Fox News

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

O'Donnell Has Trouble Naming Democratic Senators

But GOP hopeful is a big Hillary Clinton fan

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell seemed stymied when asked during last night's debate to name a Democratic senator she’d feel comfortable working with. She gave two names—but neither is currently a Democratic senator. First she mentioned Hillary Clinton, acknowledging “she’s not a senator any more.” Then she...

Beck to Fans: Don't Defend Me Online

Tells followers to cut vitriolic comments, pray for haters

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is shocked—shocked—at the vitriol he found in comments posted about him, and wants his more ardent supporters to turn the other cheek. The Fox host, digressing from a discussion on the Bronx gay torture case , said he'd been horrified to read blogs that viciously attacked him...

Fox Reporter Busted in Sex Assault on Minor

Ground-Zero mosque critic Charles Leaf in Jersey jail

(Newser) - An Emmy award-winning Fox News reporter is in a New Jersey jail after being charged with aggravated sex assault of a minor. Charles Leaf , 41, a married dad of two, has also been charged with endangering the welfare of a child, reports the Record . Details of the crime were not...

Mormon Prophecy Fuels Glenn Beck's Message

He invokes message of church's founder about Constitution, writes Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Glenn Beck delivered an "unmistakable signal" to America's Mormons in one of his first appearances on Fox News, when he invoked a well-known prophecy, writes Dana Milbank. Following Obama's election, Beck repeatedly made references to the "Constitution hanging by a thread." While to a non-Mormon, this turn...

Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP
 Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP 
Paul Krugman

Rupert Murdoch Owns the GOP

Or at least, it's all on his payroll, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch is a lot like Citizen Kane, with one minor difference. Kane tried to buy high office for himself. Murdoch “just puts politicians on his payroll,” writes Paul Krugman for the New York Times . “And I mean that literally.” As Politico pointed out recently, Fox...

Andrew Sullivan: Debate Me, Bill O'Reilly

Fox host is a 'propagandist'

(Newser) - When Andrew Sullivan read (in this profile ) that other Fox News reporters considered Glenn Beck “embarrassing,” he was perplexed. Aren’t all Fox hosts roughly as bad? To prove the point, he flipped on Bill O’Reilly—and quickly regretted it. O’Reilly delivered a rant that...

News Corp. Made Second $1M Donation to GOP Group

US Chamber of Commerce the recipient of Rupert Murdoch's cash

(Newser) - It turns out that Fox News parent company News Corp . didn't make one $1 million donation to a GOP-linked group over the summer: It made two. The beneficiary of Rupert Murdoch 's largesse is none other than the US Chamber of Commerce, a Republican-aligned business lobby that is running a...

Feds Sue Fox News in Age, Sex Bias Case

Reporter says Fox retaliated after she complained of discrimination

(Newser) - A reporter who complained about age and sex discrimination at Fox News was punished for doing so, according to a suit filed by federal lawyers. After Catherine Herridge made several complaints to management about unequal pay and job conditions, she was asked to sign a contract including language aimed at...

Glenn Beck: I'm Always on Verge of Collapse

He's the cover boy for Sunday's New York Times magazine

(Newser) - Glenn Beck gets the cover treatment in this Sunday's New York Times magazine in a lengthy profile by Mark Leibovich. Some quick highlights:
  • In the flesh: "Beck is sheepish and approachable, betraying none of the grandiosity or bluster you might expect," Leibovich writes. Later: "Beck fashions himself

Fox Payroll Stocked With GOP 2012 Contenders

And that's making things kind of sticky

(Newser) - If you're a Republican 2012 hopeful, odds are you're getting paid by Fox News. The network has Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee on its payroll (the only noticeably absent bigwig is Mitt Romney), and that raises two tough questions, Politico muses: How do you cover would-be...

Angle: I Make a Ton of Money on Fox News

And Rush Limbaugh appearance turned into $236K, she boasts

(Newser) - Remember when Sharron Angle said she only wanted to talk to the media if it was a “ friend ”? Now we know why. At a house party this month, Angle was caught on tape bragging about how much money she could make off Fox viewers and Rush Limbaugh...

O'Donnell Calls Opponent 'Bearded Marxist'

He says it was a college joke

(Newser) - Christine O’Donnell tried to deflect attention to her Democratic challenger last night in an appearance on Sean Hannity’s show. After laughing off her comments that she “dabbled into witchcraft," she said that Chris Coons had done some questionable things in his youth, too. “He made...

O'Donnell Dodges News Shows
 O'Donnell Dodges News Shows 

O'Donnell Dodges News Shows

She denies vanishing act has anything to do with 'witchcraft'

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell dodged news shows yesterday as critics held the Delaware Senate candidate's feet to the fire over her witchcraft dabbling. But she couldn't keep her reasons straight for why she was a last-minute no-show. O'Donnell handlers told Fox News Sunday she was "exhausted," but the candidate later...

Rove Heeds Palin's Orders, Flip-Flops on O'Donnell

He wakes up and smells the tea, despite 'nutty' candidate

(Newser) - Karl Rove has apparently heard his master's voice and flip-flopped on his support for anti-masturbation candidate Christine O'Donnell. He now endorses the Delaware candidate without hesitation, even though he was very concerned just two days ago about her "nutty" ideas, iffy character, tax dodging, and misrepresentations. Rove apparently saw...

Castle: I Lost Because of Limbaugh's 'Lies'

Defeated congressman blames conservative media for loss to O'Donnell

(Newser) - Mike Castle lashed out at the conservative media yesterday, blaming it in part for his loss to Christine O’Donnell. “I hope journalists check their facts,” the Delaware Republican said in an interview with Fox News . “I think the misrepresentations and the lies of Sean Hannity...

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox
 Jon Stewart: 
 MSNBC Should 
 Be More Like Fox 
plus: meghan mccain!

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox

'You pick your narrative, you stick with it,' he quips

(Newser) - MSNBC needs to take a page from Fox News's handbook, said Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show . Stewart slammed the liberal network for its moderately critical coverage of Obama's Ohio speech. "Do you know nothing of your obligation to shape the news toward your desired electoral goal?" he...

Geraldo Wishes a Hurricane Had Come on 9/11

It might have stopped the terrorists, he reasons

(Newser) - Geraldo Rivera loves hurricanes. Reflecting on his career on Fox and Friends this morning, Rivera waxed romantic about the danger and excitement of covering a hurricane—"It's like war, only no one is shooting at you"—and then let the hosts in on his particularly weird meteorological daydream....

Fox News Agrees to Run Ad Criticizing News Corp.

Ad calls attention to News Corp's GOP donation

(Newser) - Fox—unlike other news networks—has barely mentioned the fact that its parent company has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. The network has, however, agreed to accept some money from its critics and run an ad from watchdog group Media Matters for America informing its viewers of...

Dems File Complaint on Fox 'Illegal GOP Contribution'

Candidate's web site crawl an 'in-kind' contribution

(Newser) - Ohio Democrats have filed documents accusing Fox News of illegally contributing to a Republican Party candidate. Fox broke election law by plugging a GOP gubernatorial candidate by running his web site address along the bottom of the screen as he solicited contributions on Bill O'Reilly's program last month, according to...

Fox Military Analyst Comes Out as Birther

Retired general supports army doc refusing to deploy

(Newser) - Troops who refuse to obey orders because they don't believe President Obama was born in America have a friend in Fox News analyst Thomas McInerney. The retired three-star Air Force general has filed an affidavit in support of Terrence Lakin, an Army doctor who's facing court-martial for refusing to deploy...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>