some of their concerns are fair—that healthy-eating messaging can escalate into “propaganda,” for example—others suggest “a reality check is in...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>