Republican Party

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Conservative Think Tank: Mess Is the GOP's Fault

Newt Gingrich, Grover Norquist slammed for radicalizing Washington

(Newser) - Washington is more dysfunctional than it has been in 40 years, and while Democrats have deserved their share of the blame over the years, today "the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party," write Thomas E. Mann and Norman Ornstein in the Washington Post . What makes...

Huntsman Compares GOP to China
 In Slam, Huntsman 
 Compares GOP to China 

In Slam, Huntsman Compares GOP to China

He pans own party for hardline attitudes

(Newser) - Are Jon Huntsman's days as a Republican numbered? The former presidential candidate and ambassador to China slammed his own party in an interview yesterday, comparing it to Communist China, Politico reports. Huntsman said he was disappointed by the GOP's decision to disinvite him from a fundraiser last month...

Establishment GOP Has Defeated Tea Party

2 years after Tea Party peak, few inroads made into GOP

(Newser) - Regardless of who wins the presidential election in November, it is clear who lost—the Tea Party, reports Politico . The Republican Party, which just wrapped up its annual meeting of state chairmen yesterday, is still all establishment, with almost no Tea Party members on its 168-member governing committee. Tea Partiers...

Is GOP Warming Up to Gay Marriage?

Many Republicans now prefer to focus on other issues, says Politico

(Newser) - With public acceptance of same-sex couples on the rise, Republicans have quietly turned away from the once hot-button subject and toward economic issues, reports Politico . Not that the GOP is pro-gay marriage now—but it's not vehemently pushing to ban it anymore either, with some lawmakers discreetly removing calls...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

Gingrich: 'My Opponents Can’t Comprehend' My Ideas

Also calls political system 'stupid,' vows to continue

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is ignoring calls to get out of the Republican primaries , saying the media, his opponents, the GOP, and the whole political system just don't get him, reports MSNBC . “The thing I find most disheartening about this campaign is the difficulty of talking about positive ideas on...

Michael Steele: Brokered Convention Was 'My Goal'

Ex-GOP chair aimed for a more exciting primary season

(Newser) - As the GOP nomination process drags on, odds against Republicans seem to be increasing: Voter turnout has dropped, and independents are fleeing Mitt Romney. Turns out, however, that the lengthy contest is just what the former GOP head sought in the first place. "I wanted a brokered convention,"...

Primaries Are Hurting GOP
 Primaries Are Hurting GOP 
Poll Finds

Primaries Are Hurting GOP

Even among Republicans, many unhappy with nomination process

(Newser) - A new poll confirms what snarky headline writers have been saying for weeks now: The biggest winner of the long, nasty Republican primary season is President Obama. Four of 10 adults say that the GOP nomination process is hurting their general impression of the party, according to an NBC/Wall Street ...

Only Santorum 'Drubbing' Can Save GOP

Like Dems in 1980s, GOP has forgotten center: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - The Republicans need to nominate Rick Santorum, and not just because he would ensure President Obama's re-election. No, an even more important reason is that Santorum represents the most extreme wing of today's GOP, and only his nomination and "drubbing" will force the party to return to...

GOP Senator Olympia Snowe to Retire

Big setback for Republicans in Maine

(Newser) - Republican Olympia Snowe said today she will retire from the Senate rather than seek re-election, reports the Kennebec Journal . The Washington Post sees it as bad news for her party in the very blue state of Maine. Democrats will likely be favored to take the seat the moderate Snowe has...

Radicals Creating &#39;Ghastly Outdated Party&#39;
 Radicals Creating 
 'Ghastly Outdated Party' 
Maureen Dowd

Radicals Creating 'Ghastly Outdated Party'

Even Republican leaders turning against current 'losers'

(Newser) - With even top Republicans such as Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Alan Simpson turning on the current crop of GOP candidates, "their crazed Reagan fixation," and their antiquated views on sex, gays, and more, it's becoming clear the GOP has become the "Ghastly Outdated Party,"...

Why Lincoln Wouldn't Win the GOP's Nomination

Jackie Hogan gives 4 reasons today's GOP would write off Abe

(Newser) - Sure, the GOP calls itself the "Party of Lincoln," but would today's Republicans actually nominate him for president? Writing in the Christian Science Monitor , Jackie Hogan gives four reasons why they wouldn't:
  1. He was the first president to make income tax law—and it was a

Jittery GOP Eyes Daniels, Christie

But some call new candidacy a 'fairy-tale'

(Newser) - Republican insiders are increasingly worried that Mitt Romney will come up short with voters—so once again, they're looking toward Indiana and New Jersey for help. Mitch Daniels and Chris Christie are hearing renewed calls to enter the race, sources close to the governors tell Politico . For Daniels, "...

Hey, GOP: Bring Back Our 2nd Party

 Hey, GOP: 
 Bring Back 
 Our 2nd Party 
Thomas Friedman

Hey, GOP: Bring Back Our 2nd Party

GOP as useless as 7 vowels in Scrabble, needs new letters

(Newser) - Just like you get to throw in your tiles when Scrabble gives you seven useless vowels, so too do Republican voters keep picking again—and coming up with the same useless tiles, says Thomas Friedman in the New York Times . That's because the GOP is an out-of-date "captive...

Iowa GOP Chair Steps Down
 Iowa GOP Chair Steps Down 

Iowa GOP Chair Steps Down

Rick Santorum supporters have attacked him lately over caucus results

(Newser) - Iowa GOP chairman Matt Strawn will step down this week, he announced in a YouTube video today, citing "competing priorities" in his personal, business, and political lives. What he didn't mention was the intense criticism he's been under from Rick Santorum supporters, who accuse him of intentionally...

GOP Erasing District of Tea Party Star

Allen West tells Obama, Democrats 'get the hell out of United States'

(Newser) - Strong conservative , Tea Party favorite, and rising star Allen West could find his congressional seat gerrymandered Democrat—by none other than the Republican Party. West's "sacrifice" at the hands of his own party smells like the latest example of the establishment fighting back against the Tea Party,...

Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan

 Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan 
Peggy Noonan

Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan

Peggy Noonan says there's a 'wound' in the Republican party

(Newser) - Republicans are in the midst of "the most volatile and tumultuous presidential primary race of our lifetimes," and it's exposed an "age-old split between the grassroots and the perceived GOP establishment," writes Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal . "Actually, it's more a...

Divided GOP, Mixed Response to State of Union
 Divided GOP Split 
 on State of Union 

Divided GOP Split on State of Union

Establishment, Tea Party, libertarians all negative in different ways

(Newser) - With the Republican Party so divided, it's no surprise that its response to President Obama's State of the Union address would also be divided, notes the Washington Post . In addition to an official response by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and a Tea Party response by Herman Cain, Mitt...

Is Newt Gingrich the Next Barry Goldwater?
 Is Gingrich 
 the Next 


Is Gingrich the Next Goldwater?

If party elites can't stop Newt, it could be disastrous for GOP: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - If Newt Gingrich manages to defy party elites and score the nomination, it's pretty much "suicide" for Republicans: "Everything about Newt Gingrich screams 'general election disaster,'" writes Steve Kornacki in Salon , from his "personal and ethical baggage" to his "arrogance." Indeed,...

Issues, Schmissues: GOP Just Wants a Winner

Polls show policy is taking a back seat to beating Obama

(Newser) - The fight for the Republican nomination is unusually light on issues this time around, the Los Angeles Times finds. Polls show that Republican voters, by a 2-to-1 margin, care more about whether a candidate can defeat President Obama in a general election than whether his (or her) stand on major...

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