Republican Party

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The Age of Reagan Is Over

 The Age of Reagan Is Over 
Ross Douthat

The Age of Reagan Is Over

Barack Obama's coalition is real, Ross Douthat admits

(Newser) - Conservatives wanted to believe that Barack Obama's 2008 victory was a one-time affair, a unique confluence of events. Now they know better. It's a genuine realignment, writes Ross Douthat in the New York Times . Obama won with the same coalition he marshaled in 2008. "It was the...

Right Reacts, as Trump Calls for Revolution

Trump is not happy, others see hope for the future of the GOP

(Newser) - Reaction to President Obama's re-election is rolling in from the right: Some disappointment, some regret, an eye toward the future ... and then there's Donald Trump. A look around the red landscape on this morning after Election 2012:
  • Trump is really upset with last night's results, reports E!

What Now for the GOP?
 What Now for the GOP? 

What Now for the GOP?

Demographics are not on the party's side

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's defeat is certain to lead to an extended period of Republican soul-searching, and most pundits agree that the party will have to do something to deal with its lack of Hispanic support.
  • Romney captured just 27% of the Latino vote, a proportion that will have to improve



A list of the red states in this year's election

(Newser) - The AP reported that Mitt Romney was feeling pretty optimistic about his chances tonight, so much so that he had written a 1,118-word victory speech—and hadn't prepared a concession speech. But the win went to Obama, though Romney managed to take the following states and 206 Electoral...

How We Could End Up With a Romney-Biden Administration

And other quirky Election Day facts

(Newser) - Why vote on a Tuesday? What's with the elephant and the donkey? What happens if there's a tie? CNN takes on these common election questions, in case you need some distraction from the nail-biting race:
  • Election Day: The archaic rule scheduling Election Day on a Tuesday in November

New GOP Tactic: Volunteers Paid With 'Secret Money'

Citizens United ruling enables groups to pay volunteers

(Newser) - The vast infusion of money into political nonprofits has fueled a new development in GOP campaigning: groups that pay people to canvass and make phone calls, Politico reports. Such jobs come with hourly pay of up to $15 and perks like drawings to stay in a "posh hotel,"...

GOP Hopeful: Post-Rape Abortion Is 'More Violence' on Woman

Seattle-area House nominee weighs in on 'the rape thing'

(Newser) - The latest fallout over a Republican candidate's views on rape and/or abortion: A Seattle-area congressional nominee has dubbed abortions after rape "more violence onto a woman's body." Tea Party candidate John Koster was caught on tape noting that as to cases when the life of the...

Gaffes Squash GOP Bid to Rule Senate—Again

Akin, Mourdock stumbles reminiscent of 2010 struggle

(Newser) - In 2010, the GOP looked poised for a potential Senate takeover—but losses by Tea Party favorites to Democrats in Nevada, Delaware, and Colorado helped Democrats maintain control. Now, a similar scenario is playing itself out, notes the AP . Once again, Republicans should have had the Senate locked up this...

GOP Mainstream Wants to Ban Abortion for Rape Victims

It's not just Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock: William Saletan

(Newser) - Don't be fooled: It's not just the fringes of the Republican party that oppose abortion rights for rape victims. In fact, at least 12 of the 28 nonincumbent Republican Senate candidates would ban abortion, even in cases of rape, writes William Saletan at Slate . "That’s a...

Electing Mitt Would Reward Bad Behavior

The GOP hasn't played fair since 2008: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Regardless of how you feel about Mitt Romney's policies, there's a big reason not to vote for him: A Romney win would reward the bad behavior the Republican Party has exhibited over the past four years, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . After President Obama was elected, the GOP...

Arkansas GOPer: Give Unruly Kids the Death Penalty

Charlie Fuqua wants all Muslims deported

(Newser) - A Republican candidate for Arkansas state legislature says it's time to crack down on rebellious kids—by threatening them with the death penalty. Instituting the punishment "would be a tremendous incentive for children to give proper respect to their parents," writes Charlie Fuqua, a former lawmaker, in...

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Fla. GOP Cans Firm Over Bogus Voter Registrations

Other voter ID problems cropping up in other swing states

(Newser) - Florida, no stranger to voting trouble, is home to a new controversy: The state's Republican Party last night fired Strategic Allied Consulting, a company it hired to register voters, after it turned in 106 suspicious and allegedly fraudulent voter registration applications. The firm appears to belong to Nathan Sproul,...

GOP Affiliate Posts Photos of Obama as Caveman, Thug

Virginia GOP wants them removed

(Newser) - President Obama photoshopped to look like a witch doctor, a caveman, and a thug recently appeared, not on the Facebook page of a misbehaving teen, but on the official Facebook page of the Mecklenburg County Republican Committee . The photos have been there for months, the Washington Post reports, but apparently...

What Happened to the GOP&#39;s Intellect?
 What Happened 
 to the GOP's 

brooks, cohen

What Happened to the GOP's Intellect?

Don't blame Romney for devolving party: Richard Cohen, David Brooks

(Newser) - Conservative commentators have been complaining lately about a struggling Romney campaign—but it's the Republican Party itself that's the "real problem," writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post . "While Ronald Reagan had to beat out a star-studded field for his GOP nomination, Mitt Romney "...

GOP Defector: Republicans Are Reality- Challenged

Jeremiah Goulka explains why he had to leave party

(Newser) - Perhaps Karl Rove put it best when he described "creating our own reality": The GOP has a giant blind spot when it comes to the bigger picture, writes a former Republican and Justice department attorney in Salon . Jeremiah Goulka grew up Republican, and it wasn't until he turned...

Castro: 'Choose the Candidate Who Has Chosen Us'

Julian Castro hails a US that makes immigrant success possible

(Newser) - San Antonio mayor and rising Democratic star Julian Castro commandeered the podium tonight to extol the American success story of immigrants—who get just a little help. "Texas may be the one place where people actually still have bootstraps—and we expect folks to pull themselves up by them....

Eastwood Was Either 'Delusional' ... or 'Terrific'

Count Michael Moore as voting for 'delusional'

(Newser) - Clint Eastwood's peculiar speech at the Republican convention has left prominent liberals and conservatives smiling, albeit for very different reasons. Writing for the Daily Beast , Michael Moore thanked the actor for making his night by casting the GOP as "delusional and detached from reality." He added that...

Romney: Hope Again With Me

He hails Bain record, talks of 5M jobs plan

(Newser) - A smiling Mitt Romney grasped hands all the way to the stage before a booming Republican National Convention tonight to hail his record at Bain Capital, lash President Obama's failed "hope and change" that America "deserved," and present his vision for the future. He pointedly wooed...

Ryan Speech a &#39;Conservative Rallying Cry&#39;
 Ryan Speech a 
 Rallying Cry' 

Ryan Speech a 'Conservative Rallying Cry'

'Speech of the convention' makes case against Obama

(Newser) - Paul Ryan made GOPers swoon with what most pundits say was the best speech of the convention so far. He used his regular-guy appeal to clearly set out a case against the Obama administration—but critics are challenging many of his facts.
  • Ryan "came off young, which he is,

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