Fox News

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Republican Hopefuls for 2012 Taking It Slow

Don't expect formal candidates until February at the earliest

(Newser) - Five Republicans had filed to run for the presidential nomination at this time four years ago; right now, there isn’t one. We can’t expect any formal declarations until February at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Why? For one thing, the first primaries won’t happen until...

FBI Suspected Irving Kristol of Soviet Ties

5-month investigation ultimately cleared neo-con giant

(Newser) - During the late 1980s, the father of neoconservatism—who is also the father of Fox News commentator and Weekly Standard boss Bill Kristol—was investigated by the FBI over possible contact with a suspected Soviet agent, Gawker finds in a study of FBI documents. The much-redacted documents suggest contact information...

Fox Pundits Slam Palin During Ad Break

Commentators applaud nasty reviews of reality show

(Newser) - Fox News commentators were caught ridiculing their colleague’s reality show during a commercial break—during which their mics were still on. Politics Daily reports that ex-Washington Times editor Liz Trotta gleefully recounted a New York Times review of Sarah Palin’s Alaska which likened it to “The Sound ...

Ailes Sorry for Calling NPR Execs 'Nazis'

...what Fox boss meant to say was 'nasty, inflexible bigots'

(Newser) - Roger Ailes has apologized for calling NPR bosses "Nazis" in an interview—but he's not exactly backing down. Mediabistro obtained a letter that the Fox News chair sent to the Anti-Defamation League apologizing for his word choice, but in it, he doesn’t apologize for slamming NPR. “In...

Roger Ailes: NPR Brass Are 'Nazis'
Roger Ailes: 
NPR Brass
Are 'Nazis'

Roger Ailes: NPR Brass Are 'Nazis'

Fox News boss also says Jon Stewart is 'crazy'

(Newser) - Roger Ailes thinks Juan Williams is a “true liberal,” but he hired him anyway because he was mad at NPR. “They are, of course, Nazis,” the Fox News chief told Howard Kurtz of the Daily Beast . “They are the left wing of Nazism. … They...

Sen. Rockefeller: Fox, MSNBC Should 'Go Away'

Senator wishes FCC could kill cable news

(Newser) - Sen. Jay Rockefeller apparently isn’t a fan of cable news. In a hearing on television retransmission consent yesterday, Rockefeller went off-topic to rail against the “endless barking” of a news media that “has all but surrendered to the forces of entertainment.” Then he went off-script to...

Fox News' Ailes: Obama Has 'Different Belief System'
Fox News' Ailes: Obama
Has 'Different Belief System'

Fox News' Ailes: Obama Has 'Different Belief System'

Network just telling it like it is, says network chief

(Newser) - Fox News chief Roger Ailes says his network isn't presenting skewed coverage of President Obama, it's just reflecting the reality that he's a lousy president. Obama "has not been very successful," he tells Howard Kurtz of the Daily Beast . "He had to be told by the French...

Obama's Kids Book Hits Shelves, Fox News Grumbles

Network is not happy about inclusion of Sitting Bull

(Newser) - President Obama's children's book hits shelves today—what could possibly go wrong? Well, Of Thee I Sing includes a tribute to Sioux medicine man Sitting Bull—or, as Fox News puts it, "Obama Praises Indian Chief Who Killed US General." The book is framed as a letter to...

Ted Koppel Bemoans 'Death of Real News'
Ted Koppel Bemoans
'Death of Real News'

Ted Koppel Bemoans 'Death of Real News'

He doesn't like the opinion factories of Olbermann, O'Reilly

(Newser) - Ted Koppel thinks the Keith Olbermann suspension was nearly quaint, a throwback to the good old days when networks cared about "unbiased news." In an op-ed for Sunday's Washington Post , he laments the rise of opinions over facts. "The commercial success of both MSNBC and Fox News...

