Fox News

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

Ex Press Chief: Fox News White House Seat a 'Travesty'

'Ideological baggage has no place at the front'

(Newser) - The former president of the White House Correspondents Association called the decision to grant Fox News a front-row seat for White House press briefings a muddle-headed "travesty." "The vacancy was created because of an ideological conflict. To fill the vacancy with another cloud of ideological conflict was...

Stewart: Fight Terror, Stop Watching Fox

'Shadowy Saudi' funding mosque is major News Corp shareholder

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is continuing to heed Fox News' advice to "follow the money trail" behind the Ground Zero mosque. The Daily Show host—who labeled Fox a "terrorist command center" last week—notes that Fox hosts criticizing the mosque referred to a Saudi donor who allegedly funds radical...

Anti-Mosque 'Patriots' Undermine Petraeus
Anti-Mosque 'Patriots' Undermine Petraeus
Frank Rich

Anti-Mosque 'Patriots' Undermine Petraeus

Fox News' Islamaphobia is going to backfire on US

(Newser) - The anti-mosque hysteria whipped up by the right—and especially by that "Islamaphobia command center" otherwise known as Rupert Murdoch's News Corp—is slimy, hypocritical politics at its worst, writes Frank Rich. In marshaling his evidence on that front, he points out a forgotten victim: Gen. David Petraeus. "...

Stewart: Fox Is 'Terrorist Command Center'

Daily Show host 'follows the money trail'

(Newser) - After a couple of Fox News pundits using cue cards and playing "six degrees of people who don't eat bacon" declared that the proposed mosque near Ground Zero could actually be a "terrorist command center," Jon Stewart decided two could play at that game. Pulling out his...

Dems Blast Murdoch's $1M GOP Donation

Fox News parent's move is not 'fair and balanced,' they say

(Newser) - Now that Bloomberg has reported that News Corp–the parent company of Fox News headed by Rupert Murdoch—has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, Democrats have quickly pounced. "'Fair and balanced' has been rendered utterly meaningless," the Democratic Governors Association tells Ben Smith of Politico...

Stewart: Mosque in Woody Allen's Building?

What, do cable crazies think it's 1976?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart has some problems with news anchors' rants about the planned "Ground Zero Mosque." It's not a mosque, it's a cultural center, and it's not at Ground Zero, but on Park Place on the "hallowed ground" of a former Burlington Coat Factory. Then there's the Fox...

Sharron Angle: Media Should Ask Only Questions I Like

That's why she often avoids reporters

(Newser) - Sharron Angle is raising eyebrows again for her public comments, this time for explaining why she often avoids the media (and the resulting public comments): “We needed to have the press be our friend," she tells Fox News. When the network's Carl Cameron tells her that sounds "...

Bill O'Reilly's Lady Gaga Obsession Flares Up

Fox host seizes on immigration law flap to air video

(Newser) - Lady Gaga's decision to perform in Phoenix even though she opposes Arizona's new immigration law got a lot of attention, notably in the studios of Fox News Channel. Bill O'Reilly played a clip of the Saturday concert last night because he "is obsessed with Lady Gaga—this is fact,...

AP Scores Helen Thomas Seat, Fox Gains Front Row

Musical chairs in the White House press briefing room

(Newser) - The coveted Helen Thomas seat in the White House press briefing room went to the AP yesterday, upsetting all three news organizations who'd been lobbying for it—Fox, Bloomberg, and NPR. But Fox moved up to the front row, into the old AP seat, and NPR moved into Fox's vacated...

Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs
Dana Milbank

Glenn Beck, Stop Encouraging Wackjobs

Your violent forecasts are hitting home with the unstable

(Newser) - Dana Milbank writes that it's "unfair" to blame Glenn Beck for wackos who do violence in his name—like this guy in Oakland who shot cops—although he spends the rest of his Washington Post column essentially doing just that. He ticks off the many examples of charged language...

