
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Death Camp Survivor Confronts Demjanjuk

Ukranian guards 'worse than Germans,' Thomas Blatt tells court

(Newser) - One of the very few survivors of Sobibor yesterday recounted death camp horrors at the Munich trial of alleged SS guard John Demjanjuk. Thomas Blatt, 82, told jurors how he saw his parents and 10-year-old brother sent to the gas chambers at the Polish camp, the Independent reports. Ukrainians like...

Dead Hitler, Eva Slumped on Sofa: Recording

SS officer, valet describe finding Nazi leader's corpse

(Newser) - German researchers have unearthed recorded testimony from the first people to find Adolf Hitler's body after he committed suicide. "When I entered to my left I saw Hitler on the sofa," said valet Heinz Linge. "Hitler had his head bent forward somewhat and I could see a...

Sign Theft Linked to Neo-Nazi Bomb Plot

Extremists planned to blow up Sweden's parliament building

(Newser) - The brazen theft of a concentration camp sign has been linked to a bizarre neo-Nazi plot to blow up Sweden's parliament. The wrought iron plaque reading "Arbeit Macht Frei"—work sets you free—was found hidden in woods in Poland days after it was stolen from Auschwitz. Now...

Mengele Victim Avoids Doctors for 65 Years

Had a kidney removed without anesthesia at Auschwitz

(Newser) - An Auschwitz survivor finally saw a doctor for the first time in 65 years after suffering a near-fatal heart attack. Upon recovery, the 85-year-old Israeli man explained why: As a young man imprisoned at the camp, notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele tied him to a table and removed his kidney...

Ex-Nazi: 'I Was Just Following Orders'

Boere says he had no choice but to kill Dutch civilians

(Newser) - A former Nazi hitman on trial in Germany confessed to killing three Dutch civilians but offered prosecutors a familiar excuse. "As a simple soldier, I learned to carry out orders," Heinrich Boere told the court. "And I knew that if I didn't carry out my orders I...

Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial
 Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial 

Fever Delays Demjanjuk Trial

Alleged Nazi war criminal too sick to go to court

(Newser) - The trial of John Demjanjuk on charges of accessory to the murder of 27,900 Jews as a Nazi death camp guard was called off for the day today after a doctor determined he was too ill to come to court. Presiding Judge Ralph Alt said the doctor examined Demjanjuk,...

Survivors Weep at Demjanjuk Trial

Names of Sobibor victims read aloud in court

(Newser) - Survivors of Nazi concentration camps and relatives of victims shed tears today at the trial of accused guard John Demjanjuk. The plaintiffs heard a partial list of the 27,900 victims of the Sobibor death camp, where the prosecution alleges Demjanjuk worked. The defendant, strapped to a stretcher, held firm...

Ex-Nazi, 90, Charged With 58 Murders

University student found him while researching paper

(Newser) - A 90-year-old former SS officer has been charged with 58 counts of murder for allegedly taking part in a massacre of Jewish forced laborers in Austria, German officials announced today. The man, identified in German media reports as Adolf Storms, had been living unnoticed in Duisburg until an Austrian university...

Hitler's Last Aide Dies
 Hitler's Last Aide Dies 

Hitler's Last Aide Dies

Fritz Darges still thought Fuhrer 'greatest man who ever lived'

(Newser) - The last surviving member of Adolf Hitler's inner circle died this week, at 96, and historians hope his soon-to-be released memoirs will silence once and for all claims from revisionists that Hitler wasn't aware of the Holocaust. Fritz Darges was present at most of Hitler's conferences until 1944, when he...

Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial
 Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial 

Nazi Hitman Goes on Trial

88-year-old who killed Dutch civilians faces German court

(Newser) - A Dutch Nazi collaborator who killed his countrymen in reprisals for anti-German actions has gone on trial in Germany. Heinrich Boere, 88, has admitted gunning down three civilians as part of a Waffen SS death squad. He fled to Germany after the war and dodged extradition attempts for years. Prosecutors...

Nazi Gnomes Invade German Town

Artist pokes fun at fascism with troll exhibit

(Newser) - Some 1,250 controversial German gnomes giving the heil Hitler salute will greet visitors to the center of the German town of Straubing beginning today. The artist behind the gnome blitzkrieg says the installation, Dance With the Devil, is designed "to get people to think, to react," and...

Manga Mein Kampf Sweeps Japan

Comic adaptation brings Hitler's manifesto to Japanese audience

(Newser) - A cartoon version of Hitler's Nazi manifesto and early autobiography has been a hit in Japan since its launch late last year. The manga-style Mein Kampf is the biggest seller in the publisher's "learn with manga" series of adaptations of historical classics and political tracts. It has sold 45,...

Pawlenty Rips Obama's Pre-9/11-Style 'Appeasement'

Blasts talks with Iran, N. Korea, says similar moves didn't stop Nazis, Soviets, terrorists

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a possible Republican presidential contender in 2012, tonight compared President Obama’s diplomatic moves on Iran, North Korea and the missile shield to pre-World War II and pre-9/11 “appeasement,” Politico reports. “The lessons of history are clear,” he told Christian conservatives. “...

Jewish Engineer Designed Beetle: Historian

Hitler ordered Porsche to replicated Josef Ganz's prototype

(Newser) - Adolf Hitler took the original design for the Volkswagen Beetle from the brainchild of a Jewish engineer, the Jerusalem Post reports. Historian Paul Schilperoord claims in his forthcoming book The True History of the Beetle that a prototype Josef Ganz designed in the late '20s had many of the Beetle’...

Poland Marks 70th Anniversary of WWII's Start

Leaders gather at Polish fort where Nazis launched blitzkreig

(Newser) - Polish leaders gathered at dawn today at the fort the Nazis attacked to begin World War II exactly 70 years ago, the BBC reports. A German battleship attacked Westerplatte on September 1, 1939, as German troops launched a blitzkreig attack on three fronts. The invasion triggered declarations of war from...

Frank Rumbles With Town Hall Wacko

(Newser) - Town hall crazies, you have met your match. Rep. Barney Frank had no time for a woman who asked why he supported Barack Obama's "Nazi" policies, calling it "vile, contemptible nonsense" and asking, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" When the questioner...

Town Hall Nazi-Talk Trivializes Holocaust

(Newser) - Comparing your nemesis to a Nazi has been a "staple of American T-shirt and bumper-sticker political culture," writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post, and such Nazi-talk has becoming a recurring element of the health care protests. "Anyone with a black felt pen and the ability to...

Killer Nazi, 90, Jailed for Life

(Newser) - A former commander in Adolf  Hitler's army has been sentenced to life imprisonment for a massacre in Italy he ordered 65 years ago, the BBC reports. In what is expected to be one of the very last Nazi trials, a Munich court found Joseph Scheungraber guilty of murder in the...

Reprint Mein Kampf, Urge German Jews

(Newser) - Hitler's autobiography-manifesto Mein Kampf has been strictly banned in Germany since the end of World War II, but a proposal to reprint it has the endorsement of the country's leading Jewish organization, among other groups, reports the Independent. "A historically critical edition needs to be prepared today to prevent...

Roseanne Poses as Hitler: Cue Controversy

Publisher defends magazine's choice

(Newser) - Roseanne Barr, always good for a controversy, recently dressed up as a “Nazi domestic goddess” for Jewish magazine Heeb, causing quite a flap. “Yes, the story of this infamous satirist/Jewish grandmother pulling a tray of burnt ‘Jew cookies’ out of an oven has been making its way...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>