
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?
Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Alaska: Ready to Stop Biting the Hand That Feeds It?

Senate race shows clear split on DC-dependence

(Newser) - It must be the air up there, but Alaska has a seeming case of schizophrenia, writes Gail Collins in the New York Times. The state, and especially its politicians, champion its independent, frontier spirit even as it simultaneously and relentlessly shakes Washington down for cash—to the tune of the...

Tea Party Rally Storms DC Again

Both parties on notice, speaker warns

(Newser) - A mob of Tea Partiers chanting "Remember in November" descended on DC yesterday for another major rally in the nation's capital. Speakers put both Democrats and Republicans on notice that the movement is a force to be reckoned with, CNN reports. "I believe we've gotten the Republican Party's...

9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

 9/11 Now 
 'Day of Hate' 


9/11 Now America's 'Day of Hate'

The post 9/11 push for solidarity is gone

(Newser) - September 11th was once a day of remembrance. No more. The anniversary of the worst terror attacks in American history is now a day of "fighting and political battles," writes Gregor Peter Schmitz in Der Spiegel . The battle over the so-called Ground Zero mosque , plans to publicly burn...

Did Bush, Blair Plot vs. Gordon Brown?

Labour sources drop bomb ahead of Blair memoir

(Newser) - Tony Blair and George Bush plotted to have Blair stay on as prime minister because Bush wasn't sold on Gordon Brown, claims the Sunday Telegraph . Labour Party sources tell the Telegraph that Bush's team expressed doubts about Brown after he "harangued" Condi Rice in a private meeting. Rice subsequently...

Blago: I'll Be Back
 Blago: I'll Be Back 

Blago: I'll Be Back

Just as soon as all these pesky trials go away

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich isn't about to let a little thing like a corruption trial jettison his political career any more than he's about to have a droopy hair day, reports Politico. "I'm not ruling myself out from coming back because because I will be vindicated in this case," he...

1 in 12 US Babies Born to Illegal Immigrants

Their offspring made up 8% of 2008 US births

(Newser) - One out of every 12 babies born in the US are born to illegal immigrants, according to a new study. Undocumented immigrants make up just over 4% of the American adult population, but their babies made up 8% of all births in the US in 2008, according to the report...

Judge Interrupts Sale of Prez, Palin Condoms

Vendors must pull out of biz without permits

(Newser) - Vendors hawking goofy Sarah Palin and President Obama condoms are not protected—at least from New York City courts. A judge has ruled that the vendors are not exempt from rules requiring business permits to sell the goods, regardless of "political" messages on the packages, reports the New York ...

Fix America: Reform the Senate
Fix America:
Reform the Senate
EJ Dionne

Fix America: Reform the Senate

'Irrational ideas' and 'undemocratic' Senate are killing us

(Newser) - EJ Dionne warns that the US won't be a superpower much longer if it doesn't reform its "incorrigibly stupid" political system. Among other things, he rails against distorted debates on taxes ("the fairy tale of supply-side economics insists that taxes are always too high, especially on the rich"...

Obama-Hitler Billboard Divides Tea Party

Factions battle for movement's soul

(Newser) - An Iowa billboard comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler is causing a tempest in the Tea Party ranks, reports the Telegraph .The Mason City ad also compares the president to Soviet leader VI Lenin, and declares: "Radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive." The billboard clearly highlights...

Palin: Obama's Backasswards
 Palin: Obama's Backasswards 

Palin: Obama's Backasswards

Meanwhile, she doles out $87K in campaign contributions

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has slam-Tweeted President Obama's economic strategy as "the most disconnected, backasswards plan ever imposed on the country we love." She made the broadside after Obama ripped her girl Sharron Angle in her race against Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, reports the New York Daily News . Palin...

Liberals Organizing a Tea Party of Their Own
 Liberals Organizing 
 a Tea Party of Their Own 
'one nation'

Liberals Organizing a Tea Party of Their Own

Progressives hope to mimic success with new group

(Newser) - Liberals may not like the Tea Party's politics, but they admire its organizing skills. About 170 left-leaning groups are forming a coalition known as One Nation with a pledge to "counter the tea party narrative," reports the Washington Post . Progressives have been generally disappointed with the Obama administration...

10 Celebs Who Rule Facebook

 10 Celebs Who 
 Rule Facebook 
yep, vin diesel

10 Celebs Who Rule Facebook

Vin Diesel, Linkin Park have a lot more friends than you do

(Newser) - We know Lady Gaga and President Obama have plenty of fans (more than 10 million, though the leader of the free world actually trails the singer). Here are some other surprising social media mavens, singled out by Time , along with their number of fans (as of Thursday) and a taste...

Establishment Hasn't Been This Wobbly Since the '60s

And the time is right for conservatives to save the day

(Newser) - Nice that BP cares about the " small people ," but it's the "big people" that are in trouble, writes William Kristol. This week's Gulf follies—with "incompetent" performances from President Obama, Tony Hayward, Joe Barton, et. al— are just the beginning. "Who wouldn’t prefer to...

'Very Sorry' Ebert Attacker: I Was Lost in Twitter Hate

We fight, hate-loving public eats it up: blogger

(Newser) - The Tea Party tweeter who gloried in Roger Ebert's cancer gloats that his attacks went perfectly as planned as his vitriol was gobbled up by a media and public that relish American hate. But now he's "suddenly very sorry" for his " increasingly awful tweets " about Ebert's cancer...

Meghan McCain: I Hate the Hate

It's turning her off to politics

(Newser) - American political hate-mongering has reached such a fervor that for the "first time" in her life Meghan McCain is finding herself "disillusioned with the political process—something I swore would never happen to me," she writes in the Daily Beast . She's angry, too, about political decisions, but...

RNC, DNC Pig Out on Donor Bucks

Lavish dinners, digs, fishing guides eat up millions

(Newser) - Nearly two-thirds of donations to the national committees of both the Republican and Democratic Party are spent on staffers and to pay for luxuries like lavish dinners, limousines and mysterious "tips" to lure more donations, reports the Washington Post . In the last spending period, administration and fundraising expenses gobbled...

NC Liberals Forging New Party Against 'Turncoat' Dems

LIttle difference between parties, say activists

(Newser) - It appears that Tea Party-like trouble is brewing for the Democrats. A group of North Carolina liberals and union leaders disgusted by incumbent Democrats' votes with Republicans against Obamacare are forming a new party. Supporters of the nascent third party, North Carolina First, are gathering signatures to officially launch a...

Spitzer Deserves 2nd Chance: NY Gov
Spitzer Deserves
2nd Chance: NY Gov

Spitzer Deserves 2nd Chance: NY Gov

He's got 'tremendous talent,' says Paterson

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer deserves another chance at political office even though he spent taxpayer money on trysts with a hooker, said embattled New York Governor David Paterson. The man who once served as Spitzer's lieutenant governor boasted that he personally has made a point of hiring talented individuals with mistakes in...

'Hateboards' Signal GOP Fear-Monger Strategy

Republican strategy being 'field tested' on highways

(Newser) - For a likely preview of the GOP's upcoming fear-fueled political campaigns, look no further than the ominous billboards sprouting along the nation's highways, like the one portraying President Obama as "Saddam Hussein" out to kill American babies. The GOP strategy to exploit "visceral fear" to raise campaign funds...

Inside a (Fake) Politico Editorial Meeting

Political junkies' website really is run by automatons

(Newser) - It takes a special sort of politics/media junkie to appreciate a send-up of Politico, they who brought you breathless updates on the laughter that no longer ensues at Robert Gibbs' press briefings. But take a Beltway insider with a little free time, and some basic animation, and you have automatons...

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