Sherrod: I Won't Speak to Fox— 'Period'

Fired USDA worker has no love for the network

(Newser) - Shirley Sherrod won't be talking to the folks at Fox News about the out-of-context video that got her fired . "I will not give Fox an interview, period," she told the National Association of Black Journalists yesterday. "They had their chance to get the truth, and they...

Limbaugh Goes After Fox News' Shep Smith

Says anchor 'caved' by not airing Shirley Sherrod video

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is as unapologetic as Andrew Breitbart that Shirley Sherrod's message got twisted, and yesterday he bashed Fox News anchor Shepard Smith for his decision not to run the video when it first surfaced. "Even Fox caved on this. Even poor old Shep Smith went down there and...

New Black Panther Case Triggers Fireworks on Fox

Righty media covering allegations against Justice Dept.

(Newser) - Allegations that the Justice Department is letting the New Black Panther Party slide on voter intimidation charges because the accused are black and the alleged victim is white continue to percolate on Fox News and in the right-leaning media in general. (The AP has a backgrounder on the case here...

Jon Stewart: Fox Is Afraid of Muslims

ABC takes some lumps as well

(Newser) - Do you love to watch Jon Stewart rip on Fox News? Because the Huffington Post sure does. It points out this delightful clip from last night's Daily Show, in which Stewart rakes Fox over the coals for its persistent Islamophobia, highlighting first its over-the-top reaction to NASA's Muslim outreach programs,...

Larry King: Last of Cable's Nice Guys

CNN's aiming for viciousness

(Newser) - Without Larry King, CNN’s going to be a much nastier place. King was the last of cable news’ gentlemen, laments Tom Shales of the Washington Post . His show “got to be an increasingly lonely outpost of humane civility in a mephitic menagerie of hotheads, saber rattlers, cretins and...

Glenn Beck University Is Now Enrolling

No campus, just online lectures

(Newser) - Three words sure to strike fear, or maybe just ridicule, in the hearts of his enemies: Glenn Beck University. The Fox News host announces its launch on his website , though it's not exactly a university (despite a crest featuring George Washington's head). Think online lectures. As Beck puts it, his...

Arizona Candidate: Cut Off Illegals' Electricity

Barry Wong insists he's serious

(Newser) - If you thought Arizona couldn't get any less hospitable to Hispanic people—er, illegal immigrants—think again. Barry Wong, who's running for the state's Corporation Commission, is pushing a plan to cut off electricity to any building suspected of harboring illegal immigrants. He'd have the power to do that, he...

'Jezebel Thinks I'm a Sexist Prick': Stewart
 'Jezebel Thinks I'm 
 a Sexist Prick': Stewart 
plus: the kevin bacon game!

'Jezebel Thinks I'm a Sexist Prick': Stewart

But sexism claims take backseat to Kevin Bacon

(Newser) - Jon Stewart went on a rant last night ostensibly related to Fox News’ insistence that we should never blame George W. Bush for anything, but it took a few turns along the way. He even threw in a line acknowledging Jezebel’s recent take-down of his show: “Jezebel...

O'Reilly: Give Strippers BP Cash

Just not the 'mobster' strip club owners

(Newser) - Say what you will about Bill O’Reilly, but he has nothing against strippers. BP set up a $20 billion fund to compensate Gulf coast workers who have lost wages, and the Fox News host and two female guest panelists discussed administrator Ken Feinberg’s recent statement that he was...

Fox Anchor: My Job 'Same as Being Prez'
 Fox Anchor: 
 My Job 'Same 
 as Being Prez' 
jon stewart responds

Fox Anchor: My Job 'Same as Being Prez'

Gretchen Carlson has an inflated view of news anchors

(Newser) - The president has to make many important decisions, like firing Stanley McChrystal—Obama’s job is almost as difficult as, say, the job of a morning program anchor. Wait, what? Yes, Fox & Friends’ Gretchen Carlson made that comparison yesterday, insisting that the president’s “tough, huge, monumental decisions”...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>