Keith's 'No Journalist'&mdash; Let Him Donate

 Keith's 'No 
 Let Him Donate 
Meghan McCain

Keith's 'No Journalist'— Let Him Donate

Trouble is 'thin line' between journalism, commentary: Meghan McCain

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann shouldn’t have been taken to task for donating to Democrats because he’s not a journalist—he’s a commentator, argues Meghan McCain in the Daily Beast . But the kerfuffle spotlights a key issue as the lines between entertainment, journalism, and commentary blur: News outlets need to...

Olbermann to MSNBC: I Want an Apology

'Keith sees himself as the star,' says an insider

(Newser) - As Keith Olbermann prepares to return to MSNBC tomorrow, it’s the network, not the host, that’s reportedly apologizing. Olbermann “insisted that MSNBC bosses apologize to him before he would agree to return,” a network insider tells PopEater . “Keith sees himself as the star of MSNBC,...

Olbermann on Anger, Obama, Partisanship

A pre-suspension talk with the MSNBC host

(Newser) - Just before he was suspended without pay for making political donations , MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann talked to the New York Times, mostly about, um, anger. Here are some of the best bits from his interview with Deborah Soloman:
  • On Anger: Olbermann says he once counseled Joe Biden on how to

Olbermann's Far From the Only Offender

Fox doesn't have rules against campaign donations; MSNBC requires permission

(Newser) - OK, so Keith Olbermann donated to three liberal candidates, and he shouldn't have: But the episode underscores exactly how common an occurrence political donations are in the realm of cable news. Politico takes its investigation a step further and finds that Olbermann is far from the only offender: Fox analysts...

Olbermann Donated to 3 Democrats

'Countdown' host appears to breach NBC ethics rules

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann donated $2,400—the maximum individual contribution—apiece to three Democrats before Election Day, apparently breaking NBC rules, Politico reports. The MSNBC host, who has acknowledged the contributions, gave to two Arizona representatives the day one of them, Raul Grijalva, stopped by his show (the other was Gabrielle...

O'Donnell Blames 'Republican Cannibalism' for Loss

In related news, Fox won't hire her

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell thinks she lost because Karl Rove and the GOP establishment didn’t get behind her fast enough. In an interview with CNN , she called her loss a “symptom of Republican cannibalism,” noting that the whole Republican ticket lost in Delaware. “There was this infighting,...

Fox News Crushes CNN, MSNBC on Election Night

It more than doubles nearest rival in prime time

(Newser) - Last night's big victory for the right extended to the cable airwaves: Nielsen ratings show Fox News obliterated CNN and MSNBC in prime time, reports the LA Times . Fox averaged 6.96 million viewers, while CNN got 2.42 million and MSNBC 1.94 million. Compared to the midterms in...

Olbermann Yanks 'Worst Person' Segment

Hears Stewart's gripe, agrees to tone down the volume

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann might think Jon Stewart is a candidate for "Worst Person," but he's suspending the longtime segment in wake of the comedian's Rally to Restore Sanity anyway. After Stewart ripped MSNBC and Fox News equally for histrionics, Olbermann took a long look in the mirror and last...

Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012
 Fox Host 
 to Palin: 
 You Won't 
 Run in 2012 


Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012

Says she's having too much fun, making too much money

(Newser) - Despite recent protestations to the contrary, Sarah Palin is blowing smoke and has no intention of running for president in 2012—at least, according to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, who called the former gov on her intentions today. Palin is "having too much fun" and "making...

NPR Chief Sorry for Williams 'Psychiatrist' Dig

Ombudsman says firing mishandled; DeMint want to cut funds

(Newser) - NPR’s chief has apologized for suggesting Juan Williams keep his feelings about Muslims between himself and “his psychiatrist or publicist,” the station’s website notes. “I spoke hastily and I apologize to Juan and others for my thoughtless remark,” said Vivian Schiller. In a separate...

Canned Juan Williams Gets $2M Fox News Contract

Ex-NPR analyst signs 3-year deal, still furious over firing

(Newser) - Getting fired from NPR is working out pretty well for Juan Williams. Fox News has offered the analyst a new three-year, $2 million contract, the Los Angeles Times reports. Williams—canned for telling Fox's O'Reilly Factor that people in Muslim garb on planes make him nervous—will have an expanded...

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