Republican Party

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Formally Nominates Mitt Romney

Republican convention makes it official early in state roll call

(Newser) - The GOP convention's main order of business is in the books: In the state roll call late this afternoon, Mitt Romney claimed the magic number of 1,144 delegates to secure the nomination, reports AP . For the record, New Jersey put him over the top. Romney is in Tampa...

Mitt: Abortion OK After Incest, Rape

But issue is a matter for the courts, he says

(Newser) - On the eve of his nomination, Mitt Romney restated his position on abortion—and it's not the same as that of his party or his running mate. "My position has been clear throughout this campaign," he told CBS . "I'm in favor of abortion being legal...

GOP Doesn&#39;t &#39;Get&#39; Women

 GOP Doesn't  
 'Get' Women 
kathleen parker

GOP Doesn't 'Get' Women

Conservative columnist berates 'suicidal' party

(Newser) - From Sen. Susan Collins to Herbert Hoover's great-granddaughter, leading conservative women are stumped by the GOP's recent record on women's issues, writes one of their leading voices. Instead of treating women as equals, top Republican men see them as "totemic and unknowable," notes Kathleen Parker...

GOP Backs Strict Abortion Stance: No Exceptions

Democrats calling it the 'Akin plank'

(Newser) - The Republican Party platform is set to support a Constitutional amendment banning abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest cases. Republican leaders ratified the party stance at a meeting today ahead of next week's convention, where the measure is all but guaranteed for final approval, CNN reports. "...

Ohio Voting Official: Why Accommodate Blacks?

GOP official calls for 'fair and reasonable' voting hours

(Newser) - An Ohio Republican Party county chair who also happens to be an elections board member wants voting to be "fair and reasonable"—but his definition of "fair" isn't likely to sit well with many voters. Amid controversy in the state over the decision to kill some...

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

 Ryan Could Be 
 Face of GOP 
 for Decades 
charles krauthammer

Ryan Could Be Face of GOP for Decades

Charles Krauthammer sees good things for nation's 'conservative future'

(Newser) - Assuming Paul Ryan doesn't flop over the next three months, then, win or lose, "he could well become the face of Republicanism for a generation," declares a happy Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Ryan is the natural leader of a "new constitutional conservatism" in America,...

Dems Finally 'Giving as Good as They Get'

Dana Milbank: GOP cries foul as own tactics are used against it

(Newser) - Yes, this campaign has been an "ugly" one, as Republicans have carped about of late. But it's been this ugly before: Remember John Kerry's "Swift Boating" and Obama "palling around with terrorists?" The difference is that now "Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics...

Hey, Romney: Save Yourself. Pick Paul Ryan

Leading conservatives to Mitt: Ignore the establishment

(Newser) - Establishment Republicans shudder at the idea of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's runningmate: After all, as chair of the House Budget Committee, he has espoused controversial reforms to Medicare, and Beltway insiders fear choosing him would put the focus on those issues. In short, they believe "Ryan is...

Mystery Donor Gives Away $900K and Vanishes

James Williams did it all from his little apartment

(Newser) - How can a small apartment in Queens, New York, be the source of nearly $900,000 in political donations? This odd center for financial activity is the home of 64-year-old James Williams; not much is known about him except that he's reclusive, he walks with a cane, and he...

Coming From Massachusetts: Hill's First Gay Republican?

Richard Tisei thinks his sexuality could actually be an advantage

(Newser) - Richard Tisei is hoping to become Capitol Hill's first openly gay Republican this November—and he thinks his sexuality might actually help. Being gay is a "non-issue" in Tisei's left-leaning district, he tells the Hill ; indeed, he thinks being pro-gay-marriage and pro-choice will be marks in his...

Next Stop for California GOP: 3rd Place?

Independents could make up more of electorate in just 6 years

(Newser) - California's Republican Party has hit on hard times—even as the Democrats preside over a nearly 11% unemployment rate. Not one Republican holds statewide office, and the party is at risk of falling behind both Democrats and independents in the state's electoral makeup within six years. Right now,...

GOP Obama Punching Bag Hits the Ropes

Controversial 'joke' removed after complaints

(Newser) - An Indiana GOP branch has removed a President Obama punching bag following angry complaints. The stand-up bag featuring an image of the president with a black eye and wearing boxing gloves was placed outisde a tent at a county fair near Muncie, next to a sign advising: "Vote Republican....

Still Awaiting Ticket to GOP Convention: Sarah Palin

Romney needs to bring Palin 'in the tent,' say Tea Party conservatives

(Newser) - The Republican National Convention in Tampa is just over a month away, but Sarah Palin, the megawatt star of the last convention, says her invitation to appear must've gotten lost in the mail. The Mama Grizzly hasn't exactly been a roaring Romney supporter, beyond the "Anybody but...

Now Republicans Call for Romney Tax Returns

Business dealings amount to 'legitimate question': GOP rep

(Newser) - President Obama has some unlikely new allies in his effort to get Mitt Romney to release his tax returns. Members of Romney's own party, from Haley Barbour to Michael Steele, are calling on the candidate for financial disclosure. "His personal finances, the way he does things, his record,...

Michigan's GOP Governor Vetoes Voter ID Bills

Rick Snyder fears absentee voter 'confusion'

(Newser) - As controversy swirls over GOP voter identification efforts in several states, Michigan's governor has broken ranks with his party. Rick Snyder vetoed a pair of bills that would have called for proof of US citizenship to vote as well as a photo ID to obtain an absentee ballot. Though...

Obama Won, But Medicaid, the Poor Lost

One win for Obama doesn't mean health care battle over

(Newser) - President Obama says the political horse race surrounding yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act is much less important than the good the law will do . So, naturally, the New York Times goes right back to the horse race, with a look at seven consequences of the...

'Obama Library' at GOP Meeting: Bullet-Riddled Outhouse

Graffiti says 'for a good time, call Michelle'

(Newser) - What happened inside a Missoula, Montana, GOP convention this weekend—including a Newt Gingrich speech—was overshadowed by what turned up outside: an outhouse marked "Obama Presidential Library" and covered in painted-on bullet holes. The outhouse contained a fake Obama birth certificate that was stamped "bullsh**," as...

Jeb Bush: Reagan, Dad Wouldn't Make It in This GOP

But that's a 'temporary' problem

(Newser) - Today's Republicans wouldn't back a leader like Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush, says the latter's son. "Based on his record of finding accommodation, finding some degree of common ground," Reagan, as well as Poppy Bush, "would have a hard time if you define...

GOP Rep: At Heart, Obama's 'Not an American'

Mike Coffman already backpedaling after bringing up birther issue

(Newser) - Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado is already backpedaling furiously after being caught on tape bringing up President Obama's citizenship and questioning his patriotism. "I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that," Coffman said at a...

Grenell Exit Proves It: Romney's Spineless

Won't stand up to GOP power: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - In letting openly gay spokesman Richard Grenell depart without a fight, Mitt Romney is making his usual "calculus": As he sees it, "the risk of alienating powerful party figures or constituencies exceeds the benefit of repositioning himself, if not in the reasonable center, then closer to it,"...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>